r/SneerClub archives

I was perusing the awful places these losers hang out and I couldn’t help but notice they had taken the most awful right wing positions. However, I didn’t realize it was that bad until I hung out with my ex and he basically trotted out trad con talking points minus religion (plus evo psych). How is this even possible? 5 years ago these losers were Dawkins fans, but somehow they believe everything traditionalists say but with weird jargon. How has “Rationalism” lead to the conclusion we all hate? What the fuck happened? I used to be a nerd who liked this stuff. Was I always just naive?

“Rationalists” are first and foremost big on ‘rational self-interest’, emphasis on self-interest. 10 years ago they perceived the larger threat to their wealth and status came from the evangelical Right, today they see it coming from the left. Their beliefs are malleable.

This was actually the point I made. I don't want to be gender warrior, but they all said I was using my gender to get more favorable outcomes for me. They basically said people like me game the system to get the outcome I want. The funny thing is that I came from a red neck family and already make money. I'm actually advocating against myself. They can't understand a person who isn't selfish.

I’m convinced that this is what happens when you take on too many right-wing views. Fundamentally, there are certain worldviews that are self-reinforcing and if you accept most of one you’re probably going to eventually accept all of it. These people might have been fans of Dawkins but they were still sexist and Islamophobic. Ultimately those beliefs are going to manifest themselves in coming to the same conclusions regarding the appropriate social status of women and Arabs as their religious counterparts.

Dawkins was only ever against religious belief in God, not really against a lot of the conclusions of right-wing religion that we consider objectionable. It sounds like your ex demonstrates this perfectly. He’s still an atheist, he just uses evo-psych to justify the trad views instead of Christianity. Of course, Christian doctrine itself is often hostile to some trad ideas (just as contemporary psychology and biology are hostile towards race science) but that does not matter to them. They are only searching for an overarching justification for their particular views and do not care if it is consistent. Conservative Christians will tie themselves into knots trying to explain how Jesus’s teaching to love your neighbor and care for the poor means it’s still okay for them to hate immigrants and black people. And rationalists will scream about SJW conspiracies in academia to explain why race science has no mainstream support. Being reactionary is what these tendencies have in common, not really religion.

Edit: I’ll say I used to like Dawkins too and went through an edgy-teen-atheist phase, but I think I approached him from the opposite direction: I understood that mainstream religion often pushed a regressive social agenda so I was eager to find critiques and debunks of its tenets. But later, Dawkins and his ilk’s tendency to reproduce some of the same regressive attitudes drove me away from them (Learning that Christopher Hitchens supported the Iraq War was a turning point as well). Like your ex, I’m still an atheist. But instead of becoming a reactionary, I became a liberal, and then a Marxist. This process lines up with values I’ve held for a long time, going back to childhood. I’ve always thought racism, sexism, and inequality were wrong and I’ve looked for ever-more effective ways to explain their existence and fight their ascendancy. If you think that racism, sexism and inequality might actually be good (or–let’s be honest–good for you) you might go through a mirror image of my process, where you adopt more and more of a worldview that justifies such attitudes, eventually ending up at a place nearby to other reactionaries whether or not you share every perspective. And indeed, there are communalist strains of Christianity that are similar to my own secular socialist views and that quite oppose firebreathing evangelicalism.

> It sounds like your ex demonstrates this perfectly. He's still an atheist, he just uses evo-psych to justify the trad views instead of Christianity This is so true. The funniest part though is that he now reads Chesterton and thinks that Christian apologists got their views from pure reason (citation needed). I promise you though he has changed. The Scott article about Chesterton's Fence is his go to. I wouldn't have dated him if he thought this originally. I'm a Midwestern girl so my parents are pretty Christian and I hate what they believe. My mind is just blown that somehow he was radicalized by Scott and his comment section (I know it sound crazy but it's true). If I had to make something up to attack Scooter that was not true but salacious, this post would be it. But it turned out to be true. Don't even get me started on his obsession with Sam Harris and Charles Murray. It sucks watching a guy you care about red pill himself into being a borderline White Nationalist. Last part of my rant, he absolutely hates Sean Carroll (I sent him the pod posted on here 2 days ago). I tried to get him to listen to the thing posted on here and he was a huge dick. He said that he didn't understand Bayesian reasoning. I told him that was kind of funny considering Sean is one of the best physicists in the world and he is just a programmer, but his arrogance didn't allow it. End of rant: I'm never dating a STEM guy again.
> I'm never dating a STEM guy again. Solid plan. This whole thing is quite funny to me though I'm also sorry that you went through it. It must've been a mindfuck watching someone you love descend into hate and I want to acknowledge that as I crack up at how every detail you add confirms that this guy is a walking stereotype of exactly the person we mock here. That he's obsessed with Sam Harris and Charles Murray, that he's a techbro programmer who thinks he's smarter than a top physicist, that he's an apologist for conservative Christians while remaining an atheist... all we need is a story of how all of this is clearly because of his sexual insecurity (I'm 100% sure you have this anecdote) and we have the complete picture. It's just too perfect.
> He said that he didn't understand Bayesian reasoning. I told him that was kind of funny considering Sean is one of the best physicists in the world and he is just a programmer, but his arrogance didn't allow it. this is the template I think
> My mind is just blown that somehow he was radicalized by Scott and his comment section (I know it sound crazy but it's true). I don't think that sounds crazy at all. That's how online radicalization happens. Not to throw stones, but comment sections can convince [otherwise intelligent people](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/buhh5d/the_motte_doesnt_approve_of_female_characters_in/epcqovk/?context=2) to believe untrue things. Those things can build up to crazy beliefs. > I'm never dating a STEM guy again. We're not all bad! But I won't blame you for a "better safe than sorry" policy.
> I'm never dating a STEM guy again. damnit I was gonna hit on you over the internet but my plan is foiled!
Nothing wrong with STEM guys, many good Soviet mathematicians, for example. Think how many talented hunky engineers are working on the North Korean nuclear weapons program as we speak.
Sounds like a piece of work, but in regards to the last part I actually like Sean Carroll as a physicist and physics teacher but I absolutely can't stand listening to his podcast. There's a very elitist sheen on it that rubs me the wrong way.
>Dawkins was only ever against religious belief in God, not really against a lot of the conclusions of right-wing religion that we consider objectionable. I'm not sure that's true. If you were to make a list of the conclusions of right-wing religion then I'm fairly sure that Dawkins would have made a statement against quite a number of them. I think Dawkins suffers from a few problems. 1. He is very blunt on twitter and I think he when he writes something he doesn't intend for there to be any subtext. (hence the comparing "degrees of rape" comment) 2. Some of the people who've latched on to him are just arseholes. 3. He's an old white man and he doesn't realise when his legitimate criticism of religion (specifically Islam) spills over into racism. Same with some of his comments on feminism. And in particular I don't think he gets quite how people use almost the exact same phrase/argument as him, but as a dog whistle for racism/sexism. I'm still a big fan of his writing (on science, specifically) but I think he suffers from Fight Club syndrome, where the fans are a damn site worse than the film.
you do realize that the truth is also self reinforcing, sorta, and so are left wing beliefs
If right wing beliefs are self reinforcing, left wing beliefs are self reinforcing, and the truth is self reinforcing, then right and left wing beliefs must both be true! You're so insightful. If only there were some way to tell things apart.
unfortunately, as we just saw, that way isn't that they're self reinforcing.
Yes, I described myself going through the same process and ending up on the left.
so >if u believe right wing views >you believe right wing views o kay
Try "if you believe certain right-wing views, it makes other right-wing views more appealing."
The same is true of every other group of viewpoints that people hold together cuz they're similar. this is very obvious nad doesnt need 5 paragraphs
Great criticism, you've really grasped the substance of my post.
k but your entire sub was created by a post debating harry potter .... yiiiiiikes
Sir, this is a sneerclub.
sir, read another book.
You are so lost you don't even know you are lost.
NO U imagine getting mad at other people on the net
You have no idea what is going on (considering you don't know why we sneer about potter). And you are participating in /drama raids. You have no moral high ground. props for punching up. :D
no u
No you both
- likes fanfiction
To whoever reported this post: If you don't want arguments with dramanauts cluttering up sneerclub threads, then stop replying to them. You're causing the problem. Everyone involved in this has been banned.

I don’t think many of them became tradcons. That would mean changing there minds, and if there’s one thing rationalists won’t do, it’s that. Some of them started off as tradcons.

There are some terrible posters in the TheMotte/SSC/Scott Alexander sphere of rationalism, but I don’t think any of them have become more terrible. It’s just that there are no rules against being a mask-off fascist, so over time the only people posting there are mask-off fascists*, and for some reason Darwinn2500. TP0 hasn’t gotten any worse over time, he just keeps not being reprimanded for being a racist, sexist, transphobic asshole, and so he keeps doing that.

If you look at rationalism more broadly, I think most of them are still in holding patterns. AFAIK, Elizer Yudkowski is still a techbro with a messiah complex who posts bad, confusing, but ultimately not fascist takes on Twitter. /r/rational still posts about various web serials and likes fanfiction too much.

*: Incidentally, rationalists identified and named this phenomenon, but still failed to prevent it from happening. I think that pretty succinctly demonstrates the failings of the rationalist project and worldview.

> Incidentally, rationalists identified and named this phenomenon, but still failed to prevent it from happening. I think that pretty succinctly demonstrates the failings of the rationalist project and worldview. If Yud is serious about his goals, this has implications which should keep him up at night. If the rationalist community can't even keep out sexist pua, fascist skullmeasurers, and other bad people, how can you ever manage to convince people that they should implement safety measures in an AGI? If I were him (which im not), I would worry about being a big Cassandra while his own projects start an unfettered AGI. As an example just look at the roko's basislisk thing, where a member of a community who should worry about cognitohazards simply shares a cognitohazard. And there are so many far right LW inspired spinoffs already, if you can't manage your own community, how can you ever manage an AGI? E: I know this is all a sidenote to the 'did the rationalists go tradcon' point.
it's even better, 'cos Roko turns out to have been a sexist PUA fascist skullmeasurer too

I think a lot of them were always social reactionaries but were too bigbrained to believe sincerely in God. So they were always motivated to circle back to “trad” beliefs, as they had never sincerely abandoned them even during their nü atheist phases. Just a guess, and not meant to apply universally.

I apologize because I know the mods here know way more about philosophy than me, but I’m going to give my opinion. German idealism plus might makes right is what these people believe. We saw before how this ended. How can they honestly and unironically believe this? I recently read Guns of August and the author talked about how German Idealism lead to German aggression and nationalism. I understand that the Germans weren’t entirely at fault, but these white guys are now citing the same sources to justify their views. How am I a crazy person for pointing this out?

u/noactuallyitspoptart and u/CondescendingFaggot please explain to me why I am probably wrong. I'm not as smart as you guys when it comes to philosophy. Also, u/PolyamorousNephandus, you are my spirit animal. I wish I was brave enough to do what you do. I never was on Twitter until you posted the one post about how a LW loser talked shit to you because he didn't like your Tweet and sent you an aggressive message. That was the icing on the cake for me. Someday I will be brave enough to do what you do, but right now I'm too scared to take the abuse.
Whiwe Fascism and Stawinism wewe cewtainwy infwuenced by Gewman ideawism, de modewn phenomenon of "Intewnet skepticism" is guided by a diffewent fowm of "wationawism". Not epistemowogicaw wationawism as a bwanch of phiwosophy (as is de case wif Gewman ideawism) but wationawism in de common sense of de wowd. What's cwuciaw to note is dat dese peopwe awe dwiven by a desiwe fow intewwectuaw supewiowity, not intewwect itsewf. It is weawwy easy to countew cweationist awguments, which gave de community a fawse sense of intewwectuaw pwestige. When dey actuawwy twied wwestwing wif academic ideas, such as postmodewnism ow feminism, deiw wack of knowwedge suwfaced. dankfuwwy fow dem, de faw wight is extwemewy efficient at vawidating de feewings of unintewwigent men, making dem feew smawt even when dey awe demonstwabwy not. uwu tag me to uwuize comments uwu
lol what a great bot.
I prefer "patron saint" or "heraldic animal" but I appreciate that. It takes time.
I had no idea that there was another /u/CondescendingFaggot here with whom I disagree almost entirely, especially in their apparent habit of casually ascribing mental states to people without qualification, but who cares about that. The important point to note is that the "rationalists" as ridiculed here have fuck all to do with Kant and German Idealism, and besides which the whole *Guns of August* thing you're referencing is a tendentious thesis about *blah blah blah* who cares about this totalising shit. Get used to the idea that some people behave badly for reasons that don't have to do with a philosopher who died 300 years ago. The Nazis favourably referenced the German tradition of philosophy (no shit!) and disfavourably referenced the bits of the German tradition of philosophy they didn't like (even less shit!), and it's not like anybody doing it gave a fair shot at understanding either. Fuck me, if you read (actual Nazi) Heidegger's notebooks it's not clear how even he, the supposed absolute outcome of the German tradition in his own time (as he himself would have said) fits into the whole thing without significant finagling and elbow grease - and he at least had done the relevant reading. It seems to me to be enough to look at this and that and this other disparate and often mutually exclusive and almost always contingent influence and see how they work together in any one instance. But what do I know? I haven't even read more than a few pages of Hegel.
It's just...nobody thought themselves from one position into another. They just thought themselves into a particular position, and that's as fine on an epistemological level as anything else, they're just idiots. There was never anything very special about their original thoughts to begin with: they're just people and you have to understand them as people before you start thinking about anything to do with - of all fucking disciplines - *philosophy*

I think if you look back you’ll be surprised how conservative a lot of atheist/rationalist talking points were. I remember having arguments with Sam Harris fanboys back in 2012 and they were about the same as now.

At least three of the "Four Horsemen" were pretty conservative in various ways. Harris goes without saying. Hitchens self-identified as a "Burkean [traditionalist] conservative," as well as a social democrat. Dawkins is a classic last-century elitist, imperialist, colonialist, misogynist who is also anti-humanities.
>Hitchens self-identified as a "Burkean [traditionalist] conservative," Are you confusing him with his brother?
The reactionary stuff came before the atheism popularization -- just look at the science wars or the sociobiology wars. The communist fifth column had basically taken over for them the second the ink was dry on Lewontin's reviews of Sociobiology.
Have you read this one? https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/05/stephen-jay-gould-science-race-evolution-climate-change

I’m sorry for my rant. I just had to hang out in SF with some awful rationalists who said but ackshually about all my points. I’m also pretty pissed at myself for dating a guy that was that big of an asshole. I think I should become a lesbian.

don't be sorry! I enjoyed this thread

my friend just emailed me a copy of The Elephant in the Brain and told me to read it

Don’t know what to tell him

I read it when I was 19 and wanted people to read it. I'm part of the problem.
can you sum it up in a sneer so i don't have to read it are there any juicy bits
Biology is everything. The end.
so is it like a whole book of libertarian "she's capable of childbearing so it's ok to have sex with her" logic
Basically. These asshole "ironically" post on r/drama so they can be racist and sexist. Free speech and stuff. They say that stuff about women all the time. It's so funny how they won't actually come out in favor of what they believe. r/drama and r/the_donald...just grey tribe things.
I'm frankly insulted that you're associating our collective nihilistic autism with the dementia-ridden boomers on T_D.
While you're here, please attach a picture of your penis to your next comment. Thanks.
I wasn't aware that the tired Chapo meme of "post hog" spread here too.
Excuse me I can't find a picture of your penis attached to your post. Could you kindly edit your post so that the picture of your penis is featured. Thanks.
[Here](https://imgur.com/a/7VBiJVu) I suppose you'll ban me now.
or "genes determine smarts and the society we see"?
I'm a chad nerd so I deserve my money...that's the book. Plus high IQ.
> or "genes determine smarts And the separated twin studies that prove genes do impact intelligence more than environment does? 🤔
twin studies can't do anything to control for cohort effects such as mediatic role models lmao @ clinging on to that anecdotal shit https://www.madinamerica.com/2019/06/three-identical-strangers-nature-nurture-debate/ >Although rarely mentioned by journalists or textbook authors, MZA pairs, and identical triplets such as Shafran, Galland, and Kellman, share many non-familial environmental influences in common, and are subject to cohort effects. The cohort effect concept refers to similarities in age-matched people’s behavior, preferences, beliefs, physical condition, and other characteristics that are caused not by heredity, but by experiencing stages of life at the same time in the same historical period and cultural milieu. Twins (and triplets) are of course born at the same time, and therefore are similarly exposed to cohort influences at the same points of their lives. As behavioral geneticist Richard J. Rose pointed out in relation to the impact of cohort effects on MZA behavioral resemblance, “You’re comparing individuals who grew up in the same epoch, whether they’re related or not. If you asked strangers born on the same day about their political views, food preferences, athletic heroes, [and] clothing choices, you’d find lots of similarities. It has nothing to do with genetics.”3 maybe try again with your biological determinist bs in 3000 years
>cohort effects such as mediatic role models... ...affect non-twins just as much. Those effects are captured (in the simplest model) by correlations between random strangers growing up at the same time. In a better model it's a bit more complicated, but it doesn't require black magic.
show me, looking forward to seeing how this control is applied in twin experiments. should be straightforward enough to display a paper applying this, right?
Hrmmn, I wonder if there are any *groups* they could also study, that would *control* for those cohort effects, by sharing those characteristics and not sharing genetics. But no, study results you don't like must be fallacious 🤔 >maybe try again with Who? Me, or the researchers that have proven it already?
what's the state of the art methodology to control for Michael Jordan and Albert Einstein and Disney Princesses as role models?
I heard they just invented this nifty technique where you can *control* for the impact of those influences, by comparing your group of identical twins to another similarly impacted *group* without the variable you're testing for(in this case, identical DNA). I wonder what they should call these *controlling groups* that allow you to measure specific differences in complicated subjects.
please regale us, how do these *control groups* control for society-wide role models? where can I look up the proportions that Marty McFly influenced me versus Psylocke and Kobe, and then compare to my brother and sister and friends? seems p novel stuff cause to me it's kinda interesting how there's lots of cool women playing doctors and lawyers on TV and there's lots of women being doctors and lawyers IRL whereas nerds have always been portrayed by white and asian dweebs, which matches programming being full of neckbeards maybe media role models play a "nurture" role here that is not adequately captured by these *controls* in adoption studies? 🤔
Yes, someone of a different sex or race has different role models. That totally explains why people of the *same* race and sex have stronger intelligence measurement correlations to identical twins they've never seen, than they do to the parents that raised them, compared to fraternal twins of the *same* race and sex, yep yep. >look, these two black boys test more similarly with their separated twin than they do with their parents, even moreso than fraternal twins. It must be because girls like Mulan and white boys like einstein. 👍
Still looking for this showcase of the methodology by which this normalization is achieved. Excited to learn!
You have high expectations for someone that just figured out what a control group was.
I've got a masters in STEM, I'm just making fun of your racism with scientific characteristics
>I have a masters in STEM, but I couldn't figure out a control group would control for race and sex 👍 >also can we pretty please make this about race and not about the gaping holes in my social determinism beliefs 👎
lol this should be a post on /r/badeconomics
lmao that sub is a den packed full of the only thing worse than professional macroeconomists: people in STEM that wish they were professional macroeconomists
well you don't need to listen to all of them, just the econometrists. they have at least the basics figured out.

Anyone who describes themselves as an unapologetic Dawkins fan in 2019 (or even 2014) is probably irredeemable. Regardless of Dawkin’s personal qualities, membership of the “Dawkin’s fandom” is a red flag at this point, a marker for the worst kind of people.

An unapologetic naked swanfighter.

I speculated a while ago on whether it’s something inherent to Rationalism or peculiar to the overwhelmingly white male American techbro in which it took root, and I didn’t reach a firm conclusion. But it seems safe to say at the very least that Rationalism leaves overwhelmingly white male American techbros poorly equipped to think critically about the right-wing slogans that are designed to appeal to their particular set of unconscious biases, and the proclivity to dress up every simple idea with weird shibboleths and spurn the outgroup that talks and thinks like normal humans creates a vicious circle that can lead them off any given deep end. You do see the same “hey this group is finally big enough to have women/POC/LGBT members” to “oh no they have opinions” to “MAN THE BARRICADES” to alt-right to tradcon pipeline in a variety of other overwhelmingly white male American techbro domains.

alternatively: they thought their magic mumbo-jumbo was so powerful they could defeat trolls in Civil Debate, but they lost the arguments and therefore joined the trolls

Just remember how willing Dawkinsites were to hop onto misogyny.

Personally I think it’s because rationalism naturally supports strict hierarchies and exercise of power by them. Tech daddies good. Technocracy good. Obnective rules and structures good. Weird mystery cults centered around idolized leaders are good. The smarties should be at the top telling everyone what to do for their own good. Some people are just better than others due to objective biological reasons and there’s nothing to be done about it other than make them better.

Once you’re primed to think like that it doesn’t matter how small l liberal your ideals are, you’ll ultimately drift right sign because that’s where the support for top down objective hierarchies really lies, and the left is where people want to break down power structures and create a more practically equal society. I mean, outside of tankies. But they like capitalism too much for that.

I mean, shit, why do you think they like fantasy dark lords so much?

fwiw, when i went looking, the first person I could find using “red pill” in its present sense of “right-wing enlightenment” was Moldbug, so

> "right-wing enlightenment" enrightenment
Based, and dark-enlightenment-pilled.
So whatever Nick Land used to take?
So, everything?

Honestly, I much prefer the tradcons to the rationalists. I think the tradcons are, at best, more honest and self-aware about their beliefs, and more willing to compromise their own beliefs to better serve the society around them. At worst, they are acting out of panic and fear.

Rationalism, with its emphasis on re-examining, re-explaining, and ultimately re-defining the entire universe in its own language is far more about conquest and control, and operates from a sense of entitlement and power. (At least, this has been my experience. YMMV.)

Not sure how to say this without sounding like a militant atheist, but: how do you explain the billions of people on earth who do exactly what you say they don't do--belong to an Actual Religion but choose only to obey the rules in its scripture that suit them?


Just grey tribe things.
Aha, this is where all the weird comments came from. /drama can't resist touching the poop.
spill in aisle 88

Honestly I think for 90% of them the main appeal is in the self-importance and edginess kick they get from holding “controversial” beliefs. In the 1970s, when the far left had the countercultural initiative, they probably would have been devout Marxists; now that the far right has the counterculture/edginess factor, that’s what they cheer for.

Also pretty much any community devoted to deep (or deep-sounding) political discussion online tends towards wack ideologies – be they reactionary, libertarian or, in the case of /r/SneerClub, communist. As Scott himself notes:

the world generally isn’t libertarian enough but the sorts of people who read long online political essays generally are way more libertarian than can possibly be healthy.

Marxism is correct so I doubt the Rationalists would have committed to that. Well... maybe Trotskyism.
You really thing rationalists would do that? Just go out and publish their takes in lengthy newspapers?
I'll stick to "bourgeois democracy" or whatever the sneer of choice is nowadays, but to each their own.
So you're sticking to something that is incorrect? Seems 'wack' and edgy for the sake of being edgy.
I'll take pride in my wrongness, then. Democracy is supposed to be messy and weird and let a thousand flowers bloom. Screw any ideology that claims to be consistent, objective, or correct.
The Marxist argument is that a true Democracy cannot exist under capitalism.
And *my* argument is that you're not going to get rid of capitalism unless you impose a police state that does more harm than good. I think a muddy compromise between socialism and the market, à la Sweden or Denmark, is as good as it gets.
What is a "police state"? I assume that the police will still exist in a transitional socialist system, yes. I'm not one of those leftists that think all crime will disappear overnight. >I think a muddy compromise between socialism and the market I don't think you've really *engaged* with Marxist thought if this is your opinion. The capitalist market needs to expand (M-C-M') and therefore there will always be instability and the 'muddy compromise' will be overhauled as soon as that profit margin falls enough.
Okay "police state" is a bit of a sloppy term, but my point was that you can't enforce "no capitalism!" without draconian levels of government intervention into private life -- in fact the concept of private life would probably have to be abolished entirely. Two reasons why I think this: * Black markets. In any centrally planned economy (whether socialist or just wartime rationing), there's lots of informal and illegal trade going on. Hell, even in already capitalist societies, you see a lot of informal trade between neighbours and friends. And yeah, some people are going to be good at that, and they're going to get rich. But are you going to crack down on anyone selling their old car to their buddy from down the street? Better get a lot of nightsticks. * Inheritance. Inequality of opportunity in capitalist societies is caused to a massive degree by parents passing stuff on to their children: wealth, but also connections, cultural capital, etc.. The problem is, the urge to pass things on to your offspring is very primal and will creep through loopholes in almost any system you throw at it (see: privileged parents hiring expensive tutors to help their kids do better on supposedly-equalising standardised tests). Are you going to crack down on any family giving Grandma's priceless gold necklace to their daughter? Better get a lot of nightsticks. Okay these example scenarios are a bit simple but the point is, you can't completely abolish capitalism without suppressing certain basic human urges, which requires near-total government control, which does not tend to end well for anyone. > I don't think you've really engaged with Marxist thought if this is your opinion. The capitalist market needs to expand (M-C-M') and therefore there will always be instability and the 'muddy compromise' will be overhauled as soon as that profit margin falls enough. Seventy years and still going strong... I haven't really engaged with Marxist thought because I'm more interested in what works in practice than what should be impossible in theory. And on that score, the "muddy compromise" countries -- let's say Northern and Western Europe -- have a stellar track record. Look up the happiest countries, the freest countries, the countries with the lowest level of inequality... you're not going to find any place that tried socialism recently at the top of those lists. Which capitalist democracy has ever had to put up walls to keep people in? Hell, we're putting up walls to keep people out! If the theories are right and the "muddy compromise" breaks down into some ultracapitalist nightmare 20 or 30 years from now, all I can say is, we had a good run. A better and longer run than anyone trying anything else. (Of course, a lot of that prosperity depends on external factors, like the -- much more capitalist -- USA guaranteeing our security, and since the '80s, outsourcing of the dirty work to poorer countries. I'm not claiming we can turn the *world* into Denmark; maybe capitalism is always going to grind some people beneath its boots in some corner of the world. I'm just saying, *locally* it seems the best model by far.)
Oh dear. I can tell you haven't read much Marx. This ties into the problem with /r/slatestarcodex posters that you yourself spotted: >writing thinkpieces without doing the basic reading of the relevant field first So here's the basic problem of the two examples you gave. Neither are examples of capitalism. Markets pre-date capitalism, as does the concept of inheritance. You should refer to some basic writings of communist theory to begin to understand this issue. Let's consult Engels on what defines the bourgeoisie: >[(i) The class of big capitalists, who, in all civilized countries, are already in almost exclusive possession of all the means of subsistance and of the instruments (machines, factories) and materials necessary for the production of the means of subsistence. This is the bourgeois class, or the bourgeoisie.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm) You'll notice it doesn't make reference to selling your car to your neighbour, neither does it make reference to leaving a nice necklace to your next of kin. Capitalism, properly understood, is a series of property relations (bourgeoisie and proletariat) that makes extraction of surplus value and the M-C-M' circuit possible. But for the sake of discussion, let's look more closely at your two examples. >Black markets. In any centrally planned economy (whether socialist or just wartime rationing), there's lots of informal and illegal trade going on. Hell, even in already capitalist societies, you see a lot of informal trade between neighbours and friends. And yeah, some people are going to be good at that, and they're going to get rich. But are you going to crack down on anyone selling their old car to their buddy from down the street? Better get a lot of nightsticks. In a more fully developed communist economy I doubt we will have the same reliance on private vehicles, so there would be no reason to "sell" your car to your neighbour. Instead there will be public transport infrastructure. Even if there was a black market (what are you buying things with?) I don't see any reason why we would need more nightsticks than any other police activity. There's no reason why this couldn't be a very light punishment, if you wanted to punish such a weird activity at all. No extraction of surplus value has occurred, so I can't see why harsh punishment would have to take place. >Inheritance. Inequality of opportunity in capitalist societies is caused to a massive degree by parents passing stuff on to their children: wealth, but also connections, cultural capital, etc.. The problem is, the urge to pass things on to your offspring is very primal and will creep through loopholes in almost any system you throw at it (see: privileged parents hiring expensive tutors to help their kids do better on supposedly-equalising standardised tests). Are you going to crack down on any family giving Grandma's priceless gold necklace to their daughter? Better get a lot of nightsticks. Arguments that rely on "isn't that just human nature!?" always strike me as very hollow. It's kind of like an advocate of slavery arguing "What if these newly freed slaves just *naturally* want to serve me!? What then, smart guy?" It's like - ok... probably not going to happen. I don't see why passing things on to the next generation would even be a problem considering that the concentration of capital has been eliminated. Again, no surplus value has been extracted from gifting an object to a person. But even further, I don't think there will be any "priceless gold necklaces" produced in communism. These commodities are just conspicuous consumption, they wouldn't really serve any purpose in a classless society. >I haven't really engaged with Marxist thought because I'm more interested in what works in practice than what should be impossible in theory. I can tell you haven't engaged. I don't know what "impossible in theory" is even supposed to mean. There's multiple socialist countries which still exist, e.g. North Korea and Cuba. I wish them luck on their path to communism. >Of course, a lot of that prosperity depends on external factors, like the -- much more capitalist -- USA guaranteeing our security, and since the '80s, outsourcing of the dirty work to poorer countries. I'm not claiming we can turn the world into Denmark; maybe capitalism is always going to grind some people beneath its boots in some corner of the world. I'm just saying, locally it seems the best model by far. Yes, your prosperity depends on bombing other countries, taking their resources - in a word - imperialism. Marxists have long written about this, I would suggest Lenin's ["Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism"](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/) or perhaps Zak Cope's "Divided World, Divided Class" for an updated take.
bourgeois democracy is a sneer from 100 years ago dude
Neoliberal then? Is that still the sneer for insufficiently pure economic leftists?
tbh i don't really understand why neoliberal came to be derogatory when it's a perfectly neutral term like... i guess because only socialists are willing to actually say it and we're also the camp that opposes it, but the way certain people take offense to it is like if bibi was pissed that palestinians call him a zionist. i think bourgeois democracy is a great sneer, but it's lenin's! people don't appreciate how funny and incisive he was. socialists like scolding each other like "read theory!" without mentioning that *state and revolution* reads like the scholarly equivalent of a forum flame war. lenin said "*left-wing communism, an infantile disorder*" so we could say "this guy has brain worms"!!
Huh? What do you think 'neoliberal' refers to? It isn't leftism. And what does 'insufficiently pure' mean in this context?
As far as I understand, "neoliberal" originally referred to the ideology of Friedman & the Chicago Boys, who gave classical liberalism a new lease on life by infusing it with near-religious belief in salvation through pure undistorted markets. It was bullshit, of course, but it suited the ruling elites in certain countries a little too well, also social democratic policies didn't seem to be working too well anymore so whatever, why not. During the 2008-2012 crisis it was the go-to insult for any vaguely leftist thinkpiece writer. It quickly became such a whiny cliché that it stopped referring to anything meaningful. Like, you'd have 384 thinkpieces on how the *neoliberal!!1!11!!* system ruined everything and made us less human and blah, but they'd offer so little in the way of concrete policy suggestions that you could just swap out a few words and get a thinkpiece from some conservative old grouch about how *smartphones!!1!!111!!!* ruined everything and made us less human. Today, the word is rarely used anymore. When I see it used it's usually by far-left writers, and more often than not it's in the context of *"neoliberal parties like [Social Democrats/Labour in country of choice]"* -- trying to insult the centre-left by suggesting they've "gone over" to the (economic) right. Which tbh many of them did in the '90s but it feels kind of futile and self-gratifying to keep poking at that sore spot forever. Hence why I brought up "neoliberal" as a slur that the far left uses against the moderate (i.e. "insufficiently pure") left. That clear a few things up?
But there's nothing "insufficiently pure" about the "moderate" left. They're just straight-up wrong. I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to when you mean "vaguely leftist thinkpiece writer". You'll have to give me an example. There's nothing inherently wrong about using the term 'neoliberal' when the argument usually follows the following format; 1. Neoliberal originally referred to Friedman and the Chicago boys. 2. Their kind of thinking spread to some unusual places, and we should think about how much their assumptions have influenced the 'centre-left' as you call them. Now you can agree or disagree with that logic (I personally disagree with it and think that socdem moderates were *always* toadies for capital), but it certainly isn't a "slur". >That clear a few things up? Since you used zero sources and this seems to be an extended rant, no, it doesn't really clear anything up.
The leftist thinkpiece writers... I'm coming from a European and particularly Dutch context; the writers I have in mind mostly wrote for the blog *Sargasso* or the newspaper *de Volkskrant*. Thomas von der Dunk was a standard-bearer. But really, just search the *Volkskrant* archives for the word *"neoliberaal"* and you'll turn up plenty. I don't know if any of it has been translated into English, but IIRC the Guardian and the New Statesman were publishing similar tripe at the time (and probably are to this day). As for clearing things up, well, you asked me *what I meant* by certain terms in my previous comment, so I explained it. Whether it's sourced or proven correct is another matter entirely, and you're free to disagree with my understanding of the terms. I hope I cleared up what I meant, though, which was your question.
But what you mean seems to be that you were insulted by the insinuation that nominally 'left' parties could be influenced by right-wing ideology. There's nothing inherently wrong with that argument, so you would have to make a better case than you have here. Just calling it "tripe" doesn't make it so.


That's the first step towards following him, and godspeed on your journey.

It’s been proven in IQ testing that non-whites are smarter than whites. This is why they keep hiding this information. After all PoC are extremely smart, much smarter than whites. Every single IQ metric proves it. The only reason people like whites is because they’re better looking, that’s all, everyone knows PoC are the true leaders and intellectuals. PoC are more artistic, more creative, more spiritual, just all around better human beings. Only thing whites have going for them is that they are so much more attractive.

Always remember that whites are the evolutionary losers, very low IQ, very low energy, low effort humans, not artistic, not creative. Only reason people like whites is because white people are like 100x more attractive and beautiful than PoC, that’s all. It’s completely superficial.

Tell me more about this Yakub....
wow... wig
PoC > Whites.
PoC > Whites.
Whatever you want to call whites the truth is unchanged: they are sub-humans.
They are not. Let not start dehumanizing people just to score points. We're all in this together for better or worse.
Are you one of those nazis that prefers whtie people over PoC? Yes, we know whites are inherently more attractive and beautiful looking than PoC and minorities... but it has been scientifically proven that PoC and minorities are more intelligent, have higher cognitive IQ, are more creative, more musical, more expressive, more artistic, are all-around just better human beings than whites are, and PoC/minorities also treat the planet better. Whites pollute more, and they smell more. I recommend you do some reading and get the hate out of your heart.
Trust me, I am the furthest you can get from being a Nazi. Hell I'm a suicidal PoS but lets be clear. Intelligence has nothing to do with biology. If you can cite me a meta-analysis of shows this then maybe I'll consider but from an idealist ontology, I see no reason to see any intelligable to biologically functioning human beings. Even so if what you said was even true I would still reject it on grounds that the idea of ( White, Black, Asian ) are just lines in the sand. They are categorical in sense that they are useful metric for classifying people. They aren't "real" sense in the idea that it grounded into something necessary, like nature. Instead it contingent on history, experience, things that are malleable and doesn't care about the color of one skin. In fact the cultural definition of race doesn't rely on the color of the skin. Instead we're human. We all are regardless what we look like and to see that white people are subhuman is demonstrably false as it just fallacious. I might be naive on the subject matter but I currently believe we can all learn to be better people. Hell I'm trying but hopefully you will understand too. Have a wonderful day.
We're all human... except white ppl.
I strongly disagree but hopefully one day you kinda see that race/nation and the other stuff we find "real" now is smokes and mirrors.
Yo why are you feeding the troll
As you can tell I stopped.
Sorry, I am an SJW for life. I am 100% woke, so that's how I know whites are sub-human. I will never be un-woke!