r/SneerClub archives
In which forced organ harvesting is good, actually, and human rights don't real (https://i.redd.it/on7l1d4h0o931.png)


I feel like that was anon's intent, but Severa parsed it as the latter, with their talk of bodily autonomy, human rights and such.

Markets would be better

Let the free market harvest organs! What could possibly go wrong?!

Nothing. The wonders of the invisible hand ensure that all market transactions are mutually beneficial by definition.

Why, yes, I did ask them if that also applied to abortion.

What was the response?
None so far, but my asks often get eaten.

Unsurprising. Rationalists don’t like it when black people have any rights at all or when women have the right to say no to sex; bodily autonomy is key to that.

More generally, if you think there’s a single “rational” answer to every moral question, and the only important issue is whether something is “rational” or not, then it’s easier to say commandeering people’s bodies is okay. If they don’t want to give it then they’re wrong and you have no duty to respect their right to follow a different view. “Rationalism” is a form of authoritarianism in that way.

people don’t have a right to their own bodies in opposition to the greater good

It is every citizen’s final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.

Real Yang hours


god truly is dead

I’d be cool with the state harvesting people’s organs after you die tbh

this seems like a narrow enough rule that slippery slopes are unlikely

I’m not actually sure how well this policy would work in practice

“I don’t know enough to know if it’s good, so I’ll just assert it’s not that bad”