r/SneerClub archives
/u/MarxBroFanGirl was a psyop. How many of you are double agents? Show yourselves. (https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/cb825n/retard_makes_an_alt_to_complain_about_himself/)

this is way too online even for me

it's 25/8 online
This is like... ADVANCED online-ness
If you managed to read through the first sentence and didn't automatically close the tab you have problems.

I admit it. I am actually Scott Alexander with a wig

Also this is weird as hell dont do this

there's so much bizarre drama on this forum despite there being like 30 active posters
Hey Rholles. Probably the only double agent in the situation is you, the only one with a life sad enough to browse r/Drama by new long enough notice it, especially possible considering that you are one of the actual rationalist that lurk this sub to plot at his fellow rationalists. CJ/Fangirl had a quite huge knowledge about the insides of the rationalist community and a style quite similar to yours. So quit the attention whoring already
Haha nice catch. I knew I fucked up on that one link I made on the wrong account.


I it is a sort of thing going 'hahah, we wasted your time by wasting our time!' and 'lol you get emotional over things!' Sort of southpark nihilism, it is very sad.
yeah south park mindset is exactly it
I get that, but at least if I'm stoned I can still laugh at South Park occasionally
> around about turning 20 five to six years ago Huh, so we're the same age. Wouldn't have expected that.
I get that a lot, which is often both flattering and concerning
You do have the "seen it aaaaaall before" tone down pretty convincingly. It's a valuable skill.
I'm a naturally curious person with a depression problem and a downbeat aesthetic, so I guess I get around a lot of shitholes
Well you did mention being from Scotland...
yeah the downbeat obsessive savant/Chad C. Mulligan thing does come more from that side of the family than the other I will admit
I was mostly referring to the shithole thing, but this works too
As we all know from our Raymond Carver, shitholes breed good cynical assholes
also when i was young i gravitated towards hanging out with older people getting stoned after hours in record shops when i should have been having bad sex on the local common, which leaves a trace
> when i was young You *are* young, whippersnapper.
it's lifestyle relative
I just assume everyone I meet on the internet is 12 years old until I learn otherwise.
according to their post, their motivation was to see if they could [act as gay as we do,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/cb825n/retard_makes_an_alt_to_complain_about_himself/ethbazt/) which I understand. The thing I least understand about this sort of attitude is the glee at which they say slurs, like they never graduated from saying the word "fuck" in public and laughing. Now that nobody cares about that, they just have to push it forward. While I'm not noted for my sense of humor, it just seems painfully unfunny.
Jokes on them, you need serious dedication to act this gay. Fucking scrubs never even sucked dick but still think they can play in the big leagues, smh
Smh, it's like they don't wake up in the morning with a sense of fulfillment from sharing a deep emotional and physical bond with another man
Thanks for your service. You are braver than the troops are.
> everyone has had their brains melted by the Spectacle Not me.

Banned. Banned. Banned. None of you are free of basilisks

the posting equivalent of scouring the shag carpet for just enough meth to get you by until your hookup responds to their phone

People have way too much time on their hands, goddamn.

Pretty amazing to put together this kind of... Sting? Too much time and too much James O'Keefe on the brain. Congrats to them for catching people... Disagreeing about stuff?

man i discovered this sub from trying to see what subs an obscure link i had had been posted at, seemed like the most niche thing ever

neat that apparently it’s the target of such absurdly obsessive behaviour from chudlets!

Yes, it is absurdly obsessive indeed. You see this kind of behaviour in r/buttcoin too. It is quite innactive and the main posters are either carefree or careless, however, you will always see contrarians annoyed that the sub even fucking exist to start with, so they bombar the sub (as they do with this one) with super elaborated shitposts and "troll" plans without realising what a bunch of cringe-inducing tryhards they are. Like the rationalists that lurk here, they are funny at first, then they can be extremely annoying, because I don't browse r/sneerclub nor do I browse r/buttcoin for cringey stuff, I browse to find funny stuff. I don't really understand whats going inside the minds of these people, they are not going to reclute us for their cause, in fact, they fuel those forums, increasing the traffic to those subs.


Practically nobody give a damb about the r/drama "psyop", and yet somehow they think that this is a mastertroll act. Jesus Fucking Christ, these kids need to get off the internet.
who the fuck are you?
"redditor for 27 days" It is the new Marxbrofangirl! E: im only joking of course, before we get to a circular 'ow god, we are all one person posting here with multiple personality disorder' realization.
You really don't know how to [act](https://www.reddit.com/r/sneerclub/comments/c9ecps/_/et685cg) when anyone you don't recognize comes poking around your little treehouse fort, do you?
your alternative proposal, please?
Stop doing that
I'm out of proposals for how you can look less like someone who takes an insignificant subreddit much too seriously, then. Thanks for asking, though!
Which subreddit?
Any subreddit to do with rationalism and LW, really; but I'd assumed it was clear from context that I meant this one.
LessWrong. She goes to a different school, you guys don't know her.
I don't get it or you.
You don't say.

That’s ok, the rest of my fans are real.

Marxbro the real leader in making sockpuppet accounts.
All my other accounts say the same opinions, I'm not trying to do some weird performance, I'm just trying to get around the extremely biased political censorship of various Rationalist blogs.
I know. It also now has become sort of a joke that you have so many accounts. It was a false equivalence, you are not hiding that you have different accounts, nor using it to set up people using socks.
The Stakhanov of sockpuppeting! It is his heroic example that inspired this movement to exceed the quota of drama. Planuebererfuellung FTW!


This is like those insecure teens cyber bullying themselves on instagram except its even more sad.

he starts to comment in r/sneerclub, a communist sub

Stopped reading there, since fall of the Eastern Block and Demand Side Economics politics have went so right wing that anything to the left of Ronald Reagan is apparently communist now.

>marxist-leninists what
I guess naekhx has discovered that the world consists of two kinds of people: 1) alt-right HBD transhumanist libertarians 2) tankies You and I may suffer from the sad delusion that other categories exist, but apparently we are wrong.
immortal scientists who don't need rationalism's life extension promises

This is just mental masturbation with extra steps!

The real sneers were the friends we made along the way.

Joke’s on you and them. I’m a quintuple agent!




I’m pretty open about my double-agent-ness

this isn’t really a double-agent kinda thing, but in the interest of full disclosure i should mention that i’m tumblr user sophia leviathan-supersystem.


although i feel like a lot of people probably already picked up on that, like i wasn’t making any serious effort to hide it that i can think of.

nice seeing you as well! who are you tho?
oh hey i remember you! i didn't realize you were ex-LW, or maybe i had forgotten
Now that you mention it, I do remember some rationalists on Tumblr going great lengths about how you're a horrible person. Why they never seem to do that with the inumerous tradcaths they are openly friendly with, remains a mystery
> I do remember some rationalists on Tumblr going great lengths about how you're a horrible person. yeah they'll do that

Hi. How did you find this like two weeks after?

Was trying to find an old post on /r/Drama about the Culture War thread
Ah. Happy that I could help.