r/SneerClub archives
Neoreactionary Dork "Economist" thinks he'll shine above the rest of "degenerate" humanity in a hypothetical gay space communist future, and presumably won't be grinded into paste in whatever barbaric alternative he'd prefer (https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkEnlightenment/comments/cet3t9/will_humans_have_value_in_an_ai_world_nonot_really/)

Useless eaters


those who are too low-IQ to adapt will still be able to eek out an existence

Kind of petty but it gave me a good laugh.

Haha oh my god what a maniac:

While you can say there’s a chance an artist today or in the future might make something of genuine artistic and economic value, the same cannot be said of “The Masturbaters.” I call them the “Masturbaters” because they merely go through the motions of production without actually producing anything of value. Like many of the aforementioned classes, proto-cousins of these future “Masturbaters” exist today in what are largely make-work, welfare jobs programs.

Teachers Counselors Psychologists Social workers Professors Museum directors Site interpreters National park rangers Non-profit directors HR CSR Librarians Outreach directors Assistant Reserve Vice Adjunct Provost Diversity Director “Diversity and Inclusion” officers etc.

We all know (themselves included) that NONE OF THEM are working a real jobs producing real or in demand things. Their employment is either political or truly a welfare program to create make-work for low-skilled, low-IQ, and/or high-laziness people that want to avoid math, STEM, science, or real disciplines that would require real work. And whereas mere welfare-bums are simply parasitic, taking their government money and running, today’s “proto-masturbaters” are worse than that in that they not only need the money, but need their egos strokes as well. Ergo, the world bends over backwards to create entire industries of make-work jobs so they can all play “The Land of Make Believe,” imagine they’re “real working adults,” when in reality they are simply egotistical parasites.

I've never seen a self-described intellectual who manages to merge STEM superiority with a capitalist form of Pol Pot's ideology.
You can just say Looters and Moochers, Rand got there before you
I like how he felt he needed to explicitly explain what his new term "The Masturbaters" meant, just in case it wasn't clear from the context around "Masturbaters". After all, he's not a "Masturbater"; you can tell by the quality of his writing, which is genuinely artistic, unlike that of "Maturbaters", who don't make artistic or useful things.
you can definitely tell by all the detailed cartoon drawings of big-breasted women on his site that he's definitely not a masturbater. not at all. /s
"Get a STEM degree, fucking parasites!" I shout at the front desk of the American Museum of Natural History.
You still think online tirades about STEM have anything to do with degrees in the fields of science, engineering, or mathematics? Oh you sweet summer child. Remember: teachers are "masturbaters" who do not produce anything real. The entire notion of education is disregarded as worthless in this "STEM" vision of the world.
tbh, not everyone can have a high enough IQ to be able to deduce all knowledge from a set of *a priori* right-libertarian principles. *drags face across carpet*
As they say, those who can't STEM, teach.
> to avoid math, STEM, science, or
TIL the professors in the math department became professors to avoid math. Checks out.
STEM stands for STEM, Tech, Engineering, and Masturbation
I understand where the dumb-assed objection to a few of these is coming from, but what's wrong with park rangers?!?
My guess is that stopping people from dying in national parks is just interfering with healthy social darwinism.

AI will outpace humans without a doubt in terms of almost all value-generating tasks. Not just low-skilled shit. Everything. Eventually there won’t even be programmers.

can you imagine

And important part of programming is not making things more complex than needed. I say we skip the AI step, and just stop having programmers. Turn: while(user.hasJob(programmer) && !exists(acausalrobotgod)) user.code(acausalrobotgod) into: if(user.hasJob(programmer)) removeJob(user, programmer) Easier, less, processing required, and frees up resources. Edit: hire me openAI, I can optimize all your earnings! Using simple code!
With just a few keystrokes I could reduce their total lines of code all the way to zero.
>*even* programmers

btw: That cap capitalism person is some sort of third rate ‘lifestyle’ pua guy. He is a huge sadperson, who thinks he is cursed with high IQ. (But not so high IQ to realize wearing a fedora is a bad idea).