posted on August 05, 2019 10:23 PM by
u/chopsaver34 pointsat 1565047853.000000
If I say that there is a cup on the table or that a skull has a
cranial capacity of 1450 cubic centimeters, this is a statement of
objective fact about the real world.
Well, they’ve already learned to update their priors
A Thinkonaut has brought it to my attention that Mr. Dawkins is in
fact alive and kicking. My apologies both to the man himself and to
anyone who might have been misled by my language there
Welcome back. Only 1 post. Hitting the hbd notes, and reviewing an old book like it is something revolutionary. And only linked from snclubbers yeah this looks like a poe.
transcendental idealism a.k.a. FBI crime statistics
A priori does not mean what they think it means.
Well, they’ve already learned to update their priors
AM/PM, Pyramid, Roxy, Mudd Club, Thinketeria
The newest club is opening up (repeat x3)
Is that a Poe?!
Where did you find this?
You sure it’s not a joke?
This is an obvious and excellent parody piece.
racial IQ differences clearly just work, bitches