r/SneerClub archives


Roko Mijic has officially blocked me on Twitter, which means that Roko’s Basilisk is now my spiritual property. Moo hoo har har.

You may now make requests of the Basilisk.

If you simulate a few copies of me I’ll simulate a few copies of you.

burn the earth pls

a) the earth is burning already b) there are a lot of people i like here, and a lot of people doing good things, even as a fascist wave sweeps the western hemisphere c) that's where all my stuff is
not true you live in america famously not a part of the world
but my Basilisk is everywhere
this sounds like a rationalist pick-up line
Thanks for makin' it weird, Pops
it is basically my job
literally Rationalists Georg
i know factually i should absolutely not be counted
going to a jam night until 4am tonight one of my exes might be at it and i still hold a candle there will update from the deserved grave

Why is he called the Basilisk? It seems like an odd nickname.

Roko himself isn't called the Basilisk. [Here's](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Roko%27s_basilisk) what I'm referencing. It's just not his Basilisk any more.