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weird inscrutable transhumanist political compass on r/politicalcompassmemes (https://i.redd.it/nc49t006gyf31.png)

Tag urself I’m Archeofuturist Miyazaki Patchwork

I'm the black boundary surrounding the dreams and hopes of humanities post singularity future.


Good job using neo-nazi terms there compassmaker.

E: also, im a broken record now, but im pretty sure that that is not what acceleration and unhuman etc means.

Tbh I would love the term "globohomo" if it wasn't ... everything it is right now.
Pretty sure this guy is literally a fascist. Why else is gay space communism deceleration and "unhuman", while space fascism is acceleration and hyperhuman. And what the fuck is post-female?!
> And what the fuck is post-female?! That cell is just, “What if *everybody* was an incel NEET, for eternity?”
> Why else is gay space communism deceleration I mean, compared to Ex-Human Pangalactic Strip Mining Singularity, space communism looks positively reactionary.
Anybody who uses globohomo is a fascist, it is basically saying the jewish people want to turn everybody gay for population control. (The background image is also antisemitic btw (the big face on top)) E: Found [the image](http://vjmpublishing.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/globohomoagain-1024x576.jpg), good cutting of the image there, neonazi compassmaker. Cutting off the star of david. Looked up the compasmakers twitter, he is an 'unattractive women are getting too much attention online' blackpill incel fascist.
Plus there's also the "Black Lives Matter" Banner if you zoom in...
Yes, I found [the image which was used](http://vjmpublishing.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/globohomoagain-1024x576.jpg). It is worse than you think.
Well that's rather crass.
Globohomo would make a great name for a gay disco group
>Pretty sure this guy is literally a fascist. Nah, they post in Toilet Paper USA and have posted stuff like Bookchin memes, dunks on TERFs etc. This is just a joke.
Get lost, you boring fuck.

TFW FALGSC is a centrist ideology.

When it comes to transhumanism, anything that sounds remotely like a comfortable and livable future is decidedly centrist.



What are all of these things.

Why are any of the relationships between them.

How is “Cybernetic Sex Slime” only one step removed from “Interplanetary Technofasicst Manifest Galaxy”. Why are either of those things something you would spend time thinking about.

How do you survive doing enough drugs for this to make sense to you.

I think the answer to all of these questions is “San Francisco”.
>Cybernetic Sex Slime I'm pretty sure that's just the lacanian lamella.

i saw this political compass crossposted to r/worldjerking and figured this sub might appreciate it. some of it is kind of weird, like i’m not certain why falgsc is apparently more “unhuman” than interplanetary technofascism or cocaine capitalism, and as far as i can tell from the comments the op is taking it surprisingly seriously? he could be joking, i’m honestly not sure. either way i figured r/sneerclub would find it funny.

In FALGSC, benevolent AIs are calling the shots, like in the culture novels. In interplanetary technofacism, you have a bureaucratic/aristocratic class of humans calling the shots, like in Warhammer 40k. Or at least I think that's the logic.
Or to read this less charitably, the author is saying that queers are less... hyperhuman than fascists [puts away cyber-calipers].
Well "globohomos" are even less human so, yeah I think they just hate gays.
If I'm reading the logic right, the fascist scenario is representative of Warhammer 40k, where genetically engineered superhumans and people with cybernetic augmention are common. And that "hyper human" represents transhunanism, where humans are augmented, and the other end of the scale represents posthumanism, where humans are replaced... Assuming I'm reading that right, there is a kind of logic to it. Of course these are all nonsense sci fi concepts from works of fiction, so it's all angels dancing on the head of a pin. The two axis political compass is already kind of dumb and reductive, applying that kind of logic to graph these fictional settings fictional quasi magical technology is not a serious endeavour.
In 40k chaos is accelerationism and the emperor is decellerationism. So it gets even weirder. And of course every faction is genocidal and anti human rights and all warfare is basically ww1/ww2 level. So the whole thing makes little sense.
thank you for this sub
>he could be joking, i'm honestly not sure he might not be either.
I think those in the middle are the "human" ones, the others are either hyperhuman or unhuman which, you know, bad.
Also look at that person's post history, this is a joke.

I would actually really like this, if it weren’t for the homophobia and heteronormativity.

Don’t forget the racism, “Autonomous Pajeet Technocracy”
shocked too think a chart like this could have been written by the big words variety of nazi,
Why is it homophobic/heteronormative?

I understood most of the words in that image and am logging off now.

Firstly, I unreservedly love this (maybe ironically, maybe not, who can even tell at this point)

It looks like “hyperhuman” means “dealing with entities larger than humans” (corporations, ecosystems, states) and “unhuman” means “dealing with ‘reduced’ humans, lacking some features” - this might be a good thing if e.g. FALGSC means humans with greed modded out, but I also like that it’s presenting everything a bit nightmarishly…

Secondly: … unless the creator is just a straight out fascist in which case the word’s not being used to suggest a value judgment. But then-!

It’s like an Ikuhara show: you stare at it for hours and you start to think you understand what the author meant, you know, even if you still can’t explain it.

tl;dr: A+ content and A+ sneer-material. Rare find.

Edit I followed the link from the linked thread into twitter, and it is making me agree with Mao Zedong’s famous exhortation:
>Never tweet.

Weird, there is nothing about just exploring things.

the fuck


What even is Recursive Matrioshka Brain Universe Reduplication exit supposed to mean.

Edit: word

It’s Matrioshka brains all-the-way-down until we overflow the stack space of the universal simulation, allowing us to escape from the game grid.
Alas, it's a stackless design, so we made all these galaxy brains for nothing.
What even is Recursive Matrioshka Brain Universe Reduplication exit supposed to mean. Edit: word

There’s no buddhist utopia option :(


There are other options but Omnipresent AI Goddess rules over them all. Maybe I could have gotten away with ignoring the siren song of SHODAN for a while, but not after Contra's latest video.


As ~~someone~~ you said in the other transhumanism thread: > Anti-tech/anti-civ movements, generally, swerve too close to “blood and soil” "Archeofuturist Miyazaki Patchwork" is probably closer to the mixed-opinion-on-tech, pro-on-natural-world position you seem to take?
"Miyazaki Patchwork" and the background image refer to the works of [Hayao Miyazaki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayao_Miyazaki), famous for films that in aggregate suggest a kind of man/environment synthesis with traditional-spiritual concepts. I haven't read *Archeofuturism* and don't particularly intend to, but I'd guess the combination is meant to invoke a kind of "peaceful ruins" world with scattered agrarian societies that have access to pieces of futuristic technology but don't live in systems defined by them. Isolationism is then implicit in the world-structure rather than enforced. It's not *stable* but then that rather sums up this entire piece and its creator, hmm?
I was hoping they meant [Hidetaka Miyazaki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidetaka_Miyazaki), so we could live forever as hollowed out undead husks.
I'm not *fully* on board with the "Tsukasa is clearly going to do absolutely nothing wrong" train, buuuuuuut... if depicted through a more positive lens than this chart's clearly very black-pill-/pol/ approach, I think I'd agree. (This is a Dr Stone recommendation)
**Hayao Miyazaki** Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎 駿, Miyazaki Hayao, born January 5, 1941) is a Japanese animator, filmmaker, screenwriter, author, and manga artist. A co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest animation filmmakers. Born in Bunkyō Ward of Tokyo, Miyazaki expressed interest in manga and animation from an early age, and he joined Toei Animation in 1963. During his early years at Toei Animation he worked as an in-between artist and later collaborated with director Isao Takahata. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

So if you believe in leveling the upper east side of New York except for Epstein’s mansion, and using it to host show trials for billionaires interrogated while their brains are scanned… what does that make you


"Post-collapse subtellurian (re)colonization," with the mole-comrades (cthonrades?) replacing the ayylmaos.

well, i think it’s funny, personally… (i saw an art piece, in an exhibit, that was an archeology of the future: it was a long video about gang wars with names such as “rastafari libertarians” and such, followed by several rooms of the commodities in this future: and it was very fun).

You might be interested in this https://i.imgur.com/5iVwV46.jpg

This one seems more fun, and I suppose less fashy: https://twitter.com/Lilypatchwork/status/1161130972978536448

look here is a different transhuman political compass https://twitter.com/Lilypatchwork/status/1161130972978536448

E: aha, already posted by @op, I suck.

i know some of these words


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The funny thing is that this can be simulated in video games