r/SneerClub archives
Glad to see we're finally investigating the *real* issues relating to women's health (https://twitter.com/evopsychgoogle/status/1161954467400441856)

this one is definitely awesome in its relentless awfulness

I kept scrolling, expecting to see some reference or suggestion that it was satire or something, but I didn't see anything. I'll admit I don't use Twitter much and I find the format a little difficult to follow sometimes, but were they **really** trying to measure whether endometriosis makes women sexier?
they really really were
It's real. [People blasted it when it came out, too.](https://drjengunter.com/2012/09/20/a-study-rating-female-attractiveness-the-journal-fertility-and-sterility-publishes-misogyny/)
> The main outcome measure? A graded attractiveness scale. >I will absolutely concede that studying attractiveness is important from a psychological standpoint and so I believe in studies that try to contribute to our understanding of what we like and why, what turns us on, and why we make the choices we do with our sexual partners etc. These studies should be done, but by psychologists, not by OB/GYNs. lmfao this is still wildly hilarious though
Damn... the stories of women in pain with their doc going 'just get pregnant' and this : https://mobile.twitter.com/colourmeamused_/status/1161989162997706752/photo/1
There even is another problem, which is a common one, this only excludes, obviously dyed hair women. A lot of people dye their hair and you don't notice. It is a very error, not realizing your own detection system has massive false positives/negatives. They prob just looked for unnatural looking hair. (Those god damn commie sjws!)
This all seems a lot of work if you just want to look at woman and wonder about if you think they are attractive or not.

The science @RealPeerReview doesn’t want you to see!

I’d like to think that there’s quality work in evolutionary psychology in the journals and conferences and it’s only the pop pieces on why conditions on the veldt mean that women are naturally evolved to like shopping for shoes that are garbage, but then I see stuff like this…

This account is superb

There's been an epidemic of 'biology googling' accounts lately (if you're not a graduate student or postdoc their tweets may seem a bit obscure) but this one is hands down the best

I see someone else watches Rebecca Watson.

I retweeted this as soon as I saw it, because if I had to dry-heave with anger, everyone else does too.