r/SneerClub archives
Today in ‘right-wingers parroting Rationalist talking points..’ (https://i.redd.it/xbs0t5kikah31.jpg)

This…is a joke…right?

I looked at the twitter account and the website by the same name. He's serious. They're both utterly devoted to climate change denial and it doesn't have any of the fun whimsy of satire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Milloy If he's not actually serious, it's only because he's spreading things he knows are false for money.
He's been around since the tobacco strategy days: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advancement_of_Sound_Science_Center
He was a GW denier before it was cool. I used to read his site at www.junkscience.com when I was in my edgy libertarian phase.
Satire of this form would fall prey to Poe’s law anyway
I’ve seen rationalists making the exact same argument that climate change isn’t ‘existential risk’ because it won’t literally destroy Earth
IIRC, a few months back we were sneering at a post from Ozy (who is usually one of the saner Rationalists) where they said that because estimated casualties of global warming were "only" in the 200-400 million range, it wasn't an existential risk and therefore Effective Altruists should ignore it and focus on stopping the evil robots Skynet keeps sending to murder Sarah Connor.
Broke: Give money to climate change prevention Woke: Give money to buying mosquito nets Bespoke: Give money to Eliezer Yudkowsky

Okay…okay, let’s say the temperature rises to an average of 600 degrees. Let’s say it rises to 800 degrees! You think that people aren’t just going to…sell their houses and move? Trapped with logic!

Sell their houses to who? The Human Torch?!
Dude's fuckin' loaded, he can handle it
DESTROYED by Ben Shapiro's facts and logic!
Libtard destroyed
*Noise of wall being smashed*


What the fuck
Just look up "snowball senate", it's amazing. Happened in early 2015. An actual senator did this.

“thermonuclear war would be horrible”

Insanity. If not for fusion energy, the Solar system would not even exist.

I’ve seen people unironically make arguments of this type

and 0 life forms live in venus…

We think

Someone please make this man science.

Like, produce science for him or turn him into science?
Either is acceptable.
That’s fair
Convert him into pure scientific knowledge.

In fairness, he’s not wrong: Earth will continue to exist! Whether human beings do, in what numbers, and whether it will just be the global elite living in tolerable comfort while the serfs toil while boiling or pound at the gates to be let in from the flood, is another question…

…which I suppose he doesn’t care about, because he thinks he’ll be one of the elite.

They forget the masses will rise up and kill them all

What the fuck
