r/SneerClub archives
After four and a half long years and multiple burnt-out hosts, the SomethingAwful Let's Read of HPMOR finally reaches the end. At last, we are free. "ending his propaganda fanfiction with a literal quote of himself trying to sound like the wise master in a ninja movie is pretty choice tho" (https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?noseen=0&threadid=3702281&perpage=40&pagenumber=95#pti23)

How do I vote both 5 and 1 at the same time?

pay 20 bucks.

That’s like, really anti-Yud and quite satisfying

*Pounded In The Butt By My Own Girl with Red Tidday Up and White Tidday Down Corrupted by the Internet who is the Summoned Dark Lord's Answer?!* by Roko's Tinglisk

Oh, hey, that labor of “love” is finally complete.

I’m just gonna slide in to promote the SpaceBattles Roast Let’s Read of HPMOR, which is similarly venomous in its treatment of the work. Either’s definitely worth a read if you liked the other, and weren’t tracking both of them simultaneously like me.

the other good one is [this flame bait](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/why-rational-fiction-is-inherently-problematic.34730/) I didn't show up until page 63 of 68, but the whole thing is sorta worth reading to watch the rationalist contortions and watching the rationalists clock up infractions apparently it was called out as evil Chad the Jock think on /r/rational and never mind that Sufficient Velocity is like a neutron star made of nerdtronium
Oh man, I hadn't seen that before, that's crunchy. > Sufficient Velocity is like a neutron star made of nerdtronium SV is where SBers went when they thought that SB was too mainstream and righty :P
SV started when SB was literally not functioning properly and the owner had disappeared - it was basically an emergency fork. They were copying over threads and everything, as they weren't sure it would even exist in a while. now of course SB has a rule "SB is not a hugbox" and SV has a rule "transphobes can fuck off," so
Aye, that latter bit was what I was referring to. I thought it got started during the Athene debacle, but maybe that's just what brought it to more general attention.

It wasn’t what Harry usually thought about when he gazed at the stars, but from a truly adult perspective, the stars were enormous heaps of valuable raw materials that had unfortunately caught fire and needed to be scattered and put out. If you were tapping the huge hydrogen-helium reservoirs for raw materials, that meant your species had successfully grown up.

Every so often I wonder if my memory exaggerated the sheer absurdity of this thing.

It didn’t.

“The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,” but written by a twit.

After four and a half long years and multiple burnt-out hosts, the SomethingAwful Let’s Read of HPMOR…

Imagine trying to explain that phrase to a time traveller from 1989, you’d have an aneurysm and then kill yourself with a trowel out of pure shame

Imagine, at the very dawn of the modern internet, with all of that limitless potential and good feeling, how it would feel to discover how nerds and drunken idiots with no fixed love-lives were going to end up using it

the thread has now turned to discussion of Worm, because of course it has

You can never escape the Worm.

The book is over, but I’m still here. Waiting. Watching. Acausally trading.

At last, we are free


Did you just outed yourself as a member of that troll far-right website?

Since when is SA far-right?
it's the *origin* of all the far right sites!!! because they were formed when lowtax kicked the shitheads in question the fuck off SA
you fucking idiots
What I find bizarre is that this dude registered an account solely to post that one comment and nothing else. Why?
he doesn't wanna get disappeared by the goon mafia