r/SneerClub archives
Rationalist has to explain that people really do care about concentration camps (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/csiwpm/rationalist_has_to_explain_that_people_really_do/)

TheUnitofCaring wrote a typically earnest, verbose post about how:

  1. she understands why people are averse to closing concentration camps based on nothing more than “gut horror”;

  2. because the US did bad things after 9/11 based on “gut horror” (not because of racism, imperialism, or oil-greed, none of which are allowed to exist in rationalist-world);

  3. but it’s still very mean and bad to say that people don’t actually feel horror about concentration camps and are just pretending and virtue-signalling (a reiteration of an earlier post she did, where she also explains that it’s mean for pro-choicers to deny the gut horror of anti-choicers at abortion, which is supposedly real and not about misogyny and racism).

Obviously it’s good that she’s (sort of) defending people who are trying to close the camps, but I’m laughing at the levels of delusion here. It’s bad to close concentration camps based on gut horror? Gosh. There’s a dark comedy to be written where a rationalist starts to murder someone, feels bad about it, and has a long internal debate about whether it’s right to stop because they’re feeling bad about it.

Ah yes. That feeling that we have as humans, that sudden punch in the throat of “oh fuck no”, that’s absolutely something to be dismissed because it’s not rational – never mind that we spent thousands of years developing empathy as a preservation reflex. /s

Jesus. On the one hand, I appreciate UOC writing this because they won’t take it any other way. On the other hand, the fact that this is the only way they’ll take it continues to upset me.

Being a high decoupler means you understand that, if it was bad to go to war with Iraq based on feelings, then it must be bad to close concentration camps based on feelings. I am very logical, and also the embodiment of a dril tweet.
if Big Yud blocks me for hollering about my gut feelings I will face u/acausalrobotgod and walk backwards into hell.
plot twist: I am also hell.
>if it was bad to go to war with Iraq based on feelings, then it must be bad to close concentration camps based on feelings. Dude, get with the program! Anything that isn't derived from first principles doesn't count! /s
she doesn't seem to understand the difference between having a gut reaction and being subjected to propaganda that magnifies this reaction for the purposes of someone else's political/economic gain.
But then they acknowledge that things don't happen in a vacuum, that context exists, and that would undermine their entire world view!
>being subjected to propaganda that magnifies this reaction for the purposes of someone else's political/economic gain. Hm, I wonder why deportations were ignored during Obama's presidency and covered heavily during Trump's presidency.
Trump's famous comments were based on this article (originally published on fusion.net): [https://splinternews.com/is-rape-the-price-to-pay-for-migrant-women-chasing-the-1793842446](https://splinternews.com/is-rape-the-price-to-pay-for-migrant-women-chasing-the-1793842446) In other words, the victims in question were migrant Latina women, not white women. I don't believe he's spoken on this anywhere close to 15805 times, but sometimes it seems like the media has covered it that many times. I suggest you watch a live video of one of Trump's rallies some time to get an idea of how frequently he actually talks about different subjects. He is a terrible president, but we are best off attacking him based on his many, many *actual* weaknesses, not media echo chamber stuff. Recommended: [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/18/opinion/the-right-way-to-resist-trump.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/18/opinion/the-right-way-to-resist-trump.html)

Not surprised this is the same person who thinks:

- Charles Murray’s attitudes toward “helping” the mentally disabled are in good faith

- the incel yearning for his ideal partner is not entitlement

Concepts like her “gut horror” exist in the rationalist world because even reasonable outrage toward crimes against humanity aren’t LoGiCaL enough to fit into their world view.

Charles Murray is a great example, because **nobody** can seriously think he's arguing in good faith. Dude literally burned a cross then denied he knew it was a racist thing when people called him out for it. Come. The. Fuck. On.
Yeah it's really inconsistent how intention doesn't matter in things like Charles Murray's life choices, but apparently we have to stop and think about intention while people continue to suffer in concentration camps

We invaded Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died as a direct result of our stupidity.

Leave me and the thousands of protestors who chanted, “no blood for oil,” out of this “we,” you fucking moron.

the most common claim I see here is still “you went from not caring about this to caring about this when it went from politically inconvenient to politically convenient” which I’m aware you have addressed, but it does look like strong evidence of political motivations

I Know What You Cared About Last Administration, coming to a theater near you.

Also the existence of political motivations with respect to the suffering of others. Truly the scandal of the century and objective reason not to do what we all know is right. Sorry, kids, but my fragile identity as an independent is just more important than, like, humane conditions at your detention center. I mean, not having a place to sleep is hard but have you ever been called a hypocrite on Twitter!?


this is actually extra stupid. not that liberals don't do this, but obama didn't center his political career around the demonization of immigrants. truly, what could have possibly drawn so much attention to the issue in recent years? (i say as trump adlibs his 15805th speech about how latinos are coming to rape white women en masse and he's going to stop them)
honestly obama's whole schtick was being charismatic for the press while his foreign policy did vicious, deadly things in the background. destabilizing countries in the middle east, of course, but also the massive ramp up of deportations during his presidency. the funny thing is, this is actually extremely effective counterinsurgency strategy. smile for the camera, act the part of the good guy, and nobody will pay attention to what you're actually doing. you nip opponents in the bud, while simultaneously eating away at their civilian base of support, because the civilians don't have anybody to get mad at -- you're so charming and well-spoken, you couldn't possibly be the reason they're getting (deported | drone striked). however, while effective, this kind of strategy doesn't make the sound and fury that your average red-state gunfucker needs to get off. so Trump got voted in -- and ironically, he's much worse at killing the brown people they're so terrified of. but trump's white, and loud, and obama was black, and quiet. so they're happy. (rats, of course, have some vague grasp of these facts. but they just blindly fumble and try to use it as a cudgel to defend their tenuous "gray" position -- in between the cold neoliberal killers and the heated conservative ones. real nice center you've got there, brain geniuses.)
>obama's whole schtick was being charismatic for the press while his foreign policy did vicious, deadly things in the background ​ >the funny thing is, this is actually extremely effective counterinsurgency strategy. smile for the camera, act the part of the good guy, and nobody will pay attention to what you're actually doing. you nip opponents in the bud, while simultaneously eating away at their civilian base of support, because the civilians don't have anybody to get mad at -- you're so charming and well-spoken, you couldn't possibly be the reason they're getting (deported | drone striked). The same can be said for the Clintons as well
we came, we saw, he died

Is nobody else annoyed when like, women and trans and nonbinary people act all appeasing to the rationalist platform? Like, they will bash you if you are not paying “sufficient” (as defined by them) social appeasement to them, how is this a good deal for you?

(Idk if it happens this post b/c didn’t read it, but TUoC has done it before and I see this all over the damn place).

I love it how closing the fucking camps is a reasonable thing to be cautious of. Not, you know, opening them or keeping them running. Those are for Reasons.

I got into an argument with a friend about Jordan Peterson. I made some strong arguments. My friend “accused” me of having an emotional reaction then arguing from it. As if that was a LOWER form of thought. I didn’t have a great answer at the time. I do now. It’s called….


And this is something the rationalists mock. Morality.

So I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people who go “anger makes bad policy”. Anger does make bad policy.

Policies dealing with incarceration (or detainment) or children are wrought with missteps so I’m sympathetic to the view that a reactionary kneejerk formulation could be even worse than what we have now.

I’m sorry, but I don’t respect someone saying “I’m a super loving liberal and I cry myself to sleep thinking about kids in camps”. I expect that from a random completely checked out suburbanite, not a public intellectual or Vox writer.

This is apparently the same stupidity which leads someone to believe we had the war in Iraq due to anger and heartbreak, instead of a vested financial interest in perpetual war.

In general, it’s kinda dangerous to assume that other people are pretending to be really upset and horrified and miserable in order to advance their agenda.

Maybe you should try reading about how political consensus was formed historically. The consensus around abortion was manufactured.

The definition of politics 101 is taking a bunch of idiot trashboxes (i.e. people) and aligning their anxiety and resentment and scapegoating with specific, easy, dumb narrative targets. A big part of the reason spectacles of violence like the camps and Black Lives Matter are so heavily publicized is that they are politically digestible and fit Facebook/Youtube culture, where everyone lives now 24/7. Anyone who cares about the U.S. prison system’s ongoing heinous and life-ruining racism knows that the subjugation it produces goes far, far, FAR beyond the issue of murder by police.

I don’t think public intellectuals should be so stupid they don’t understand that martyrs are a symbolic political spectacle.

It’s like someone saying “whew, good thing McCarthyism was an isolated incident that only lasted a little while”. That was a spectacle. Union-busting and red-scaring has been the actual deliberate policy of organized capital for more than a century and they just don’t publicize it anymore - because they won.

My charitable take on it is that a lot of the people at EA have tons of emotion caught up in polarized thinking, so they really can’t stand people questioning the basis of their morality obsession and “tears for Jon Benet Ramsey” style hand-wringing. If someone questioned that, they would lose their origin story and identity, which generally scares the living hell out of people with polarized thinking. It can’t be arbitrary that they are caught up in utilons and accepting the repugnant conclusion as gospel.