r/SneerClub archives
Hey! Here's how not to message a survivor of LessWrong's abuse! (https://i.redd.it/twflvqrq47j31.png)

What a weird message, my paranoid mind is making this into some sort of double bluff 345d chess trolling attempt. ‘see, she still has a secret account at the discord server, these sneerclubbers are obsessed!’

But my not paranoid mind says this person is just an idiot.

I'm so glad your paranoid mind and my paranoid mind are on the same page. I feel like I have to make a public post somewhere going HEY I DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH ACCESS TO LW!DOISSETEP BECAUSE THE LANGUAGE TRIGGERS ME BEYOND BELIEF GO AWAY

Like, I know that Doissetep is one of their “secret” Discord servers. I know that it’s named after a chantry in Mage: the Ascension.

Take a fucking guess as to why I am not a member of an LW server and why I cannot give you an invite.

Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell is up with their tone.


Me: Me: I am publicly a survivor of LessWrong’s abuse. I talk about it regularly. You thought it was appropriate to send me a message about a Discord server (which I am not on for what should be obvious reasons) for the group that harmed me for several years because you were “bored”?

Them: Yes.

Me: Good Christ. *block*


People who are LW-adjacent are now messaging me to tell me that Doissetep is not secret and “isn’t technically LW” so that’s fucking cool, great, thanks

the fact that a network of abusers can be the subject of a bored persons bored inquiry ? plus the “someone there said something shitty” belittling
Ding ding ding! Two brownie points for you.
I think if I were bored, I'd do, like, the opposite... of all of that.
What's with Mage: the Ascension. Why is half of LW obsessed with that game, do you have to like defeat the final boss in a debate or something
You'd think they'd hate it, since M:tAs is all about belief shaping reality and was published by the people who made Werewolf: the Apocalypse. *And*... gods, did they pick a shitty chantry to name themselves after. Fucking [look](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Doissetep#History) at it.
Here's a hint: if someone publicly requests that you don't do something, you don't reply to them doing that exact thing. It's neither funny nor is it good sneering.

“I’m bored and heard that some people consider this server to be ‘toxic,’ or at the very least has ‘toxic’ people that go there. Would you be willing to enable me to go and be toxic there? It actually sounds like the perfect place for me, now that I (don’t) think about it.”