r/SneerClub archives

When the city is spending the equivalent of a one bedroom per homeless to fight homelessness and it’s not working, I’d start giving away actual one bedrooms before thinking of enacting corporal punishment. I guess that makes me a communist.

Salt Lake City tried simply putting homeless people in homes. It worked as well as you'd expect if you believe homeless people are homeless because they don't have anywhere to live, and much better than you'd expect if you believe they don't have anywhere to live because they're homeless
What I'm hearing is that the project was a total failure that failed to produce the rational result of justifying concentration camps.
Isn’t it a mental health problem, not a housing problem? I don’t think anyone is advocating for a free market solution to widespread mental health issues
It's much more of a housing problem than a mental illness one, but there's components of both.
That hasn’t been my observation of homeless shelters in major US cities Agree to disagree I guess
Less than half of homeless are mentally ill. And guess what, there are mentally ill people with homes. Not like they're just gonna walk straight out of their home and live in the streets if they're mentally ill.
Healthy people might develop mental illness if they end up on the streets though. Then again I don’t have byonge experience so what do I know
Just go talk to some of the homeless and find out for yourself. Bring a friend if you’re worried about safety. This isn’t the kind of thing where you have to speculate if you’re genuinely curious.
There definitely is a connection between homelessness and mental health but in the communities I've worked with, mental illness seems to be as much an effect of homelessness as a cause (same goes for drug use). Housing first policies in isolation won't solve everything for homeless folks with mental illness, but they serve as preventative measures going forward and any attempt to treat mental illness is going to need to look at housing security as part of the issue. Mental health attitudes and policies do need a complete reform in America but they're not the primary driver of homelessness so much as a complicating factor. At least from what I've seen.

Love to see that as well as pioneering a set of disruptive, modern, post-glowy-brain techno-takes, TheMotte still has a place in its heart for good old-fashioned psychopathic right-wing murder/violence fantasies.

Like the halves of a tajitu, they each have a nugget of the other irrevocably embedded within.

[Bonus thread where another user displays a severe case of libertarianism] (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/cvjpc0/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_august_26_2019/eylsgt0/?context=1). They might want to get that checked out by a doctor.

Jesus, that's one insane subthread. The guy just fucking keeps going like a honey badger that built its nest entirely out of Hans Herman Hoppe books. Just privatize the sidewalks! A mess, you say? No, it will actually be great! And if there happen to be any hitches, people around here _do_ have a lot of guns, and there is nothing more normal in life than people having firefights over the right to step on a particular curb! And then... > What you're referring to is the "Donut Problem" Does this insane libertarian scenario come up often enough they have a fucking proper name for it? > One of several remedies would be informing your friends, family, neighbors, and others that you are being caged by Evil Donut Road Owners Incorporated (very easy with social media being ubiquitous already and even more so in a libertarian society). What kind of property owner doesn't bother to install cellphone jammers on their freshly obtained empire of sidewalks?
> Say what you like about TPO, that he's a fascist, that he's a sociopathic demagogue with anger issues, that he channels his entirely normal and understandable problems with erectile dysfunction into deeply unhealthy pseudo-intellectual games, that he's actually a racist jack russell behind a keyboard, or the extremely online creative fiction project of a deeply troubled sociology undergrad who just wants attention, but you have to admit that if you're a certain kind of wide-eyed neophyte on the internet he clearly has a lot of natural charisma. This sneer is a work of art.
Somewhat off-topic, but I’d be interested in seeing their case for social media being “more ubiquitous” in a libertarian society.
"Excuse me sir, do you have a license to walk on MY sidewalk?"
there's lots of great comments in that thread: >The first solution is something every parent learns with a toddler. You need to say "no". Certain behaviors are unacceptable, and you need to make sure that your toddler (or homeless person) understands this.
the solution is asaying "no" to landlords. you have to teach them like a toddler that its not okay to treat housing as a commodity
Yeah, had to laugh at that one.
Libertarians want reality to be a tower defense game.

Weird deja vu reading this. Did somebody copy paste an old the mottepost and reuse it? (I think I literally saw the same arguments posted before)

Technolibertarians going ‘if you do something illegal you deserve to die’ remains super weird to me. (I get it is related to people going both ‘muh tax money is wasted’ and ‘money is wasted on people who don’t work for it!’ which makes right libertarians madder than the gov spending a trillion dollars per year on blowing up non Americans).

Wouldn't surprise me if its a repost; this *is* reddit after all.

Singapore is an example of a country where corporal punishment is institutionalized both as punishment for offenses against society, and as a means of discouraging inappropriate behaviour at school. While not without it’s flaws, Singaporean society seems to have very little trouble with public homelessness.

More than eighty percent of people in Singapore live in public housing.

Can somebody explain to me why these people are so sociopathic? "Hmmm let's hear your opinion good gentleman!" "Hmmm yes I think we should bring back beating the shit out of people for being homeless!" "Hmmmm interesting solution you got there, we'll all give it consideration."

this is an alan partridge bit

Also a monty python bit if memory serves.
alan partridge's [working class](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA0gmw1uz6Y)

Countdown until they reinvent the Bloomberg Plan.

Don't give them ideas; they'll probably come up with a variation that involves "anti-dysgenic sterilization" or something added to it.
Hahaha, please Sir. This is so 20th century. Here, watch how SV techbros give us THE NIGHT'S WATCH! https://twitter.com/jespow/status/1109959023304957952

Are there any good solutions here?

lol decommodify housing.

how much of a fucking baby do you have to be to get so upset by shit on the street that you want to start whipping people so they don’t do it?

i think it's less about the shit and more about the whipping.
Interesting how they don't talk about whipping dog owners and focus on homeless people instead. Might have something to do with them hating homeless people or something.