[exactly two hours and fifteen minutes earlier](https://twitter.com/AndrewYang/status/1168565919007875072):
>I know it would be difficult to implement and is contrary to human nature - but I think we ought to explore not publicizing the identities or motivations of mass shooters. Would discourage those seeking notoriety or to spread twisted beliefs.
i guess this was before he realized he could use this tragedy to increase his notoriety and spread his beliefs.
Hey, what if, and hear me out, we stop making so many US ex-military
people by just having less US military. Also, try to get rid of all
those guns, convert them to plowshares or something biblical.
“There are all these systemic problems in the US… and 000/m will fix all of them.”
i was about to comment “jesus christ how long was that up?” and then i realized it was still up.
just in case
Hey, what if, and hear me out, we stop making so many US ex-military people by just having less US military. Also, try to get rid of all those guns, convert them to plowshares or something biblical.
Be scared. Vote yang.
But…let’s not pretend this rhetoric is anything new .