r/SneerClub archives

Weird that babyboomers don’t live forever and that post-war economic optimism isn’t around for the echo boomers.

The wording of his tweet is very weird. Does Yang think of himself as a white man?

I wonder how he just came across this article from June 2018.

The tweet was from February.
Well now I’m wondering how OP just came across this tweet from February 2019 about an article from June 2018.
i think it's evergreen.

Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country. Much of this is low birth rates and white men dying from substance abuse and suicide. Our life expectancy has declined for 3 years. We need to do much more.

Pff, caring about white men dying from substance abuse and suicide, is he a nazi now?

why bring up birthrates if this is just about preventing substance abuse deaths.
To illustrate the magnitude of the crisis. Not everything is about white supremacy bullshit. Latest unmasked white supremacists include Chapelle, Yang and Shapiro. Can't wait for the Benetton ad.
That's some nifty essentialism, implying that racism can only exist on the part of people you think of as white. (For what it's worth, I've heard people call Chapelle out for sexism and transphobia but not for white supremacy. With respect to Shapiro, he thinks of himself as white and has a meaningful track record of unambiguous bigotry with respect to Palestinians, so calling him racist isn't some kind of tough call or edge case. Again, though, I would need sources on him being called a white nationalist.)
>To illustrate the magnitude of the crisis. The magnitude of the crisis is such that we need a fully Communist healthcare system to fix things. Hopefully white men can come together with their working class comrades of all races and nations to make this happen.
Maybe, kinda, but this isn't the point of the post or my comments. And communist just means those leather shoes look tasty. I don't see what it has to do with healhcare.
Wow, so it looks like you don't really want to solve the problem? How are you going to have proper care given to **all substance abusers** without having a Communist healthcare system?
I just don't understand why we need to turn the cows into shoes first to eat them.
This is a non-sequitur. You should make an argument as to how we could care for all substance abusers without having some sort of Communist healthcare system. Otherwise it's obvious you're just **virtue signalling** and don't actually care about helping everyone with depression or addiction.
Imagine believing a communist healthcare system would help substance abuse addicts rather than just killing them to remove the waste from society
> Maybe, kinda, but this isn't the point of the post or my comments. Let me guess, you're trying to give us extra sneering material? Keep working on it, you'll figure it out eventually.
birth rates fluctuate, thus making them a poor point of comparison to illustrate the magnitude of the crisis.
He is both according to the left. Maybe he is fluid.
"According to the left." Sure. Did you find three quotes from random weirdos? What you need to do here is provide links to influential thought leaders on the left calling Shapiro a white nationalist or survey evidence that substantial numbers of rank and file leftists accuse him of that --- or you can walk this back. Your call
it's more about how people talk about how "the left" does this or that, "the left is too PC" "the left hates white people" "the left threw a bag of burning dog shit on my doorstep" like its some borg hivemind collective boogeyman. "the left" is an extremely vague qualifier applying to billions of people, all with many different opinions on many different things, and that's just for your own personal definition of "the left", who is or isn't a member is a pretty contentious topic. edit: like the fact that literal communists, TERFs, and HRC supporters are purportedly all parts of the same apparently monolithic group should set off alarm bells if you think about it for more than twenty seconds
The left are the very sane people that can look at Shapiro with his kippah and tell you he is a nazi. You know the educated, rational kind. For your pies problem, I don't know, but my guess is illegal Mexicans.
So neat that you think Jewish people are incapable of fascism. I'm trying to decide if that means you admire us or look down on us. Pro-tip: Jewish people can do fascism. Jewish fascism (usually) won't be anti-semitic, but there can be fascism with different targets.
jewish fascism is definitely anti-semitic.
No, I can look at Shapiro's actions and words and brand him quite easily as somebody who'd work w/ the Nazi's, since he's already made the argument that liberal Jews aren't "real Jews." Of course Shapiro would never recognize American Nazi's if they got in power, as they'd be continually telling him how much they love Israel as they sent the 'wrong kind of Jew' to camps. Almost like how there are plenty of Cuban Trump supporters as Hispanic children are in concentration camps.
Ernst Röhm cant be a nazi, he is gay!
Shapiro has the same brain disease many Israelis have where they think every negative stereotype about Jews are true, but that they only apply to the diaspora.
So he is not exactly a nazi, he is a fascist except he is not exactly fascist he just vote republican. I can also see why some would describe him having facisticish tendencies, because they are plain idiots. The rule is that unless your name is Karl Marx, no one is safe, everyone eventually becomes a fascist.
i don't think he's a fascist, just a contrarian pundit, but i can see how writing articles [defending ethnic cleansing](https://townhall.com/columnists/benshapiro/2003/08/27/transfer-is-not-a-dirty-word-n976781) could muddy the waters. i mean come on, karl marx isn't the only person ben shapiro is to the right of lmao
The key word is eventually. Look how far the needle moved already in 10 years. Another 10 years and maybe telling Shapiro is only a contarian pundit could get you in trouble with the woke police too. Maybe you are comfortable with the wokeness level now, but you will eventually reach your limit if it keeps rising.
what are the woke police? if, in ten years, people disagree with me and call me mean names, just as they do now, i'll be ok
And we know for sure this is the worst that can happen looking at how leftist movements turned out in the past.
ok, leftist ideals can be and have been used to justify horrible systems, just like capitalist ideals can be and are. agree. what are you actually saying?
This is just "this wasn't real communism", you are just dressing it up a little bit because it's a meme now. I'm out. Let's say you convinced me, worst that can happen is people saying mean things on the internet.
i just don't understand how you think people saying mean things to you on the internet is like the build-up to holodomor 2.0 or something lmao, it's a complete non sequitur, there's no logical connection between these things, i have no idea what you're trying to say maybe that you think the country is going further and further left and you're scared it will become the USSR? but we just elected the most conservative president in decades so i don't understand why you would think that it just seems like you think everyone is out to get ya, like you're a tragic victim of some huge mob obsessed with your every move. most people dgaf about you or me man, pretty much just our respective families and friends, it's ok
>leftist ideals can be and have been used to justify horrible systems Though really the horrible system is embedded in the idea of forced equality. “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.” You can look at a graph and anticipate where the curve is going should the parameters remain the same. I just evaluate the level of left craziness with the cancel (really censorship) culture, outrage twitter trial mob culture, 172 pronouns and counting, basic biology denial, it's not racist if it is against whites, take another line of K Desmond you are amazing, etc... is pretty high on the batshit crazy scale. It is already prevalent in the media (though woke media have been suffering lately, still), the entertainment and universities. If it grasps political and judicial power it can only go worse, especially since all the measures that will be implemented will fail, the tune has been played many times before. Since the system is perfect, the only reason it could be failing is sabotage from the inside. Cue the purge ( not physical this time, but social media, jobs, voting, banking, etc...). Straight to Orwellian dystopia is the only logical conclusion. But the world is complicated, ideologies die down for several reasons, red hair wokeness could do too. I am tired, let's agree to disagree. At least you were the polite one.
Do you know a lot of other Jews fundamentalists with youtube shows? Do they also tour us campus talking to uni students? What is their twitter accounts? Maybe they stream on twitch? If you want your woke points you gotta put some more effort into it, at list drop the "ic" and just call him a fascist. Even your wokeness is mediocre. Do you even have preferred pronouns?
Birth rates are what most of the latest neo-nazi mass-murderers have spouted too. It's pretty obvious he wants their support by doing this.
He wants neo-nazi mass-murderers to support him?
Maybe, but judging people by what their intents might be is not the way to go. You cant disprove OP posted this because he likes when poor white people od in silence and don't want Yang to talk about it. Also, neo-nazi mass-murderers is a pretty niche vote, that won't get him elected.
> nothing is ever knowable so we should treat all possibilities as equally likely I love it when you losers abandon even *the concept of knowing things or thinking they're likely* in a last ditch effort to to cover your asses.
Spot on. It is exactly what you think I said, ironcretin
>Also, neo-nazi mass-murderers is a pretty niche vote You'd think so...
He meant white people, he is just grouping the two in his head. Otherwise sometimes he has trouble trying to remember who are the meanies.
LOL. So much for not judging people by assumed intent. Can I ask, do you have policy proposals you take seriously and align with, or are you just another uncomfortable person who hates/fears the "social sciences and media left"? Because if your main argument is that politics sucks and culture war is shitty, it's not like people are going to be able to mount much of a counter-argument. This is literally a subreddit openly devoted to a culture war against rationalists.
ODing, contrary to its standard depiction by the lying media, can be a very peaceful way to go. it may be the case that poor whites, having not fully lived up to the utility function inherent to their culture, would actually prefer the sweet release of death to continuing to bring down the net dynamism of their social cohorts. it's paternalistic of you to assume they shouldn't be allowed that opportunity.
Wink wink totally not talking about the crack epidemic amirite?
in terms of math, a larger number of deaths from majority groups is required to achieve the same social utility as deaths from minority groups, relatively speaking. i thought that was obvious.
Based take. I've supported suicide booths to be installed in poor areas like in futurama.
leaving this up so you can get rinsed here until i get bored of it
Either he used the dogwhistle by accident or on purpose. But it remains a dogwhistle, that is the issue. You might not have heard it but the neonazis have.