r/SneerClub archives
Man wins writing-talent lottery, blames others for his environment being desolate of life and thought (https://imgur.com/a/2vtIo)

Dear God. This man needs an editor.

The first sentence alone proves high SAT verbal scores do not directly equate to writing talent. However, only a complete moron would believe that is the case.

imagine an alternate world a different quantum branch in which yud understands what editors do
big yuk needs a rejection letter, not an editor.
>The first sentence alone proves high SAT verbal scores do not directly equate to writing talent. Did you mean the first paragraph? Oh wait, these two are the same.
>randomly won the writing-talent lottery

> other people having minds and thoughts that are actually as cliched as they sound.

This guy sounds insufferable to be around. The kinda guy that brings out how so many people are similar like sheep but him? He’s so different. He gets it man. He’s not like everyone else, a bunch of mindless consumers. He’s u n i q u e.

[ahem](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1163582849015902208): >Adult play isn't when you take improv lessons, it's when one day you buy two different meals on Doordash and eat only the best parts of each. Because you want it, and you can afford it, and all the people instinctively scared of fun no longer control your life.
no words
tfw you're literally an [xkcd comic](https://www.xkcd.com/610/).


As I’ve said before, Yudkowsky has mastered the strategy of being so devoid of self-awareness as to be impossible to mock.

[Big Yud's writing process irl.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiN26NHb4ao)
Love that movie (though it's kinda libby) but the clip is unavailable, which part of the movie was it?
The part where he talks over John Goodman repeatedly in a very un-self-aware fashion.
Oh yeah, it's kind of the central message of the movie to poke fun at the communist writer who talks about the working class and ordinary people but has no connection to them and an idealised view, which is part of why I said it's kind of libby (in the end the message kinda seems like it's saying to not trust the "ordinary people", and it kinda fits the politics of the Cohen brothers, who were complaining about people not voting for Clinton). There is some truth to the message but it depends on how you interpret it.
Active in r/MoscowMitch lmao
Here's a sneak peek of /r/MoscowMitch using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoscowMitch/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Commies are red, don’t be upset...](https://i.redd.it/9jzy28p92ee31.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoscowMitch/comments/cltxa6/commies_are_red_dont_be_upset/) \#2: [Kentucky still doesn't know how to add 2+2](https://i.imgur.com/m1EGXpX.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoscowMitch/comments/cnm8jj/kentucky_still_doesnt_know_how_to_add_22/) \#3: [Moscow Mitch](https://i.redd.it/mcecpkn09mk31.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoscowMitch/comments/czputc/moscow_mitch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/ciakte/blacklist_vi/)
You're polished Charlie.
someone who posts in moscowmitch just called you Barton Fink, like from the movie where the playwright does some foolish things. how does it feel to be owned so severely
I feel shitty just before the linear algebra exam starts. Fuck.
damn, good luck. also stfu dirty no-good chapo and study for that exam linear algebra was a pain in the ass, i have basically forgotten half of it, like jordan canonical forms for example.
I passed. Probably an 8/10 though, not amazing but good. We had to find the Jordan form of a 5x5 matrix, kind of a nightmare. I should have studied conjugation etc though, I had no idea what 2 of the questions were about. It's done now. It's over. I don't have anything else this exam season. Now I can shitpost 24/7.
FUCK YEAAAAAAA. this is exactly linear algebra vibes. you just have to wing it. i think back when i took linear algebra on the final i manueally solved a differential equation because the word jordan form devoured my brain cells. i am now just posting online about the recent pod-sub proxy war
I must have missed this one. What's it about and can it be resolved by finding the Jordan form? (BTW I said another time I study math, it's not exactly true. My school is applied maths and physics, plus a bit of engineering, because either of these subjects individually weren't cursed enough apparently)
some podcast ive never heard of (struggle session) got very mad at the sub leslie, one of the hosts, asked the mods to pin his podcast, they just ribbed him and called him a liberal because he wrote for jacobin, he called them racist for no discernible reason and got very mad. one of the other hosts wrote a long twitter thread getting mad at the mods (including defenee, who accused them of starting drama to chase clout) and then doxxed Trilly. debates_are_dumb called leslie social fascists. will menaker joined in to express his contempt for the sub. it's an all areound shit show. i think the mods were a bit rude to leslie but overall this shows to me that podcasters are really another self-important social clique. that the pod's hatred for the sub comes not from something valid like all the godawful memes but that theyre just a social clique that thinks that one form of overly online idiocy is better than another. thats dope, i wish i'd chosen to major in one of those things tbh lol
>thats dope, i wish i'd chosen to major in one of those things tbh lol Plus I get 2.5 for the price of 0, public universities ftw! Little known fact: the Greek constitution bans private universities. >think the mods were a bit rude to leslie but overall this shows to me that podcasters are really another self-important social clique. that the pod's hatred for the sub comes not from something valid like all the godawful memes but that theyre just a social clique that thinks that one form of overly online idiocy is better than another. It shows to me that since the internet leftist infighting hasn't changed much in essence but it has somehow become dumber and more petty.
wow what the shit. how are you gonna pay for it? wasn't there a no money crisis in 2012 when they got rid of all the money and syria took over? that sounds exactly like communism, an ideology thats killed a lot a lot of people, like a thousand
Lol that's why it's extremely hilarious when Americans do the whole "but how pay?", sitting on one of the highest GDPs per capita in the world while in my broke ass country all universities are public and free and healthcare is (almost) universal. Though to be fair unis are pretty underfunded because the economy took a shit and we've been doing the forced austerity thing for a while. THIS IS THE PRICE YOU PAY FOR GORMUNISM!
it's a damn shame that vladimir socrates hercules stalin killed little johnny private sector. but yes america is a fucking nightmare, we are just inundated with "experts" and "economists" who tell us that universal programs are impossible despite the obvious existence of other countries russia is even worse. within LIVING memory we had all of these programs. we know it's possible but the masses are just too crushed to mobilize
Are you Russian?
Yes although scrambling the hell out of there in 92 with the help of sorosbux really messed with how i view the country. when I look at the state of things I cannot see that it's my country. I would say I'm more Philly than Russian at this point
I see. Obvious Soviet agent trying to undermine the unity of honest Americans and impose brutal communism. I'd say being poor in Greece is still probs better than being poor in the US, but a lot more people are poor, especially after the crisis. At some point unemployment exceeded 25%,it really goes to show how efficient capitalism is when you have a quarter of the workforce without a job or money for no good reason. The worst thing is that the left is simultaneously more advanced and more stunted than in most other Western countries right now. There seemed to be some development and it seemed to be getting out of the rut it was in shortly after the crisis but then Syriza just fucked it all and now we're back behind zero. The history of the left in Greece is soooo full of lessons but no one seems to be able to get anything out of it. The shitty thing is that due to being permanently online I feel like I know more about politics in, say, the US than Greece, which should change but it's so depressing I just get tired every time I try to think about it. I secretly wish I could be somewhere where there is virgin land, where it's possible to build a movement anew instead of being stuck in this terrible rut. I'm organised etc. but so what, no one can figure out what to do from here and we're just waiting for some miracle. Meanwhile it kinda looks like the economy of the US will take a shit again which means ours will to (thx capitalism) and I have no clue what we'll do then.
BTW what you said about winging it reminds me of that time in calculus 2 or whatever where I just made up a theorem that was useful to me for proving whatever I was supposed to prove and pretended like it was a given theorem we were supposed to learn, and then it turned out it actually was a theorem we were supposed to learn, it even had a name, though I don't remember it now (I think it was Bolsanno plus some other guy).
damnn u figured out the bolsonaro theorem. he be speaking porch of geese n i be like damn daddy quack🦆 quack🦆 that's cool, being able to prove things is definitely the most important skill in higher level mathematics. unfortunately i'm pretty terrible at that, i can learn new material but not really prove new things
>that's cool, being able to prove things is definitely the most important skill in higher level mathematics. Well, I didn't really prove that theorem, I made it up to help me prove something else, and then it turned out it was actually a thing we were supposed to know and got full marks. Proving new things is definitely hard. And everything interesting has already been proven anyways already except for things that you need to write a fucking book to prove. Finding new ways to apply what's already proven is probably more fruitful and interesting.

That wall of text contained only 3 sentences.

What writing talent?

Hol-lee shit.

That fucking first sentence makes me think otherwise.

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As someone who got an 800 on the verbal part of the SAT, this dude is a fucking putz. Also, I read all of HPMOR, and it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve read, but it wasn’t all that great either.

you have earned minus 800 brain points