r/SneerClub archives
The following thread is a nice bonus but the fact that this racist sewage got published in an apparently reputable journal should be incredibly disconcerting (https://twitter.com/Simon_Whitten/status/1173319663322841088?s=19)

“this paper is literally the Jewish Question, we should not be debating the Jewish Question”

He deplores the kind of superficial name-calling and guilt by association you’re engaging in. If you think someone is incorrect in a potentially dangerous way, argue with them.

“this guy won’t debate the Jewish Question, smh”

Didn't someone already do that shit a while back? Dead dude, big beard?

And of course it is evo psych.

Goddamn, I’ve seen Rationalists quote Pioneer Fund studies and I knew it it was bad… but I didn’t know it was “started by literal Nazis in 1937 to propagandize sterilising the undesirables” level bad.

At least one of the Rationalists I’ve seen post them claims to be Jewish.

What the fuck.

Much of the info here can be found in William H. Tucker’s The Funding of Scientific Racism, which is a history of the Pioneer Fund. (Unfortunately a bit dated as it was published in 2002.) The Fund’s history really needs to be extended to today as it turned toward anti-immigration politics as the segregationist cause was lost. In fact, it gave grants to groups like Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which now has some influence in the Trump administration and the right-wing media ecosystem in general along with John Tanton’s other projects like the Center for Immigration Studies.

Also Pearson used to be on the board of the Heritage Foundation, which has had a huge influence on American politics generally
Damn, I didn't even know that. Their affinity for eugenicists goes back further than [2010](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Richwine) at least.

Steven Pinker is on the board?!?! Shocking! I’m doing my shocked face.

look he disavowed, so it is fine.
If you read his [disavowal](https://www.cep.ucsb.edu/slatedialog.html), you'd almost get the impression he was more offended by MacDonald's use of group selection than his anti-Semitism.
Well, statistics show that rates of Jewish genocide are down 1000% over the past seven decades, whereas group selection...
This disavowal says it's from 2008, but the journal lists its first date of publication as 2015?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Dutton_(anthropologist) Okay looks like Pinker disavowed him a second time "The article was defended by the journal's editor, Todd K. Shackelford, as a good fit because it was "risky", while board member Steven Pinker criticized the journal's decisions to publish the paper. Pinker said it contributed nothing new, and was unsupported by evolutionary psychology while also repeating old anti-Semitic canards." On a side note Jesus, this Wikipedia page
Ah ok, I thought they were referring to MacDonald rather than Dutton.
Oh, well thank *god* that's sorted. This thing probably slipped through the cracks while he was out on a signing tour for his new book, "The World is Fine as It Is: Perspectives from a Charmed Life".
Nah, he's a [certified grief counselor](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/08/comic-steven-pinker-certified-grief-counselor) now.
Oh, other way around, friend -- with the parentheses and square brackets.
Also note the presence of Bo Winegard, author of [this](https://quillette.com/2016/06/23/on-the-reality-of-race-and-the-abhorrence-of-racism/) brilliant piece in Quilted Northern.

Wow that’s a lot of dubious dick dimensions. And Nazis.

I mean, it is an evopsych journal so reputable is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

There’s a good rundown of the event here https://undark.org/article/kevin-macdonald-anti-semitism-psychology/

wow really shocked to see that psychology legitimizes reactionary pseudoscience. really shakes my faith in our institutions.

the Africans, who are imaged as a race of aggressive, dumb, promiscuous jocks.

Oh that’s a bad thing now? Someone should inform POTUS.

Trump doesn't exercise enough to be a jock.

Any info about what journal it was?

"Evolutionary Psychological Science".

Why the hell did he post on Twitter a 100-tweet long thread instead of just making a blog post?

Any info about what journal it was?

You gotta chill. Stop clicking 'resend' when you f5.
Reddit is glitching. Saw a thread with 15+ copies today.
aww damn I thought somebody just really really wanted to know

Any info about what journal it was?

Look, I like hating evo-psych as much as the next person, but if I wanted to read something 100 tweets long… well, I wouldn’t be on twitter.