r/SneerClub archives
Random acts of madness: all the things that Dominic Cummings is getting wrong about game theory. "One fundamental principle of game theory is that you know what the game is in the first place." (https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/brexit-dominic-cummings-game-theory-boris-johnson-parliament-supreme-court-a9106926.html)

So many people think game theory means either “be a macho badass” or “all conspiracies are true.” You should have to pass a game theory licensing test before you’re allowed to think you know the concept.

Somebody mentioning game theory is a bit like somebody mentioning Sun Tzu, it is a good sign you are about to be Dunning-krugered.
It might be a dominant strategy to completely ignore anyone who discusses game theory, they say paradoxically.
[Never forget.](https://twitter.com/ericgarland/status/808045818024497157?lang=en)
> do me a favor, it's driving me nuts: where did you hear the phrase "game theory" and what do you think it means

This game sucks.

You should get the dlc. Revolutionary additions.

If the UK government is seriously applying game theory then they have the payouts all wrong. Sure the EU would like to avoid no deal. But they also want to avoid making it too easy on the UK. Their preferred outcomes are in order: Brexit cancelled, current deal, no deal, yielding to the UK. So of course they’d rather avoid no deal. But not if it means signalling to other eurosceptic parties elsewhere in Europe that leaving will be easy and painless.

Besides, the UK is a motorcycle playing chicken with a huge freight truck. Sure, the truck would like to avoid the collision, because it would be damaged by it. But the damage the motorcycle would get is infinitely worse.

Fuck me politics is so good right now, five years ago I never thought we’d have Cummings nonsense ever again and instead it’s like a fucking fountain

>cummings >fountain i see what youre doing and im asking you to stop this at once

I mean, considering that historically the greatest triumph of game theory on the world stage is *checks notes**checks again* Vietnam, I’m afraid Cummings might just be doing it correctly.

Well Ho Chi Minh was a pretty smart player

Fuck Dominic Cummings, but also, fuck the ads on the Independent. Seriously, I remember when they were an actual newspaper, and now they’re by far the worst website that occasionally has articles I’m interested in.

Well, be fair, they were always on the lightweight side: there's a reason for that line in the Thick of It where even the guy from the Mail says they can just bung in a headline about whales if they haven't got a story for the front page
True, but, it was still a big step from 'lightweight newspaper' to 'bad website'. Maybe that was only because they couldn't put adverts with sound into the print edition though.
I will admit I fucking hate their ads
there are ads on the internet?