r/SneerClub archives
Emotionally-Attached Motteniks can't let go of Gamergate - insist Zoe Quinn and Kotaku were in the wrong, GG did nothing wrong, and no harassment occurred (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/d0jo9y/the_motte_ideological_turing_test_social/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

Imagine time-traveling back to 1951 Cambridge, UK. You approach Turing, somehow catch his ear, and explain how influential he’s become to the great thinkers of the future. Especially our future, almost 70+ years after his paper, where AGI is on the cusp of being realized, and his test is the standard that our best measures compare themselves to.

After asking lots of questions about computing and mathematics, he says: “I’m astonished. Tell me, what’s the current, best version of the test of general consciousness?”.

You, a Motter, answer earnestly: “Is gaming journalism corrupted, and how many reviewers did this one person fuck?”.

Forgot to mention, he kicks you out after you begin a long diatribe about the modern reasoning why homosexuality is 'degenerate'. It was two sentences after something about AI.
Didnt turing and others also believe AGI was just around the corner? For 70 years they have been saying 'in 20 years'.
Nah blockchain will just stop the evil central banks from ruining our money by ... this cant be right... preventing deflation?
someone reminded me last night of Ben Goertzel's [SingularityNET](https://blog.singularitynet.io/) AI on the blockchain project (with attached [dead shitcoin](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/singularitynet/#charts)) and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Acausalrobotgod is going to be mad with that -70 % roi. Buy buy and up up up or be tortured forever.
Funny thing is that a MIRI guy demonstrated this: >Focusing specifically on timeline predictions (dates given by which we should expect the creation of AI), it will show that there are strong theoretical grounds to expect predictions to be quite poor in this area. Using a database of 95 AI timeline predictions, it will show that these expectations are borne out in practice: expert predictions contradict each other considerably, and are indistinguishable from non-expert predictions and past failed predictions. Predictions that AI lie 15 to 25 years in the future are the most common, from experts and non-experts alike. https://intelligence.org/files/PredictingAI.pdf
I'll have you know there's a famous research institute claiming such. They're run by a genius with lots of funding, so they can't be lying.
[I prefer my version of this joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/csf853/after_four_and_a_half_long_years_and_multiple/exfkvnh/) >>After four and a half long years and multiple burnt-out hosts, the SomethingAwful Let's Read of HPMOR... >Imagine trying to explain that phrase to a time traveller from 1989, you'd have an aneurysm and then kill yourself with a trowel out of pure shame >Imagine, at the very dawn of the modern internet, with all of that limitless potential and good feeling, how it would feel to discover how nerds and drunken idiots with no fixed love-lives were going to end up using it

If you arent familiar with its, I recommend reading up on it a bit and then focusing mostly on the “why?” part of the question. I see theres already some stuff form the pro-Gamergaters linked in the comments, and for the anti-Gamergate side just googling should be enough, though if someone has a good link please post.

Yes, I’m sure your “ideological turing test” will go well when you can’t find a single person who is against fucking gamergate of all things

That GG summary from SpiritofJames is a perfect example of what’s wrong with /r/TheMotte; it’s written to appear authoritative and unbiased - a dry wikipedia-like recounting of events - yet it’s absurdly, laughably biased towards the author’s favored side. They even do the thing where they act like they’re linking to an ideological opponent so the reader can get the whole story and then link to a fellow rationalist who agrees 90% with their position.

And nobody objects or even notices. They’re even thanked for it.

I love how spiritofjames giving the biased gg summary totally wrecks the planned experiment. And nobody noticed. E: also sad, the pro GG side is the ultimate example of the motte/bailey thing, and none of the pro GG motters seems to notice. If they really cared about ethics in gaming journalism from the outset, you would know the names of the 5 journalists, and not her name. e2: why the fuck is gamergate suddenly mentioned in so many places again? who the fuck is trying to redo 2014?
Comicsgate, Vic Mignogna, abusive developer killing himself after his abuse came out
I heard. I just dont see a reason to involve Quinn again. The 'it is about ethics' line is so undefensable. So many of these pro gg people are just in it for the hate click self promotion. (Milo for example has not found an event which he cannot make about himself)
Quinn was the ex of said developer
So? I have several exes, but dont blame them for anything I do. (Nor vice versa). And restarting a x year old hate campaign against them would just be fucked up.
I’m not saying they’re right I’m just saying that’s the reason
By now I should know better to be angry about stupid reasons while sneering :D
Also, the fact that the most obvious corruption happening isn't because a games reviewer who makes 40k in San Francisco and shares an apartment with 4 other people scores a gamer lower than you like because they think it's sexist, but rather the numerous Youtubers being basically paid off by gaming companies.
He mentions kotakuinaction without acknowledging its batshit insanity. Bit of a red flag.
>Places like [/r/kotakuinaction](https://www.reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction/) sprang up as sane people and neutral observers flocked to discuss and try and fight back against the clearly deranged and coordinated attack, a new twist to the fight on an old battlefield in the culture war (gaming). Hmm... I wonder if... >Places like [/r/brainscels](https://www.reddit.com/r/braincels) sprang up as sane people and neutral observers flocked to discuss and try and fight back against the clearly deranged and coordinated attack, a new twist to the fight on an old battlefield in the culture war (feminism).
Good we cleared that up. Consent is important.
where does queer Venom (2018) fanfiction fit into this
how do you even *have* non-queer venom fic? like, why, what is the point, who would even write such a thing?
i was wracking my brain for what the hell "transhumanist bdsm" would be and i realized that i've actually come across a good number of examples on ao3
Maths Pets... DX.

The thing about this crowd and GG is that it would have been one of the easiest things in the world for them to have thrown their hands up, gone “politics sure is the mindkiller huh?” and dismissed it as a petty squabble between two tribes and moved on with their lives. Like they wouldn’t have been RIGHT to just do the dumbass “Actually both sides are equally silly” thing but it would have been understandable, because it’s a fucking tempest in a tea pot about video game reviews.

But instead they enthusiastically embraced the followers of Miloist-Sargonist-Vivan James-ist thought and joined them in their glorious holy war against the forces of SJeWry. Because whatever they say, they never question their ingroup.

Weird. Gross and weird.

being pro-gamergate is definitely the sort of thing that will make you first against the wall when the revolution comes.

And it wont matter which side will win. Fash will just go 'thanks for the help you degenerate anime gamer' *blam*.
The only thing I enjoy about our current crop of global reactionaries is when they suggest banning video games. Not because I think it would be good, but because I like watching the insane responses.
Other than you obviously knowing the idea behind the sub, questioning it being a joke two times and equating "the Left" with fascism. You are obviously aware about the connection between the alt right and gamer gate since you are even aware of this sub, so why is your experience with gamer gate the focus and not the critiques and connections to people like Sargon and Steve Bannon? Shouldn't there also be a factual history of gamer gate independent of personal experiences? Wouldn't it make sense to challenge the established views on gamer gate in this sub instead of critiquing the praxis in a sub like this even naming itself sneerclub?
it's a kotakuinaction poster
And theMotte and others, but a short visit to their comments gave me the impression that they were at least somewhat critical of the respective "mainstream opinions" there. So I thought it was worth a try. Since they were active today but didn't answer me questions, it seems to have been in vain. Points to you.
Firstly, I'm not really a part of this. In my country the communities this sub sneers at don't really have any mentionable size as far as I can tell. I just found this sub by chance and stayed out of curiousity. Furthermore I am not really interested on winning you over. I just didn't like your framing of the situation. What with this one comment being so toxic and you therefore being turned away, all the while doing fine a communities like Kia. Secondly I'm sorry you have to deal with your anxiety and I hope you are able to get better with or without help. Now onto your points: I was not arguing over experiences my point was that the people in this sub and the general pro gamer gate subs have totally different ideas of the situation down to things that should be factual and provable and therefore independent of opinions. You can discuss differing opinions all-day long, but this will be a waste of time if you can't even agree on a factual basis. Furthermore you can't simply separate actions from opinions. Your whole point about you just wanting people to tolerate other opinions as long as they don't take certain actions based on them, in the end is just you not tolerating a certain set of opinions based on the opinions. You are obviously more active in other subs and more or less avoid subs like this. Me and probably others here care for the opinions people in Pro gamer gate and incel subs have since opinions shape behaviour. You can't separate those. Someone who deems women inferior or barely human will treat them differently even if it doesn't end up being a terrorist attack, which already have been committed by people with such opinions. You will never be able to have an open in tolerant discourse if you can't have consensus on respecting the worth of every human being as a human being. If you believe you can fruitfully inject your political views in these communities go for it. I'm not criticising you for that. I only answered your comment since I took a look at your comments themselves and not only the subs you wrote in. And I also think if you attribute so much of the blame of gamer gate on "the Left" you disregard the agency of the people involved in these groups.
haven't you got some video game journalism to be questioning ethics in
Dude, this is a shitposting subreddit literally called /r/SneerClub, you don't need to go all "BY MAKING A JOKE I FOUND OFFENSIVE YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELVES NAZIS" at us. Aren't you guys the ones whining about political correctness? Or does it not count when it's your feelings getting hurt?
>Aren't you guys the ones whining about political correctness? Or does it not count when it's your feelings getting hurt? I don't think its wrong (morally) for him to do, or that he shouldn't be allowed for him to do, I just think its wrong (strategy) for him to do. PC is a different comparison. Those are (often) wrong morally and so should be refrained from. But feel free to round off the nearest denominator anyways.
So here's a couple things to add to the reply somebody else gave you. 1. It's a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference. 2. This isn't politics, and "good politics" doesn't mean you're a good person or have a good take on any particular thing. 3. What's important is not what men intended but how women experience misogyny.
So you'll have to ask yourself now, why you see yourself close to the left politically, but avoid engaging with it because of literal jokes in a literal sneer club while having no problem seeing yourself as pro gamer gate eventhough the altright uses it as a breeding ground. Are you kidding this sub or yourself?