r/SneerClub archives
Why Jeffrey Epstein loved evolutionary psychology. And why evolutionary psychologists loved him right back. (https://theoutline.com/post/7956/jeffrey-epstein-evolutionary-psychology?zd=3&zi=gz2n2gpd)

Pinker describes typical rapists as “losers and nobodies,” “outcasts,” or perhaps “ethnic rioters.” The billionaire science enthusiast is not included in Pinker’s rapist typology.

… “ethnic rioters.”

Seems to be jargon invented by Donald L. Horowitz, and this is how Pinker introduces it in *Better Angels*: > In many parts of the United States, African American families were terrorized by organized thugs such as the Ku Klux Klan. And in thousands of incidences, a mob would publicly torture and execute an individual - a lynching - or visit an orgy of vandalism and murder on a community - a racial pogrom, also called a deadly ethnic riot. Not quite the author's implication.
Man, though, referring to something like the firebombing of Black Wall Street as an "ethnic riot" feels like some deeply misleading doublespeak intended to give you exactly the wrong impression about who was doing the rioting. It'd be like calling anti-fascist activists "neo-nazi protesters" because they're protesting against the neo-nazis.
Pogrom is the best word IMO.
I *really* would like to know what the fuck he meant by that.
Googling finds the full quote: > His usual tactics may include being kind, persuading the woman of his good intention, and offering the proverbial bottle of wine, but may become increasingly coercive as certain risk factors are multiplied: the man is a psychopath (hence insensitive to the suffering of others), an outcast (hence immune to ostracism), a loser (with no other means to get sex), or a soldier or ethnic rioter who considers an enemy subhuman and thinks he can get away with it
Still not much clearer. Sounds like he's implying rape as a weapon of war, but isn't being clear enough.
Seems like it just means pogrom

Natural selection as a universal algorithm + neo-classical economics applied to genes + ready-made justification for sexual misconduct = intellectual crack for techbros. I wanted to say Soylent but that at least has some nutritional value.

Larry Summers, who flew on Epstein’s plane and facilitated Epstein’s donations to Martin Nowak’s Evolutionary Dynamics lab, attracted the ire of feminists in 2005 for comments ascribing female scientists’ relative lack of achievement to biological differences in IQ between men and women; Pinker leapt to Summers’s defense in the pages of The New Republic.

That was only 15 years ago. This is the kind of shit that, quite rightfully in my opinion, will get you fired today. That’s why Pinker and his ilk complain so much about political correctness and the social justice crowd – because they still hold these exact same abhorrent opinions today, in 2019, and they feel like they can’t be overt about it anymore.
