r/SneerClub archives
"If Attorney 4CHAN had the social justice movement under courtroom cross examination and asked 'Yes or No, Is it Ok to be White?' And the judge ordered the movement to answer then the movement would be fucked" (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/d4w6xl/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_16/f0vtk7y/?context=1)

I thought this was exaggerating somebody’s point in the linked thread humorously but no it’s an actual direct quote

"But Phoenix SJW asks: WHO WAS PHONE??"

imagine calling yourself Attorney 4CHAN in your fantasy arguments in the shower

> fantasy arguments in the shower That's a curious euphemism for whacking off.
Imagine hating white people and sublimating it into nonsense about social justice "judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin" can't believe those dumb honkeys fell for it
[this but unironically](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/690/341/3c6.jpg)
Do you really believe that "judged by the content of their character" is the ambition of the social justice movement today? They've pimped that degenerate slut out for cry closets, safe spaces, 200k+ "diversity" appointments, screeds against "racist white males"
[this but unironically](https://i.imgflip.com/2pvq92.jpg)
😴😴 ok boomer, its spelled "lasagna"
Its my last name skank, not your favorite food I wonder what Freud would say about that misprison, fat girl.
lol is your first name garfield
this is a cumtown bit
no one cares degenerate
I’ll eat your ass
dressed like a furby...while thinking about shadman...yes, I figured as much

Sorry a decade of libertarianism and half a decade of philosophy class has left me with a strong case of learnt autism when it comes to truth values.

pretty sure that’s not the word I’d pick, but learnt something for sure

i'm pretty sure that's the standard British spelling

Why can’t the left just admit the swastika is simply a hindu symbol of peace? Even if hitler himself wore a swastika around, the truth value of a statement is constant. Checkmate, liberals.

why can't the left admit that words are just noises we make with our mouths, and written language is just arbitrary squiggles. it's crazy that i can make a series of mouth-noises or draw some squiggles and triggered libs call it the 14 words and label me a fascist

Context is like subtext. For cowards!

I believe you mean something even worse... low decouplers!
Settle down there, Garth.
In a moment of ultimate rationalism I must admit, I never saw the series I referenced. Expert opinions is for cowards.
You really should. It's art.
I know it is on the list. just have not gotten around to it.
[Would a 10 hour video of Richard Ayoade fighting demons help?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtsJjg8y44)
Oddly enough, even without context, it helped. It also lead me to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYM1BjRvtvg
*"I have no truck with snobbery, at all. To me, it's all the same: literature, porno, dog-racing.."*

A decade of philosophy classes and yet you open yourself up to be asked what you mean by white

*being asked this is the one thing we didn't want to happen*
"Ok" needs a definition too lol

though its become gosh to point it out

Do they mean gauche or am I missing something here

They definitely mean gauche. Spelling is for the liberal arts and soft sciences.

As if 4Chan could pass the bar.

Ty Beard did.
Lolol. Making a rational inference there.
…and it's a pretty fucking low bar

From user “KulakRevolt,” no less.

Ah, yes, “It’s okay to be white” is so super-effective that their discussion thread about its unassailable trickery starts with them proposing a new, even more context-dependent version to replace it after the normies caught on.

And then [this guy barges in](https://i.redd.it/exm9bevr4vn21.jpg) with his custom made 'its ok' shirt, and ruins it for everybody.

Because when your regular leftie white male normie is confronted with IOTBW, he knows full well what is the Cathedral master’s command: claim it’s NOT OK to be white and tear the poster down.

I wonder if any of these bright white stars of burning logic have heard of the division between the SJ/PC left and the dirtbag left.

Ideally nobody would have had to find out about any such distinction but I guess I take your point
I guess it's not surprising at all that someone on the right would conflate the two, either out of ignorance or malice. The more absurd thing, upon reflection, is the conflation of corporations trying to reduce liabilities by not platforming or employing flagrant racists with literally anything the left really wants at all. My guess is that the primary reason a lot of rationalist-reactionaries with earnestly held beliefs are so terrified of leftists is that they actually think corporate America (power) gives one microgram of shit about anything further left than Joe Biden.
they are the Randian ubersmench, if the free market rejects them it must be a coordinated conspiracy against them.

cursed quote


If Attorney MARX had the social justice movement under courtroom cross examination and asked ‘Yes or No, Is it Ok to be Capitalist?’ And the judge ordered the movement to answer then the movement would be fine because it’s funded by private interests.

I blame John Barleycorn for replying there with a response not up to the standards they’ve set for the community. My punishment is a three-day ban from TheMotte, which is both just and merciful.

Is it okay to be white?

Is it easy being green?
Personally I wouldn't recommend it
Whiteness is a social construct, it’s not a real ethnicity.
So no then?
No the answer is mu. Read up on your zen koans.
Makes sense, milk comes from cows.
No the concept mu. Next you are going to say you were just acting stupid.
I was it's a citing stupid! Sorry, your prediction is no match for shitty autocorrect.
Yes my bad in my defence im stupid.
nothing means anything except in reference to what has come before it. even what i'm typing here is just squiggles referencing sounds you can make with your mouth referencing concepts that have evolved over the several thosands of years humanity has used language, through multiple languages. in this sense,what does the political slogan "it's OK to be white" mean? a baseline reading gives you something like "there's nothing wrong with having pale skin", but in a world where people with pale skin have more more money, are less likely to be imprisoned, and are more likely to have a high position in business or politics, what does this banal slogan *actually* mean? To know, we have to look at context. The slogan comes from ethnonationalist corners of the internet, a medium that has brought out voices that have went unheard in society as of yet. The internet has centered dialogue about police brutality, media representation, hiring and housing bias, etc., and this recounting of oppression has left many white people feeling personally, individually victimized, for whatever reason. So: is it OK to be white? of course. no shit. Are white people some victimized, marginalized group that needs a movement pushing for its acceptance? any cursory look at the organization and leadership of our society will show you that that's absurd, and a look at the origins of this political slogan explains all you need to know about its utility.
Do you believe white people should ever be allowed to advocate for their own interests?
of course they should be allowed, just as i should be allowed to criticize when i see fit.
cant find any objections to this newfangled "otherkin" thingamajig