r/SneerClub archives

Honestly the whole thing sounds like the “im attracted to intelligence” thing dorks do to pretend that they respect women taken to the point of proclaiming themselves a sexual orientation for the sake of clout.

In the worst circumstances I can see it being used to defend people who act like sex pests to women in tech and academic fields. Math pets, ugh.

They only maintain the facade until they meet a woman smarter than them.
it usually means "gosh I'm impressed by this 16yo's ~~tits~~ intelligence and maturity beyond her years"
Math pets??
BDSM but the sadism is math homework. I wish I didn't know this.
Wait, I can’t tell if you’re kidding. Is this really a new kink?
Yud bragged about it. That's as far as I know, and already beyond how much I want to.

link https://twitter.com/EmericanJohnson/status/1173755561315168256

After our 5 minutes of hate is over, here is some pushback against the pushback: https://twitter.com/AnaMardoll/status/1176138422630506496

Thank you for this needed pushback. The ace spectrum does get frequently misunderstood and we need to be better about it.


Anyone looking for some prime sneering material; check out this doofus's post history. Even odds he's doing a bit, but if not: pure gold.
It's kind of sad when "leftists are anti-science" crowd is right, IQ tests are not "arbitrary" and IQ *is* a legitimate scientific concept.
Yes, you are right, but only for checking if kids need help in schools. But not for what IQ tests are being used for now. Fucking hell, it has been 40+ years, and we are still going on about 'africans have low iq' because the people running the IQ tests didn't realize that perhaps asking them about the rules of cricket in a country with no cricket fields wasn't the best way to test intelligence. There is so much motte/bailying going around with IQ, that the concept is no longer of any value. Even noted angry IDW man Taleb agrees on this. Going 'I only fuck people who score x high on the test' is just stupid. (I know that isnt even what sapiosexuals do, they would fuck a 100 iq person who quotes a lot of books over a 140 iq truck driver).
Taleb is probably my favorite 'dude with bad opinions'. On one hand he does have pretty shitty opinions, on the other hand the amount of mad he generated with his grifter-exposing IQ rant was beautiful. Also he got Nate Silver to call him a cuck, and you gotta respect that.
isn't he the one who came up with the funniest way for the worst group of jackals on the planet to excuse themselves for ruining everything, the "black swan event" (aka "uhhh we didnt know")
hits rants on Lebanese not being Arabs are hilarious though
And also for detecting whether lead is causing brain damage. No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Modern IQ tests are also tested to remove culture-dependent questions. I recommend the radiolab series on IQ.
I'm talking about historical IQ tests which made this mistake to prove Africans have low IQ (iirc it was also something like tennis courts with missing nets). Which is why I talked about 40+ (the plus is open ended, finding anything on IQ on google is impossible, because there are so many other scientific articles saying 'wow, these IQ tests done on Africans are so flawed' (fucking hell there are [even reports](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/008124630603600101) of tests giving off normal IQ levels, which were then redone because 'that can't be right')) years ago. And I'm talking about how racists use IQ tests to attack Africans. The context 'sneerclub', 'motte/baileying', 'helping kids in schools' should have made it a bit clear that im not talking about all IQ tests. Also, don't link to race realists to defend racism, it is literally against the rules here. Tl;dr: I wasn't talking about IQ tests done correctly, I was talking about IQ tests done wrong and then used as proof for racism.
what a bizarre troll persona
Yep, nakedzergling was a weird person.
I posted the source, read the topminds thread.