r/SneerClub archives
(totally not political) "compass of thinking styles" (https://twitter.com/XiXiDu/status/1042397964692545536)

If you unironically use the term “social justice warrior”, you’re not an intellectual. Sorry.

you might be a member of the ineffectual dork web though!


*evopsych voice*: it's the estrogen
And the phytoestrogen.
Narrator: It wasn't the estrogen.
The funny thing is that these people for the most part aren't so great at math either. Fetishizing it doesn't make you good at it.
B-b-but Bayes..
Shit I better tell my professors I can't do math, they'll be so disappointed when they have to kick me out.

physicists are less literal and more emotional than mathematicians, apparently?

Some nerds are really mad about the sjw humanities concept of dark matter infiltrating their STEM.
why does it have to be DARK matter? seems like another plot to feminize white men to me
ya that's why einstein was a socialist

Everything can be neatly divided in two polar opposite positions.

Get ready for: you can divide these two positions in two

the real axises on this chart are "male vs feeemale" and "goodness vs meanness"
The new chart has axis of "goodness" and "smartiness" and you'll never guess where I end up!
What about the advanced form, the 3x3 alignment grid?
The third axis is decoupling.
I think you mean the horseshoe.

Is this CringeClub?

imo, this is more sneer than cringe because the object of critique is the "I'm logical and rational and everyone else isn't" ideology demonstrated in this compass that's common amongst rationalists in contrast, cringe culture tends to focus on more personal characteristics like social awkwardness
Idk what to tell you, I checked the mirror and I was definitely cringing.
welp, you got me there

Political compass memes are supposed to be jokes, dammit

Any political compass is either a joke or made by someone who is. In this case, the latter seems to be the case.
Eh, the very basic 2d "left/right-libertarian/authoritaran" compass is bad, but at least occasionally useful.

Wait, how the fuck is thinking about the meaning and accuracy of speech different from thinking about the implications and motivations? Most of the time you have to do both if you actually want to understand something.

Especially if you're talking about context-heavy languages like Japanese where you can just drop words if they're implied

How many different ways can you rephrase “reals>feels”? The world may never know.

Source : wikihow to get an girlfriend when you are autistic

I would have said this was a bad sneer, but then I clicked through to the tweet and discovered that they had, in fact, responded to their own tweet with the link to that page. So, just accurate reporting.
I should include the link to the tweet. Considering this makes me look like I make fun of autistic people, and not just sneering at the bad source for the compass.
That Wikihow article is actually pretty good advice, although needlessly limited in their audience: not all autistic people are men, and not all autistic men are straight. I have no idea how it relates to the bizarre compass, though.
Good to hear the article is good advice. I also had no idea how it linked, I'm prob too much [insert relevant of the 4 thinking styles].

Nevermind the fact that most famous scientists have been some form of leftist….

It's the Cathedral, you see

What’s with these people and their obsession with being dispassionate? Whether it’s HN guidelines or TheMotte or SSC it seems there’s a contingent of people that absolutely loathes putting any snark, humor or emotion in their posts. Hell Scott even posted a guide on ‘how not to sound like an evil robot’ because it was getting out of hand. What do you gain from writing in an utterly boring, contrived and long-winded way?

I think a lot of them are generally just uncomfortable with sarcasm, irony, metaphor, etc. That’s fine as far as it goes — everyone has a different preference for humor and communication and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with preferring a more direct way. Where they take it overboard is that they often seem to assume that getting rid of those things actually makes their arguments inherently more correct. They take a weird, vaguely Mr. Spock-like approach of thinking that they can just sprinkle in words like “logical”, “rational”, “prior”, “objective” etc. and those words alone reinforce their own opinions. What’s funny about that is that I think that the whole rationalist movement was originally intended to stop people from using those types of short cuts to avoid critical thinking, and now those things are basically what most people see when they visit a rationalist community. A group of people who think that, because they *talk* like Vulcans or robots on the internet, that means that their thinking is somehow free of unexamined biases, prejudices, or mistakes.
The whole rationalist movement was intended to [make people believe Yudkowsky's AI opinions:](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/4PPE6D635iBcGPGRy/rationality-common-interest-of-many-causes) "it got to the point that after years of bogging down I threw up my hands and explicitly recursed on the job of creating rationalists." You should not assume that Yudkowsky used the presented chains of reasoning to get from Bayes to living as an emulation running on the mind of AI God. Or that he used chains of reasoning at all - rather than starting from his desired end state, of living forever reincarnated as a simulation, and then writing what he needed to to get there, then *presenting* it as chains of reasoning to convince others to adopt his ideas and become rationalists like himself. Yudkowsky was desperate to convince people. This was the purpose. The aim was not an edifice nor analytic philosophy nerding: it was a polemic. A *manifesto*. This strengthens the "monster at the end of the book" thesis of Neoreaction a Basilisk, btw - Roko didn't discover the monster at the end of a philosophy, but the monster at the end of an ideology. (or, looking at the original Basilisk article and its promises of heaven and forebodings of hell, a theology.)

I get the feeling if anyone ever told this person a pun he would not get it. After all imagine him processing the idea that words have more than one meaning.

> I get the feeling if anyone ever told this person a pun he would not get it He'd try to analyze it from first principles and then tell you you're illogical when he can't figure it out.

‪I know physicists who are socialist/communist, and I know a mathematician SJW. Might want to rethink this theory. Humans have a wide range of emotional styles.‬ No one is dispassionate all the time.

Mature people strive to think well in both figurative and literal terms.

Hanson gets a lot of grief (but not nearly enough) because he is an insufferable shit stained cretin.

marxist-leninists being authoritarian right right next to nazis. lol