r/SneerClub archives

Reminder that Big Yud has an entire fiction story on the sole premise of “what if the bad guys were actually good and vice versa?”


The weirdest sword of truth fanfiction.
Is Goodkind still writing that shit? Has he topped the Chicken That Was Evil Manifest yet?
I have no clue, I liked his writings when I was young, and a few years ago I snagged a few of his books for cheap and it turned into hate reading. (Checked wikipedia, yes in a way, he is writing spinoff books now). The worst moment was when the main char went 'actually when they rape and pillage it is bad (because it proves they are evil), but when we do it is good (because we fight to stop the evil) achtually' in a way to long speech. Also doesn't help the evil invading empire is coded slightly Asian. I'm also really tired of the 'hurt the main chars girlfriend, this means the main dude is really suffering' thrope. (A lot of fiction does this however, I also really disliked it in station perdido).
>I'm also really tired of the 'hurt the main chars girlfriend, this means the main dude is really suffering' thrope. [manpain](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Manpain)
Of course the villain is death. Ugh.
I mean, "You really have to hand it to wizard Hitler" is a pretty common throughline in rational fiction in general.