r/SneerClub archives
just dropped my first youtube video, deals tangentially with some subjects related to the usual subjects of this board (NRx/moldbug gets a mention) thought you guys might be interested (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KXpm4PN6XY&feature=youtu.be)

Sneerfluencers. We are living in the future


Just FYI, I don’t encourage self-promotion on this subreddit as such, although I’m not removing this for now (pending the opinion of others: I probably won’t watch the video because I don’t really do youtube videos)

It’s a contentious issue for mods all over the internet but I’m inclined to be relatively tolerant when it comes to regular users

The Golden Rule remains think properly about whether it’s good and relevant /r/SneerClub content before you post anything, but with more stringent requirements for content that you’ve produced yourself

fair, tbh i was kinda stretching it by justifying it on the basis of a passing mention of moldbug. i appreciate your lenience and i promise i won't brazenly self-promote again.

I can’t tell if I’m learning something or having a drug trip.

the VHS noise is on too short a loop

can't argue there

You need to make your point clearer at the start. I stopped watching after 4 minutes video time, because I couldn’t see where you’re headed with it.