r/SneerClub archives
I bet you didn't know that I was Satoshi Nakamoto, inventor of Bitcoin. And that I was Gwern. And Ciphergoth. In fact, I bet you still don't. (https://medium.com/@ishskitt/is-bitcoin-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-tied-to-ross-ulbricht-the-silk-road-1ae04cce5034)

So, how do we know you didn’t write this yourself dgerard using one of your many alts?

may be tangential to this too https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2018/01/29/well-thats-just-made-my-day-dumber-a-vaguely-threatening-email-demanding-bitcoins/

i assure you, this sort of idiocy is an everyday happenstance in bitcoin

jeez that's an assload of money they expected you to have just lying around i looked it up, 10 BTC rn is about $80,000. So a decent yearly salary every week for some vague threat lol
Gwern and Ciphergoth both have idiots thinking they're Satoshi and trying to scam them.
fucking lol i'm jealous, i haven't been threatened online in over a year
this isn't as cool as dick dingers with mcafee on a mostly empty cruise ship though

Wait, I’m confused. Isn’t Dr. Craig Wright confirmed to be Satoshi Nakamoto? He wouldn’t lie about that… would he?

Unless David Gerard is Craig Wright.

Congrats! That’s a fantastic theory, and I’m jealous that it was woven around you.

Hi jealous that it was woven around you., I'm dad.

This has to be satire. I mean, nobody could be this wrong by accident, right?

Well, it’s Bitcoin, can’t rule anything out.

Did he really just imply that two people must be related because they share the last name Green?

I’m pretty sure that Gwern and David Gerard are ideological antimatter, and if they inhabited the same body at the same time the ideological conflicts would blow up the universe. I’ve verified this by careful bigram- and trigram-analysis.

Oh my goodness, people who have online conversations about specific topics use similar bigrams and even trigrams?!?! Has the author just inadvertently revealed that forums, rather than humans are the real satient entities here?