r/SneerClub archives
radicalising the romanceless (https://i.imgur.com/HRnYzTJ.jpg)

In case some people haven’t read the original…

Wait, is that writer seriously comparing someone struggling to clamber out of poverty as a result a medical emergency to an *incel*? Does he really not see any difference between the two? What a moron.
It’s weird, because I’m vaguely aware of SlateStarCodex only because I’ve browsed this subreddit and the subreddit that is named after it. (I stumbled across both using the random feature in reddit). I’ve never actually read the original site before today, and I didn’t realize that it was actually *this* bad. I started reading that post linked above and it seemed fairly reasonable and humane up until the first pair of italicized paragraphs part way through.
/u/Soyweiser left out my personal pick for worst ssc article [You Are Still Crying Wolf](http://archive.is/77NHw) where Scott Alexander argues that Trump isnt that racist. Even post travel ban and charlottesville. [Relevant sneerthread](https://reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8vswlt/you_are_still_crying_wolf_has_been_updated/)
TIL about Project Paperclip. Gives a whole new meaning to the concept of a "paperclip maximiser"...
Hi must, I'm Dad!
It is with pleasure that I enforce our no AIs rule.
Do you really want to go on record as being anti-AI when Roko’s Basilisk is yet to be born?
He said no AI*s*. They're allowed to have one.
I linked that post because it's what the title was referencing, but the blog can actually be [much worse](https://archive.fo/C6WNp). In which Scott compares bullying nerds to antisemitism.
Dude, that piece was written *after* Elliot Rodger's murders, and partially in response to the response to the fact that Elliot Rodger murdered people for his being "romanceless" It's one of the clearest ways in which Scott Alexander reveals himself to be a self-interested, self-obsessed scumbag
I believe Voldemort was also a euphemism for Moldbug after Scott banned references to NRX in his blog comments.
[Content Warning: reference to suicidal ideation] I think it's also deeply revealing that SA's constant moaning about and sympathy with brutally misogynistic people as documented in this sort of shit that during a number of the periods he's been up in arms defending the motivations of actual killers and rapists he was involved in polyamorous dating and, presumably, having at least a little sex on the side as a result If you're writing thousands of words about how you can sympathise with people who kill rather than not get laid *while you're getting laid* you should probably sit back, reflect, and hold your head in your hands for having become the bastard you are I would never tell anybody to kill themselves but I can picture myself feeling ideation on far less significant realisations than that
> I would never tell anybody to kill themselves but I can picture myself feeling [suicidal?] ideation on far less significant realisations than that Yes, but you're presumably not a psychopath. That SA post reads like it was written by Jekyll and Hyde, except in this case it's clear that the Jekyll persona is just a front that he's ready to drop at the slightest provocation. It's truly disturbing.
I wrote [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/b1xnhk/sneerquence_6_on_nerd_essentialism_thoughts_on/) a while ago as a reflection on that post. On first reading I had a lot of sympathy (although IIRC that particular comparison always struck me as wack) but hoo boy, have my views changed.

also: their attitudes are in fact worse.



...that's the point? It's a good sneer so I crossposted it here