r/SneerClub archives
Yud challenges twitter to match his math genius, ends up being wrong (https://mobile.twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1185603776486334464)

His back-pedalling is literally “I had a super complicated proof in my head that was super smart but I can’t quite remember it now”

I've often had that feeling. Last time it wasn't even on anything serious, just coming off some nitrous and aww I totally had the whole thing right there for a glorious few seconds. I got over it a few seconds later when I realised that was not in fact my last box of chargers.
Was it too long to fit in 240 characters?
big fermat energy
what a Wiley guy
[if only there was something about that in the Sequences](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/qRWfvgJG75ESLRNu9/the-crackpot-offer)
> what a terribly unfair test to visit upon a child of thirteen. That I had to be that rational, already, at that age, or fail. Peak Yud
> (I’d read a book once about math cranks.)

It’s amazing to me how much this crowd confuses “being a poor communicator and also reckless” with “genius.”

>being a poor communicator and also reckless The technical term is "heroic epistemology"
good sneer i'm gonna use this haha

I am curious, was this an intentional or accidental mistake

I can’t tell whether this is failed ass-kissing or extremely dry mockery, but either way I am here for it.

Does hitting Poe's law mean Sneering has Made It?

This is it.

This is my favorite thing on the internet.

Yudkowsky, super genius: Forgets that fucking cubes exist
This absolute leprechaun doesn't even know that you have to have edges overlapping on a tiling! That's what makes it a tiling! Escher is spinning in his extremely funny looking grave.

Tweet is deleted, receipts?

It's still there, perhaps yud blocked you on twitter? Try visiting the link in incognito mode.
[preserved forever](https://web.archive.org/web/20191021190120/https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1185603776486334464)
Lmao, what a coward.

I’m not seeing much to sneer at, here. He had an idea about something a little complex, put it out there, and adjusted quickly and gracefully when it was shot down. I guess he used the twitterverse as free labor to sharpen up his fuzzy and inaccurate thinking?

> I thought I had a complicated impossibility proof visualized in my head, and was leaning more towards "there's an embarrassingly simple impossibility proof I'm missing" than "I lost track of my visualization and there's an embarrassingly simple solution I'm missing". > But I did consider the latter possibility, and figured that somebody would embarrass me either way. > Now, of course, I'm trying to reconstruct my original impossibility argument in my head, so I can try to explain what it was, and I can't do it anymore. Well, I suppose that's all as expected. you say “adjusting quickly and gracefully”, I say “obvious prevaricating to hide wounded pride”
Exactly - if he was really considering it was also possible to do he wouldn’t have phrased the original question clearly presupposing it was disprovable
It's also proof he's terrible at math, which is funny, because he's a STEMlord.