r/SneerClub archives
Steven Pinker, Sam Harris and the epidemic of annoying white male intellectuals (https://www.salon.com/2019/10/20/steven-pinker-sam-harris-and-the-epidemic-of-annoying-white-male-intellectuals/)

pundits stop calling things they don’t like “tribalistic” challenge 2k19

literally fucking EVERYTHING i dislike is a tribalistic cult

Wow, what I’m taking away from that article is that Sam Harris went full HBD in some random podcast and this is the first I’m hearing about it.

…I mean, I’m not shocked he believes that crap, but I’m kinda shocked he’d say it publicly. Even Charles Murray doesn’t claim the (alleged) IQ gap is entirely genetic.

I mean this is the guy who was openly calling for declaring thermonuclear war on the Middle East, right?
But only if Iran gets nukes first. Pre-emptive nukes are a totally different scenario and not on par with Dr. Strangelove at all.
I don't think that quote is saying it's fully genetic; when I have a chance I'll check out the full context. I think Harris has always been careful not to take a position there.
What You must be joking He said everything in The Bell Curve is sound science and all of Murray's critics are motivated by SJWism Everything All of them
Neither of those claims are equivalent to the claim that the entire gap is genetic.
but both contradict the false and shockingly uninformed claim that Harris "has **always** been careful not to take a position there" My emphasis on "always", but it would be equally uninformed without that unnecessary modifier
I meant that he's never taken a position on how much of the gap is genetic, and in particular never said that it's all genetic. He's definitely suggested that some of it is genetic on several occasions. I'll admit I haven't looked at his stuff in like a year since the emails came out but I think I'd have remembered if he was taking positions close to "the gap is 100% genetic".
But he has, because he has specifically endorsed the claims made by Charles Murray about the degree to which any such gap is genetic, and ridiculed actual scholars in the field who make *alternative* claims as crooks and liars
The point is not that he claims it's 100% genetic, but that it's genetic at all. Either position is firmly in "not even wrong" territory.

i hate steven pinker too, but running a twitter called “xriskology” is a bad look

It's low-hanging fruit, but his anti-Pinker article shows that Pinker can't even cite and argue against that low-hanging fruit correctly. Which also goes for the rest of his stuff. He's genetically incapable of not strawmanning.
As an expert in evolutionary psychology Im pretty sure his ancestors were able to scare off the lions and jaguires by being a bunch of just annoying fucking crackers.
[Bad arguments are fitness maximizing.](https://www.dan.sperber.fr/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/MercierSperberWhydohumansreason.pdf)
is this a evo psych origin story of argumentation? Did u read this whole thing?? is there an evo psych explanation for why humans do evo psych
It could be applied that way. The response by Johnson is fairly indicative: >That M&S’s argumentative theory applies to their own reason-ing is necessary if their theory is to be consistent. To suggestotherwise is to commit what Little (1972) called thenonreflexivefallacy. Yet M&S spend virtually the entire article discussingstudies of nonscientists and nonphilosophers, with just the brief-est mention of how their theory might apply to professional rea-soners. One exception is a reference to reviewers of scientificmanuscripts who look for flaws in papers to justify rejectionwhen they do not agree with a paper’s conclusion. They alsoremark near the end of their article that even among scientiststhe ability to control one’s own biases is “uncommon” and“almost freakish” (sect. 6, para. 7).
just skimmed through it and nearly died when i saw (Taleb 2007)