r/SneerClub archives

These lines in Scott Aaronson’s teaching statement caught my eye today:

Some of my shenanigans in this program became infamous. […] When one student asked me why all the mathematicians I was referring to were men, I returned the next day with a mini-lesson about Sophie Germain and her correspondence with Gauss, so the student in question would no longer have any excuse to tune out.

It’s interesting that teaching about female mathematicians is not only considered a “shenanigan”, something that you would do to make students pay attention to the course.

Of course, 2007 is a long time ago so if the people with these views have contemplated it a bit, I should hope that they have a better idea nowadays of why feminism matters. Or perhaps not.


I remember students who spent great energy finding creative new ways to cheat, or who memorized the proofs from the CLRS textbook like sacred scripture, or who rushed to office hours on September 11, 2001, begging me for hints on the problem set.

god i hate it when students learn the textbook and come to office hours on 9/11.
okay, hes talking about the literal, actual day of 9/11 here, i think it's a fair point that it's mildy weird to be worrying about problem sets considering what a weird fucking day that was
i mean students are out of touch with reality at the best of times
almost like the system viciously incentivizes getting good grades by constantly forcing competition on students and betting their futures on their GPA

I’m confused as to who is the intended audience for this piece.

Probably part of his job application/tenure portfolio.
Yeah that's what I guessed but its a bit rambling and includes some weird stuff. But then again its Aaronson so I don't know why I expected anything different.
I mean, on the one hand it's pretty weird and long, but on the other hand, it was way more interesting to read than most teaching philosophies.

Scott Aaronson if you’re reading this, a reminder to block us again, we are all aware that your mental health cannot handle online criticism.

>cannot handle online criticism You know this sub bans or strenuously downvotes almost everyone who goes against its narrative right?
Actually it is the Rationalist community which is most infamous for doing this. This is why I've been kicked out of every Rationalist sub and comments section that I've ever posted on. Once I gave a Marxist criticism to Scott Aaronson and he replied with a snarky ad hominem.
Haven't you been banned from this sub as well? To me that suggests it is not just about you going against the narrative.
I think that actually shows how controversial rational Marxism is even in spaces with intelligent commenters. Still, I convinced the denizens of SneerClub based on the force and vitality of my arguments. That says a lot about how much more rational this sub is compared to so-called "Rationalist" spaces; where I have still not been unbanned despite the accuracy of my posts.
I see. Do you think the force and vitality of your arguments could also bring people around to your support of North Korea? I seem to remember that you're a fan--correct me if I'm wrong
That depends, often people have very deeply ingrained biases - one such bias is nationalism. Many Americans (and other 'Westerners') display this bias in their thinking, and it makes them side with Western imperialist governments even though it is not really rational to do so. Can I ask how many North Korean works of political theory you have read? And since you're so interested in science I assume you've read a lot of Marx?