r/SneerClub archives
despite the low traffic there is still sneerfodder in lesswrong: women's agency is destroying society (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/nyz4Ekc93Rhbk8F6J/what-are-some-unpopular-non-normative-opinions-that-you-hold#ZQhoJy5DcjiZb9TAR)

Come on, don’t pick pieces from 2012 when they still had not kicked out the NRx and PUAs from lesswrong.

What? 2019?

E: https://www.lesswrong.com/users/stuart-anderson This guys post history makes me think he has a bit of a harem fetish (and he doesn’t seem to like women that much (And as always with these kinds of folks, forgets bisexual, and gay people exist)).

> This guys post history makes me think he has a bit of a harem fetish AKA Stuart Anderson’s Cattle Company.
holy shit what a freak
Holy shit is that Bent Drill again? Or are there more of him?

This premise seems to be almost unconsciously accepted by everyone I raise it with.

What I mean is that people will happily object, but they won’t say what they object to, or how, or offer any alternative or contrary hypothesis.

“People don’t have a rebuttal to my batshit, revanchist edginess immediately on hand, ergo they must subconsciously agree with me!”

I'm curious about the actual words of the people who "won't say what they object to"
“Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”
The moon isn't real. I bet you don't have a response to that, liberals
So where's the cats' colony, brain genius?

This guy: Clearly men do the bulk of-

Rational person: No. Fuck off.

Rationalist person: Hm, interesting that you feel this way. I’d be curious to know how you arrived at this position. Let’s have a long, involved chat!

Reason 85000 why rational is not at all the same as reasonable.

This premise seems to be almost unconsciously accepted by everyone I raise it with

Ok, let’s hear it.

Men do the bulk of the work when it comes to creating, maintaining, and defending everything in society.


They are paid for their labours with access to sex and reproduction.


Women’s agency causes there to be nothing to pay men with


because if women are given a choice they favour a minority of males, harem behaviour, promiscuity, childlessness,


When women have agency, they choose to undermine the social contract on multiple vectors.


Well, I’m sure this guy has talked about this subject with a wide array of people.

> When women have agency, they choose to undermine the social contract on multiple vectors. How dare these women not follow the social contract written and signed (metaphorically) by straight white men from decades ago! Don't they know their place?
What, do these women think they live in a society or something? It is only men who live in a society!
When the only people you've ever talked to are That Guy^TM
I’m sure he has. /r/incels, /r/theredpill, /r/braincels, etc. A wide rainbow of diverse opinions!

Barring the many other obvious problems with his reasoning, I find it hilarious that this guy seems to think keeping half the population uneducated is the best way to optimize “cognitive work” in a society. Fascinating.

It’s more than that, he’s advocating stripping half of the population of its freedom to maintain society ‘stability’. How much you want to bet he’d act all surprised and accuse you of attacking his freedom of speech if you were to call him a fascist?

Women’s agency, especially their sexual agency, is contrary to a society’s progress and stability.

Which is precisely why we’ve ended up with Saudi troops having to deploy to Sweden to take control of…

Oh, wait. Hold on one second.

Women decide whether sex occurs or not.

This fucking meme

Yeah, didn't you know that step one of stopping rape is treating women like chattel and denying them any agency over their lives?

as someone who has never used this website, is it frowned upon there to say “have sex” and thats why everyones typing paragraphs in response rather than just doing that

This was an “unpopular opinions” thread where the counterarguments got more upvotes than the original post.

Not the first time this sub has tried to use something in an “unpopular opinions” thread to characterize an entire community.

quality sneer, I see what you did there