r/SneerClub archives
How much would condescension toward Rationalists fall if they weren't mind-bogglingly racist and sexist? (https://i.redd.it/l3x5391reax31.png)

I would be so much more open to fixing problems like massive wealth inequality if only the Social Justice Warriors would just be a little nicer to billionaires! I base all my political opinions on who is nice to me! That’s rational.

"The only reason that I want hypercapitalist patriarchal ethnofeudalism is because women and minorities keep pointing out that I want hypercapitalist patriarchal ethnofeudalism!"
Stay in your designated free speech zone!

A benefit of being a robotic deity from the future is that you get to vote first in polls.


When in reality, the last few years have clearly showed that the "white moderate" is extremely willing to tolerate literal Nazis as long as they're clean-cut and not Sieg-Heiling and will object if people protest to them. And the last... entire history of the United States... has shown that "Social Justice Warriors" are always treated with derision by those who would be threatened by upsetting the status quo. It takes a Bayesian superintelligence from the future only two screenshots to figure out what game Caplan is playing!
Oh, I know this one. Is the game Silly Buggers?
> When in reality, the last few years have clearly showed that the "white moderate" is extremely willing to tolerate literal Nazis as long as they're clean-cut and not Sieg-Heiling and will object if people protest to them They'll tolerate the seig heiling because free speech. They draw the line at mean words.
> How much would anger against white nationalists fall if they were unfailingly polite and pleasant? I dunno, what percentage of the population is white? I figure it'd fall by about that much, less the handful of white people who have principles.

Well, there’s no such thing as a “social justice warrior”, so I don’t know how to answer that.

If white nats were unfailingly polite and pleasant they wouldn’t be white nats.

"...unfailing polite to white people with power like Caplan..."

And of course this kicker: https://imgur.com/hnRkAgI

Reminds me of Mike Huckabee. He would say the most outrageous things in a calm, polite manner. The approach actually kinda did work, for a while. No accident where his daughter ended up.

I would consider becoming a feminist if a nice, smiling, pretty lady asked me to instead of some shrieking harpy.

And when the smiling pretty lady asks: "Oh, what? Yes, do be a love and get me some tea."
Well obviously the woman should fetch her own tea, and get me one while she's there. I mean that's just what women do. It's hardly feminism to suggest that women stop doing things for me, it's just that they can be equal while they do it.

TIL quantification of anger is so standardized, you don’t even have to mention the methodology.

Being mad at something bad is always worse than the bad thing itself. Always. Basic rationalist principle

they just want the people fighting for justice to smile and take it as they stomp them back into their “rightful place”

fuck that

The only way to achieve progress is to stop alienating people who want everything to stay the same

So, uh, I may be reading this wrong but does the data confirm that it’s not about how polite people are when they tell rationalists they’re full of shit?

The poll question is worded dumb but it is saying that the higher percents (51%+) means people would be less mad at SJWs for being "nicer" and lower percents (<10%) mean they would still be basically the same level of mad even if SJWs were "nicer" to them. The OP image is showing 1 vote (and idk if it's even how the first vote went or not) while [the other picture in the thread](https://imgur.com/q1gJfto) shows a couple hundred votes. The couple hundred votes poll shows they are pretty divided on if they'd still be mad at them or not and by how much. It is so weird they are trying to subjectively quantify anger percentage tho. Like, the question is weirdly worded and the answers being percentages is weird.
The percentages aren't meaningful by themselves but it's interesting to compare them between polls.