r/SneerClub archives

I am told that Asians, blacks, and Hispanics actually have a lot in common with Republicans, but they don’t vote Republican because the party is “racist” If you wish to make this point, please provide evidence of the party’s racism. You must also show that the racism existed before Trump, because the voting patterns existed two over decades before Trump announced his candidacy.

“I am going to make a wronger than wrong statement. To refute it, you must answer my riddles three, and send feet pics.”

[minorities] don’t vote Republican because the party is “racist”. If you wish to make this point, please provide evidence of the party’s racism


You know, the fact that a wide range of separate minority groups absolutely reject voting for the party might be evidence of racism? Speaking of which. It turns out you can ask members of minority groups questions, and they know how to answer. This isn't string theory here.
My favorite instance in the OP was when he just offhandedly declares that the GOP did not have a problem on race (perceived or actual racism) before Trump. He doesn’t offer any proof of this, but he expects anyone who disagrees to offer proof.
It's particularly exciting, because I know from past experience that this kind of person will also reject any actual examples of racism as minor, irrelevant, etc. So there is no point.

This is such a perfect example of their overall views. “I have no direct experience with this, but if I just think at it real hard, I will know everything about it”, and “Whatever the obvious explanation is for this, it can’t be correct”.

Hey dummies, do you think that maybe people don’t tend to support politicians hostile to their interests? As a queer trans woman, I really have no interest in voting for people who think I’m less than human! I am a white person, but what I have heard from people of color is that many of them feel the same! I know, listening is NOT your strong suit, and it CAN’T be that simple…… there must be some other explanation.

>This is such a perfect example of their overall views. "I have no direct experience with this, but if I just think at it real hard, I will know everything about it", and "Whatever the obvious explanation is for this, it can't be correct". Internet skeptics, 2012: The scientific method supercedes all philosophy, and thus feminists are stupid fundies! Internet skeptics, 2019: But just how many angels *can* dance on the head of a pin!?
> "I have no direct experience with this, but if I just think at it real hard, I will know everything about it" It's not a bad place to start when thinking about an unfamiliar topic, but it's a terrible place to stop.


Ah, but prioritizing the interests of anyone but white men is "identity politics," which must be abhorred.
I think a lot of the way these people think comes down to (genuinely or cynically) not realizing those things are identities. Those things are the baseline, "identity" is what happens when you deviate from them. Something is "apolitical" when it agrees with their politics because they aren't self-aware enough to understand that they *have* a politics.
Well yes, as any gamer can tell you there's exactly two genders: male and political
Cishet white male and political, more often than not
I guess they see themselves and their personal beliefs as the default authentic state of humanity, and any difference or disagreement is inauthentic or agenda-driven.
>Well that's unfortunate, because if non-whites didn't reliably vote democrat, there'd be a lot less sympathy for white nationalism.? If you would just take the time to read the thread, you would realize that they are only being racist because other races recognize their racism!

[Additional sneer material posted by the same user a few hours before. Currently trying to locate my eyes, I seem to have rolled them straight out of my head.] (https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/dspilc/open_borders_the_science_and_ethics_of_immigration/f6r0v8y/?context=3)

"I live in the United States, and I'm terrified of demographic change" They could've just stopped the comment here lmao
At least he’s telling on himself. “I’m against open borders because I got mine, Jack. I don’t wanna share with the brown people”. This is some “self-awarewolf” material.

Here’s a bright idea - have you considered finding some of these minorities, and you know, asking them? It’ll involve treating them like people and not being immediately dismissive of whatever they have to say, but if you can do that, it might just work!

I think it’s just easier to mutter something about “plantation mentality”. Only in a hermetically sealed and ideologically homogenous bubble can true learning begin! The irony of maintaining the bubble is that they actually *can’t* reach out to anyone outside of it for insights even in cases where they admit that their own experience isn’t broad enough. They basically have to guess what a nonwhite non-right-winger would say.
They might get it wrong, though. You're smart and can prax-rat it out.

I’m sorry to put this bluntly - but the perception that the GOP as a party, and nominally GOP-friendly spaces - are even slightly comfy with white nationalism or stances close to it makes the vote a non-starter. >Well that’s unfortunate, because if non-whites didn’t reliably vote democrat, there’d be a lot less sympathy for white nationalism.

The political version of *Why are you hitting yourself?*

It really is the republicans own fault.

I seem to remember an article about this, the republicans actually did fairly well among muslim voters, pre-911, for instance. (and it was something Bush & cronies deliberately tried to cultivate) then they threw what goodwill they had down the trash.

Its really a pattern, republicans have some success attracting at middle and upper-class minority voters, who basically fall into their usual demographics but are minorities, but when push comes to shove the white supremacists always wins out, which then ruins that effort for a few generations.