r/SneerClub archives
In which a guy talks about emotional labor as if he's some sort of Lifehack genius for discovering it. (https://medium.com/@chrismorgan_1657/i-hired-a-wife-and-my-career-took-off-16dc8ae481fe)

I feel like I read a different article than you did. This seems to be a plea to respect the labor of motherhood. Not sneerworthy, in my book.

What Luisa allowed me to achieve in just a few short months got me thinking about whether certain male lawyers had the edge over someone like me simply because they had wives holding down the domestic front. Perhaps the extra time and brain space that I just discovered was something they had all along.

Having that freedom no doubt enabled them to become laser-focused at work. They could avoid getting sidetracked with kid driving, feeding, clothing, and other time-sapping chores. They could work longer hours. And as a result, maybe, just maybe, they could advance more quickly than their female counterparts with families.

It's sort of tangential to the point the OP was making here, but there's still something to be said about the implicit belief here that the (partially emotional) labor of motherhood seems to only have value inasmuch as it advances the careers of their partners.

To be fair, talking about as if it were some sort of lifehack that you’re a genius for ‘discovering’ is pretty much the entire rationalist shtick.

what? this article is good

Can somebody point me to when and where online-educated people decided to use the term emotional labor for things which are clearly not emotional labor?
Emotional labor is, prototypically, a service worker smiling while serving drinks. It’s certainly not coextensional with domestic labor.

Wait the OP is a woman, which makes things even more perplexing.

Tell me in under 500 characters what the fuck this has to do with sneerclub
My apologies. I originally read the article as being someone talking about discovering emotional labor as if they were a genius for discovering something women have known about for a while. Others here said that's a bad reading. When they explained it, I reread the article and realized that it was more trying to explain the concept to the type of people who read Medium.
That doesn't answer my question
I would think that someone on Medium acting like they're a genius for discovering something simple (as I had originally read it) is pretty sneerworthy, considering the type of people to read Medium.
What does medium have to do with LessWrong?
I always thought this place was dedicated to mocking the rationality sphere, and techbros by association
What do random lawyers have to do with that sphere, and why are you so struggling to frame your posts as direct answers to a question?