r/SneerClub archives
Might be slightly out of the SC wheelhouse, but here's Jonathan Haidt's research becoming a victim of the replication crisis (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0092656619301278)


knew i could count on you old chap

I think you mean Jonathan “stereotype accuracy deniers” Haidt

He of the incredibly nasal voice

the replication crisis is the science version of slapstick comedy. i like watching it completely disembowel so much awful, shitty research that’s been allowed to accumulate.

I hate Haidt and his soft-fascism, so this makes me feel good.

I just wanted every sneerer to feel good! :D

It should have been obvious his theory was rubbish upon first reading, in that he gives certain terms multiple meanings so he can portray conservatives more positively.

The first good critique I remember reading is that liberals/leftists also use the purity axis, since they consider bodily autonomy and protecting the environment, but Haidt doesn't count those as being examples of 'purity.'
The failed replication is funny, but the framework is so incoherent I don't think it actually matters much. One of the most thorough takedowns came out 8 years ago now: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21291315

For me, the impure is a subset of the harmful, and unjust authority deserves no respect.

Yes, I think so too. I feel visceral disgust with racist beliefs and systems, though I'm sure no one on the right would believe me. I think of my father's incorrigible Islamophobia, and it feels very much as though he is possessed by some sort of demonic entity.