r/SneerClub archives
Virgil Griffith is the cryptocurrency brain genius in the news for teaching North Korea how to evade sanctions, on the blockchain. You'll be unsurprised to hear that he's on topic for sneerclub. (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21676533)

Oh the rabbit hole! Let me give you some amazing quotes.

First, that ycombinator commenter who is at least as woke as us (no joke)

I remember being in the same circles circa 2012. I found LessWrong to be a bunch of not very interesting wank and pseudoprofound bullshit. I couldn’t decide if neoreaction was serious or some kind of many layered satire (later learned it was 100% serious). I know too much about actual evolutionary theory to buy into the IQ cult much. When Gamergate hit my reaction was “this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen… why would anyone actually care about this?”

Their interlocutor:

yeah - I think it’s fully explained by a virulent plague of memetic brain worms, and doesn’t need a conspiracy. I recommend Neoreaction a Basilisk by Elizabeth Sandifer to get a handle on it (and not just because my name’s in the first sentence).

That referenced book I will defo gonna buy now:

Featuring essays on: * Tentacled computer gods at the end of the universe * Deranged internet trolls who believe women playing video games will end western civilization * The black mass in which the President of the United States sacrificed his name * Fringe economists who believe it’s immoral for the government to prevent an asteroid from hitting the Earth * The cabal of lizard people who run the world * How to become a monster that haunts the future * Why infusing the blood of teenagers for eternal youth is bad and stupid

edited to ad:

There are soem great negative reviews for that book:

I’ll admit I’ve only read the first essay, but the quality of this work makes it undesirable to continue beyond that point.

Ok, but go on then:

Was expecting better, but the obnoxious snark and blatant condescension for the people written about in the first essay alone makes this practically unreadable. The author simply takes for granted that you already consider Yarvin, Land and Yudkowski as worthy of contempt and scorn and proceeds to uncharitably strawman half of what they say. Their discussion of Yarvin’s writings on race are particularly childish

Welllllll that reviewer is wrong.

Another gem:

I can look past the marxism dripping from every word, since it has some valid critiqued of various social structures. However, this is by far the least fair representation of every group mentioned. I’ve independently studied these groups and a large amount of this book is simply half truths and purposeful lies.

Lol Marxism

Land: 'We should be more racist not less'(*) Normal people: 'Wtf, no. Get lost methhead' The reviewer: 'Wait, lets hear him out' *: I'm not even making this up, iirc he had a blog post that just opened with this.
Racists: Normal people: how about not that Rationalists: their ideas may sound hateful and preposterous, but surely we are smart and unbiased enough to defeat them in a civil debate Narrator: They weren't and they didn't.
Excuse me Land is many things but probably not a methhead. Pretty sure he took way too much of every other drug tho. Edit: ok I was wrong he was a methhead and may still be.
Nono, I meant to make a joke about his quite well-documented "turning insane in every sense of the word" (I think Sadie Plant put it that way, but I can't remember) by joking he took all the drugs except one, but turns out, it was Amphetamines.
to be fair, hardly any people who gobble up speed and not food to the point of amphetamine psychosis go on to become white nationalists who invent "hyper-racism" because the ordinary stuff isn't enough for them
Oh yeah, I don't mean to imply the drugs made him what he is! But one narrative about his genesis as a racist edgelord includes him having a mental breakdown due to drugs, not really as a cause, but as kind of the moment in time where he went from edgy university professor in the UK to Shanghai with some grad students. (cc /u/dgerard due to edit)
from the main biographical text about Land (partly in his own words) we have online http://divus.cc/london/en/article/nick-land-ein-experiment-im-inhumanismus
Oh yeah it was that one!
> When Gamergate hit my reaction was "this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen... why would anyone actually care about this?" I had to check to make sure I'm not this person. The fact Bannon was able to use it to build a base made me want to flip the life table over.
Memetic Brain Worms is the name of my vaporwave music collective. PS: /u/cstross, I bet this whole thread would be great villain inspiration for your new Laundry-adjacent book series!
I've got *plenty* of inspiration already: there was this one time back in 1993 (before neoreaction was a glimmer in Nick Land's eye) when I crashed for a weekend in Yarvin's student house (he who would grow up to be Mencius Moldbug: this was back when he was a grad student). "Dude, let me show you the lizard room!" Was his welcome, for lo: there was an entire room full of *great big lizards* (iguanas, snakes) in the attic. I know some of these people; they're as swivel-eyed as their pet chameleons. (I mean, you didn't *really* think I made everything up?)
> I recommend Neoreaction a Basilisk by Elizabeth Sandifer to get a handle on it (and not just because my name's in the first sentence). Brandon Carter?
the acknowledgements are first!
Ah, that makes more sense! It's a great book, certainly one I'd be proud to be involved with too!
i was vibing to this book until i found out that the author is a [total rube idiot](https://twitter.com/ElSandifer/status/1201576641736118274?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) who should be rolled down a hill for being an oaf
I'm not sure what you want to tell me? The Epstein Meme deserves to be sneered
lol im such an epic sneerclub user. i love to "sneer at" people who think epstein was killed. billionaires can literally get away with running a child sex trafficking ring? huh, how outlandish, i sneer at that. i also sneer at the dutroux affair and the franklin sex trafficking ring. you really think that the fact that the few hundred people who own more wealth than the rest of the world combined never face any justice for their crimes (against seemingly all odds) is more than a coincidence, then i SNEER at you, sir is the very act of sneering being recuperated already? pathetic, dont make me cry
Oh well. Glad I never said such things!
lol what if instead of epstein didn't kill himself it's epstein DID kill himself. its actually "harmful to victims" to bring the people responsible to justice. marvel at how woke and contrarian i am

Nick Johnson from the Ethereum Foundation tweets what he thought the guy was doing - Virgil Grififth seriously, literally, thought that he could personally, singlehandedly, through the power of his own intellect, bring peace between North and South Korea … if only those dum-dums in the US Government would let him apply ENOUGH BLOCKCHAIN. https://twitter.com/nicksdjohnson/status/1201212127945605122

it’s the endless creativity of the blithering stupidity that keeps me following that nonsense

I'm reminded of [this comic](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2010-05-12) with a bit of Trumpian hubris.
Check out this mega-genius reply: https://mobile.twitter.com/futjrn/status/1201300490128154624 Seriously, best quote: "Blockchain gives 2 paths for humanity Peace Or Authoritarianism" Amazing.
"you can either be left-handed or right-handed" checks out
"Blockchain makes it so that it will either be day or night."
"And we'll pick the one that channels more money toward us"
> the charging docs make it pretty clear: he was trying to make peace between North and South Korea. I read the complaint. There was nothing I would have construed that way. There was something about sending a transaction between North and South Korea. I suppose if the explicit purpose were known to be anything nefarious, the complaint would have mentioned it, but still, it wasn't clear from the complaint at all.
you'd be talking out of a different side of your mouth if you'd got to ball with dennis rodman in the nuclear kimchi bunker

I wish people would stop acting like the alt-right is some kind of mind virus that corrupts perfectly nice and innocent people. It’s really not that big a surprise that a smart kid persecuted in school would grow into an adult who continues to look for racist justifications for why his intellect, the one thing he could take pride in growing up, makes him a superior being. The world would be a better place if we collectively recognized that a susceptibility to fascist tendencies is much more widespread than we think.

This is why there's so many insane myths about Hitler. People *need* to feel that he was special, a once-in-eternity phenomenon. This myth-making does terrible damage, because the fact is that Hitler wasn't special, by any stretch of the imagination. He was your garden variety man with issues. There is no shortage of those. Hitler just managed to acquire the power to do really horrible things. Fascist tendencies are so common as to be utterly tedious. The sooner we do away with the comforting fantasies and lies about this, the sooner we can actually address the issue.
>People need to feel that he was special, a once-in-eternity phenomenon. This is why "Nazis happened because Germans were real mad about the Treaty of Versaille!" gets so much airtime. Like, sure, the treaty itself is an understandable grievance, *but their response of genociding the Jews was not*.
'Time to invade irak to get back at them for 9/11' kind of stuff. The nazi bs about ww1 is always so weird btw. They go 'the Jews didn't fight enough during ww1', point out the Jewish people were overrepresented in the german army. Then it shifts to, the Jewish bankers made germany lose by being cowards. Point out that this is bullshit as clearly the nazis went after all the Jewish people (and even were surprised a lot of them were poor), and it shifts again and again. All just bs to rationalize their anti-semitism.
> It's really not that big a surprise that a smart kid persecuted in school would grow into an adult who continues to look for racist justifications for why his intellect, the one thing he could take pride in growing up, makes him a superior being. Eh, there are plenty of people who were persecuted in their youth that didn't grow up to be piles of complexes masquerading as human beings.
Well duh?

He encouraged other U.S. citizens to travel to North Korea, intended to renounce his U.S. citizenship and began researching how to purchase citizenship from other countries, the complaint says.

I give everybody one shot each to work out what his endgame was and how it involved cheap Asian pussy

How to evade sanctions on a ledger whose main defining trait is being 100% public, tonight at 10 on your WDUM local news.

Sanctions on North Korea are unjustifiable and I’m glad people are evading them.

juche gang has arrived to sneerclub?
I was one of the early posters here and the success of SneerClub is at least partially due to the perceptiveness of my writing.
Bring back your haikus.

Nothing surprising here. Sanctions on North Korea are unjustifiable, so it’s evident that people will try to evade them.

This is good for Kimcoin