r/SneerClub archives
2 hour video from Shaun debunking the Bell Curve (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBc7qBS1Ujo)

god it feels good to have an interminably long video to throw at people instead of having that done to me

ferret dancing 10 hours
this isnt google

The dismantling of “heritability” at 39:00 was in particular well done. I remember way back reading a rationalist tumblr person claim that HBD was “indisputably correct” because IQ is heritable and thats “all they needed to know”.

Another claim I saw a bunch was that genetic IQ differences must be nonzero due to genetic drift, so obviously a bunch of the gap is genetic! As if “nonzero” genetic gap couldn’t be 0.1 points or 0.0000000001 points favoured in either direction.

If heritability weren't misunderstood/misrepresented, that would take out at least 1/2 of all pop biology.
If you scratch at any HBD argument hard enough, you are gonna find, somewhere at the bottom at a fundamental level, the assumption that racism is over and ended in the 1970's or something. And then they'll use those same arguments as evidence that racism is over, or in some cases that it should be brought back. It's all circular reasoning masquerading as "rationality"
Yup, a disturbing number of people think the civil rights movement ended racism and thus any remaining gaps between racial groups in the West is because of innate differences and not, y'know, generational poverty and the lingering lag of prejudice.
Not to mention some of the gains of the civil rights movements being rolled back (like the 1965 Voting Rights Act no longer being enforced).
> As if "nonzero" genetic gap couldn't be 0.1 points or 0.0000000001 points favoured in either direction. This is the best part. The statistical argument for HBD is nonsense, so you can almost always talk them down to the claim that while there may be "racial" differences in intelligence in some categorization, they're probably small, no more than a fraction of a fraction of a point. But you'll never get them to entertain the idea that that fraction of a fraction of a point might put white people below, say, black people. You can get them to squash their proposed racial hierarchy down to minute differences, down far within their margins of error, but they won't ever reverse any of their orderings. Almost, almost as if it was never about the data that they don't understand in the first place.
"all they needed to know" Meaning: "All they ever wanted All they ever needed" Being only rational without any ethics is challenging as is. I do get the impression that rationalists tend to stop reasoning when they arrive at their preplanned conclusion though.
Hmm, I got the impression that their preplanned conclusion is where they *start* reasoning
Well, now I have that song in my head.
Which is the aim of my guerilla commenting \*rational laughter\*

I haven’t watched the video yet, but before I do I feel like I should reccomend this video as well. From a YouTuber that posted two high quality videos dealing with right wing academic bullshit and then… apparently stopped existing.


If Im hankering for a really exciting evening Ill watch both videos parallel and see where they line up.

Good stuff! Wow, that was a huge amount of work.


I'm surprised a thorough rebuttal to the Bell Curve managed to be so short tbh
people like skulls what can I say
Why not? Same, better shit than watching the news or most movies. Fall asleep to it a few nights in a row with f.lux on deck, yeaaaaa baby, wake up Wednesday a new poster freshly ready to shred the racists. can I get a yeah
> or most movies. suit yourself but this ain't it
most movies are incredibly bad, just like most of everything is incredibly bad.
I'd watch most movies over this any day, but I appreciate breadtube delving into the hours-long youtube videos so it's not populated with just MauLer and Sargon. I'm not gonna watch it either way though.
This video is something like 30 sargons in length.
Nah, clearly you are not the target audience, I wonder if Shaun tailored his vids for a certain type of alt-right seduced viewer. (Aka, just the type who would watch a 2 hour long vid of the white supremacist Taylor dude droning on about non-white 'culture' (the 'culture comes from the genes!' part is not said out loud that often, else the game would be up) being bad, or just anybody who watched the longer Jordan Peterson lectures). Which is fine to not be the target audience, be happy about that. (At least your yt recommends are not horrible).
I mostly watch programming tutorials and still get JPed all over my recommendations.
Yeah the programmer to weird alt right pipeline.
Try drinking some cough syrup, it's basically Houston chopped and screwed talk radio. If you get enough you can read and hold a conversation with your lamp at the same time, at lower levels of functioning with the divided minds obviously. High iqs only.
i'm kinda the opposite, i can watch hbomb and philotube and contra, but all the set pieces and narrative elements and lynchian absurdity and (especially!) the fucking musical numbers get on my nerves. so i like shaun, three arrows, and cuck philosophy the most. i kinda see em like audioarticles
I think very few people sit down and intently watch this kind of content, they put it on in the background while they are travelling to work, doing chores at home, playing videogames, etc.
ok carlgon
Yes why would a video devoted to debunking a longstanding text on racial pseudoscience be more than 30 minutes? Truly a mystery.
Shaun is pretty entertaining. Think of it as a movie and you'll be at the end before you know it.
Watch at 1.25x speed
There's a debunking Ancient Aliens that's just as long and great as well. You can put it on in the background if you're good at paying attention to two things at once.

Let’s debunk the racists here next.

You are going to have to explain this one. I for one cant wait for your 'if you think about it, the anti-lesswrongers are the real racists' take. Unless im misreading what you mean with 'here' of course.
you're not
Lesswrongers are often very racist, no doubt. The people here are racist too, and not just the fake "anti-white" racist type either. Check out /r/sneersneerclub for examples.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/sneersneerclub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneersneerclub/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This subreddit irl](https://i.redd.it/noczs4vabnk31.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneersneerclub/comments/czr4ho/this_subreddit_irl/) \#2: [let me google that for you](https://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+delete+other+people%27s+posts) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneersneerclub/comments/czhx6x/let_me_google_that_for_you/) \#3: ["He's the creepy dude who pushes you to be poly. Of course he's pro-SW."](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/e7vg4z/i_had_no_idea_until_after_her_campaign_ended_that/faeg0vw/) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneersneerclub/comments/ecnflh/hes_the_creepy_dude_who_pushes_you_to_be_poly_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/ciakte/blacklist_vi/)