r/SneerClub archives

Jesus christ, this was clearly written while balls-deep in a manic episode.

Yeah, feeling more sympathetic than sneering here.
Yeah, I can empathize with the guy... Like, there's another way!


“I avoid virtue signaling”

is just another form of “virtue signaling” for different audience


Better term, and predicted by (actual forensic psychiatrist) The Last Psychiatrist as an indicator of narcissism, even in self-identified “nerds”.

‘I’m an INTP’, makes me recall the link posted here earlier about that classification system.

But still, poor manic episode of the person.

I know this rationalist IRL. I'm pretty sure this was not the result of a single manic episode, but carefully worked out over the course of many years.
I hope this person is at least happy shuffling all these various terms around.
Bit hard to tell with this person, but I think they're comfortable and happy.
I've been on the "lol fuck MBTI" kick since I was a teenager but I just finished reading this the other day which made me realise it is *waaaaaay* weirder than I thought https://digg.com/2015/myers-briggs-secret-history
Not surprised at all that the creator of the MBTI wrote about type as being racially determined and that the training emphasizes personality as fixed. Of course the biggest customers / fans of MBTI are rationalists and alt-rightists — for both test takers and test makers, beneath the pseudoscience grasping for legitimacy lie children seeking validation of their inherent superiority cracking open fortune cookies til they get the desired result.
Yes that link!

the cool thing about this is if you’re this person you’re wholely irrelevant to society as a whole

Can empirically verify.

This takes on a serious “Weird Al lyrics” vibe after a while.

to the tune of like "end of the world as we know it" or "we didn't start the fire" or something

I love the idea that someone could be meaningfully interested in more than a dozen discrete topics from unrelated disciplines. It might be more efficient to just say, “I’m a hopeless dilettante.” Then again, they did say they like to show not tell, so golf clap?

Is this Yud’s dating site profile?

Reads like Fitter, Happier by Radiohead

A pig In a cage On Rationality.

Why do all these people love Peter Thiel so much?

As a fool, I wonder if this makes more sense in context.

All I got was “so basically, I’m baby.”

I don't want to dox this guy because showing you the full context would reveal his real name, buuuut no, I promise you, it does not make more sense in context.
Is it a dating profile?

Shall the world, then, be overrun by oysters?