r/SneerClub archives


It also [just springs up all over for them](https://www.reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/comments/bhbzu5/nick_bostrom_thinks_mass_surveillance_could_save/), due to the sort of seemingly evil instincts that you mention. It's really worrisome.
>Under Bostrom's vision of mass surveillance, humans would be monitored at all times via artificial intelligence, which would send information to "freedom centers" that work to save us from doom. To make this possible, he said, all humans would have to wear necklaces, or "freedom tags," with multi-directional cameras. ok with the Orwellian ironic dystopian names, he *has* to be attention-seeking with this shit, right?
The most boring book I have ever tried to read was written by Nick Bostrom. He brings a whole new angle to the "banality of evil."
Was it Superintelligence? I could see what you might mean, if so.
Oh yeah, that's the one. It was an audiobook too, it just drones on and on and on. Who is persuaded by this stuff?

I often see Singer cited by libertarian socialists (generally very specifically on the subject of animal rights) and it makes my whole damn brain pulse and throb every time.

Not to mention [that book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Darwinian_Left) he wrote about how socialists ignore muh human nature.
uGhgvaghGHAGHHG read THE GERMAN IDEOLOGTY. read the FUCKING GERMAN IDEOLOGYHYUHJHKKUOH MY GOIOD. if i ever get my stalinist authoriatarian power i will suspend all social relations, force everyone to IMMEDIATELY READ THE GERMNA IDEOLOGY before they can have them back again. PATHETIC.
I read Singer's "intro" to Marx and I was surprised how much he got wrong - usually the economics stuff. If I ever get enough time I might do some sort of longform takedown (I haven't read his other work).
Nothing I love more than being called 'carnist filth' for pointing out that people are letting sentimentality about animals seduce them into literal fucking eugenics.

Does this mean we can go back to eating meat now?

No, still not off the hook there.
Ok, but can I at least eat Peter Singer?
sounds ethical to me.
Sounds like meat is back on the menu boys!

“I’m glad I wasn’t aborted. Therefore, abortion is bad. Checkmate, philosophers.”


funnily enough, this is basically jack nicholson's point of view, but he's still pro-choice anyway so good on him