r/SneerClub archives
"So I imagine the trigger for depression simply checks whether there is anybody to safely bully." (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/e7tlo8/so_i_imagine_the_trigger_for_depression_simply/)

“If you can bully someone and get away with it, that is great evidence they’re lower rank than you. So if you cannot, that is good evidence you are are at the lowest point and might want to activate your slavery response.”

(Check the replies to the first comment on the latest ssc post. Idk how to link individual comments)


If depression is a result of low status, why do so many people in high status jobs suffer from it?

the sjws sneer at them and make them think they're low status
Fear our psychic sneerpressure!
There's a standard Internet phenomenon (I generalize) of a Sneer Club of people who enjoy getting together and picking on designated targets. Sneer Clubs (I expect) attract people with high Dark Triad characteristics, which is (I suspect) where Asshole Internet Atheists come from - if you get a club together for the purpose of sneering at religious people, it doesn't matter that God doesn't actually exist, the club attracts psychologically f'd-up people. Bullies, in a word, people who are powerfully reinforced by getting in what feels like good hits on Designated Targets, in the company of others doing the same and congratulating each other on it. E.g. my best guess is that RationalWiki started out as a Sneer Club targeted on homeopathy, and then they decided that since they were such funny and incisive skeptics they ought to branch out into writing about everything else, like the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Dark Lord Potter (I infer) aggregated as a Sneer Club targeted at Harry Potter fics they considered inferior, mated with a self-conceptualized elite fanfiction forum for properly dark, gritty, adult HP fics - the most elite HP forum on the Internet, or so they considered themselves. HPMOR came along and was critically acclaimed by mainstream authors despite not (then) being dark and gritty, and it was by an outsider. So the sneering club encountered something that seemed to threaten their status. There is also a common attitude that nerds are designated bullying-targets; or to write it out at slightly greater length, people who talk about science are acting like they think they're snootier than you, which is especially deserving of a slapdown since the person is probably just some nerd in their mother's basement. The result is not surprising. It's basically the same reason RationalWiki went after LessWrong with "HP fic that mentions science like that makes it snooty" substituted for "skeptics who talk about probability theory like that makes them snooty". I don't think this is complicated enough for me to need to write it out in Professor Quirrell's voice. To be clear, there are all sorts of people in the world who legitimately don't enjoy Methods for any number of reasons, but if you want to understand the tone of the posts you see on DLP you'll do better if you understand the concept of a Sneer Club. The natural response of a low-Dark-Triad non-bully who encounters HPMOR and doesn't enjoy it is to stop reading it, maybe with a small note of gratitude to the author for warning them in advance to give up if it wasn't fun by chapter ten. To hate hate hate a vegetable stew and everyone who ever said they liked it, you need to have something else going on inside your head besides having tasted the stew and having said "bleah" that one time.
I was laughing at your joke because it was good
Thank you for your kind words.
I mean, half of its stigma is caused by the amount of well-off people which get diagnosed with it.

and yet if your “slavery response” involves guillotines activating it makes SSC yell at you.

Clearly wrong. Some sneerclubbers, who are professional locker stuffers, have depression.

> Some sneerclubbers, who are professional locker stuffers, What, y'all are getting paid for this? Why amn't I getting paid?
Check your Soros Corp registration, you can update your status to also being a sneerclubber and just list these hours spend here as billable.

Step 1: fully internalize social rules at the age of 13, based on how other 13 year olds treat you

Step 2: let ’em fester inside you for a couple decades

Step 3: do unto others!

that is good evidence you are are at the lowest point and might want to activate your slavery response.

unbelievable. they typed “are are” rather than “are.”


10 PRINT "forever torture" 20 PRINT "unless" 30 PRINT "INSERT COIN" 40 GOTO 10

Idk how to link individual comments

The date and time below “name says:


It’d be amazing if they were to look into rational explanations of depression wouldn’t it

Yes, this seems like a legitimate psychological theory and not something completely made up by morons