r/SneerClub archives
Most sane people don’t want to die, but why would anyone want to live in this crappy world forever? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/ea3e29/most_sane_people_dont_want_to_die_but_why_would/)

If there is a God and a heaven, that’s great: They would be unimaginably wonderful by definition. If there isn’t, why would I want this world to drivel on forever?

You could like, start a blog or make a Twitter or something. Instead of posting here.

They may be British, it's a stressful day for a lot of us.
on topic, Dominic Cummings
So now that Cummings has undone the post Cold War democratic order in Europe, what will he do for his encore?
Boris's Basilisk fnarr fnarr

Time to read Marx or other Marxists

Perhaps this is more something for a more transhumanist subreddit?

E also :

“I plan to live forever, of course, but barring that I’d settle for a couple thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice. CEO Nwabudike Morgan, Morganlink 3D-Vision Interview”

I mean, I’d like to.

I don’t really think it’s feasible but I’d like to determine for myself when enough is enough and not have it done for me by my body breaking down.

I also don’t believe in a god, so I’m not really into dying if I can help it.

Currently I’d rather be alive than dead and I don’t really see that changing.