r/SneerClub archives
"Pinker is no intellectual historian, so perhaps it should not be surprising that he overlooks a key Enlightenment debate ... over the power, foundation, and limits of rational inquiry, perhaps the core example of Enlightenment self-directed skepticism." (https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/pinkers-pollyannish-philosophy-and-its-perfidious-politics/)

“By eliminating skepticism from his rendition of the Enlightenment, Pinker has done the equivalent of removing every second word of a book: what’s left behind is not half the sense of the original, but just nonsense.”


It’s useful to think of Pinker-type Enlightenment bros as the flip side of fundamentalists – they both create a cartoon version of the source text(s) to justify whatever their current political project is.

Peven, and I cannot stress this enough, Stinker.

A fellow person of culture I see
I'm one of these cultured marxists you keep hearing so much about these days.
How Podern of you. In fact, I would even go as far as to call you the Most Podern.
You too will be in the opera house when the revolution comes!

“Free market capitalism has been good for everyone.”

-- Free market capitalists

Pinker is no intellectual

No lie detected.


get him a copy of The Basilisk Murders for xmas

Holy shit I haven’t witnessed a man get roasted this thoroughly since Shapiro’s book’s reviews

This gave me so much energy. More like angels of our worst scholarship, amirite?

Reactionaries are people wanting to go back to the period before our current status quo. The status quo ante. Which is a fantasy, the status quo ante is always an imagined nostalgic place divorced from reality (see the various racists who think the world was better when it had no in it. Ignoring that these people always existed, and for them this period was pretty bad, or the monarchist reactionary who ignores all the bad shit kings and queens did).

Classical liberals do the same, they have an imagined ideal of the classical liberal, which they want to go back to (ignoring that these classical imaginary people didnt exist).

So, what im logic and reasoning here is, Pinker is a reactionary.

(And yes, this is a bad argument, and bs).

but did he run THE BIBLE throught textblob yet????

he did, and it showed the old testament was negative, and the new testament was positive. take from that what you will.
No. I just find the idea of Pinker using his stupid data gathering techniques to become an anti-Semite funny. I mean it wouldn't be the most far fetched thing for him to do either.