r/SneerClub archives

Is sneerclub the light endarkenment?


they’re talking about the rationalist “dark enlightenment” where you learn why your boomer parents were right to be scared of black people by skimming the abstracts of papers written by morons
Stop right there, that is a misrepresentation. It isnt morons. It is people financed by the pioneer fund. So, racist morons.
Here is a nice link if you want to torture yourself by reading more. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Neoreactionary_movement I suggest you don't.


I came here to post this, but yeah, pretty much.


It just shouldn’t be.



I mean, they genuinely are onto an important kernel of truth in probing the Western liberal intellectual tradition for evidence of a deep underlying racism and proto-fascism, even if they're doing it in a philosophically illiterate way in the name of their own racist convictions. Sort of like how anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools, you could think of "dark enlightenment" as the *Liberalism: a Counter-History* by Domenico Losurdo or *The Apprentice's Sorcerer* by Ishay Landa ...of fools.