r/SneerClub archives
Scott Alexander wonders why nobody writes good plays anymore (https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/slatestarscratchpad/189750082296)

I always knew rationalists were attracted to form over substance, but this is beyond dumb. From the tumblr:

How come nobody writes Shakespearean plays anymore?

You know the type. Five acts, set in 15th century Venice or whatever, everyone speaks in iambic pentameter and has names like “Panculio”. Either a tragedy where everyone dies at the end, or a comedy where everyone hilariously misidentifies their lovers somehow.

Everyone agrees these are some the greatest plays ever. So why won’t anyone write them nowadays? Don’t tell me the form has been completely explored. So have superhero movies, and people keep churning out more of those.

like it can be a neat gimmick, I guess? but it's not literally the period and style of language that makes shakespeare good? it's just a little bit more than that scott? everyone knows it's actually because they were published in quarto, it's the paper size that makes them so popular over the centuries scott and modern plays would be good if they were done in the right format
> everyone knows it's actually because they were published in quarto, it's the paper size that makes them so popular over the centuries The virgin quarto vs the chad folio
Yeah, it's the name "Panculio" (?!?) that is responsible for people holding Shakespeare in high regard. That makes sense.
~~"What's in a name?"~~ "Names are all that matters."
Scott Scott, I knew it.
if anybody comes in to call that doxxing im just gonna give up reddit permanently
okay but they actually did do that about a decade ago and it won the oscar for best film
Yeah, people are writing and performing all kinds of shit. It's just not very popular, so it's mostly amateur and independent productions with small or no advertising budgets.
I thought your quote was satire until I realized that the OP was a link to the Tumblr you were serious about.
Even if I were trying to be charitable and see Scooter's OP as a facetious comment, it's terribly unfunny.
It's pretty obviously a joke dude, no charity needed. It's probably making fun of some other post that was making the rounds on tumblr or something rather than being meant to be funny in a vacuum.
Oh hardly, judging by the comment threads on his Tumblr, plenty of people are taking it seriously. And it's so unfunny it took me a moment to realize Scooter might be trying to make a joke.
you'll fit in super well somewhere else
Bah, if you want formalism why the fuck are you looking at Shakespeare and not the french classicists?

Do you need a Tumblr account just to read pages now?

Forgot, fixing it.
I'm on desktop and it still doesn't work for me either. Get it together, Zhe, I need my weekly fix.
Just fyi, links can't be changed in the original link post. They'd have to delete and repost.
I updated my first comment to include the text. Tumblr is dumb.
Thank you, and yes, it is.
I updated my first comment to include the text.


Alas, poor Roko! I knew him, Eliezer, a fellow of infinite paperclips, of most excellent fancy.
the line where they're noticing the skull
To open the box, or not open the box, that is the question.