r/SneerClub archives
Hacker News shows its usual sympathy for poor people (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21888821)

They mean actual rats. They’re everywhere in New York. Shudder. I don’t miss living there.

Does “rats” mean “poor people” in some dialect of English? Maybe it’s because I’ve actually lived in New York but there’s no way I could misinterpret that one. But a commenter on HN made the same connection. Maybe it’s a British English thing?

Comparing the underclasses to "vermin" of some type is common, but I'm also pretty sure the OP here means actual rats.

I guess to be fair that might’ve meant literal rats, but the rest of that thread contains some legit sneer-worthy targets.

I think they meant literal rats. It's NYC after all: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/22/nyregion/rat-infestation-nyc.html