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/r/themotte poster completely misunderstands Foucault (https://reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/enzofb/_/fe7l4c0/?context=1)

The other problem is that deconstruction is applied very selectively for political reasons. The same techniques are never applied to e.g. rap, because that would be “racist.” You can’t attack coalition allies. Also, we are not going to ask why books like 50 shades of gray are most sold books of the decade, and read mainly by women

I have no idea what he means by deconstruction here, but stuff like sexism/machismo in hip-hop or the sexual politics of 50 Shades etc have been, uh, incessantly analysed by academics

if you deconstructed hiphop, you would discover it was made of leftist sjw liberalism - as distinct from the very-left-liberalism that all good SSC community members espouse - as well as sharia abortion tissue and the wrong sort of atheism. that's why foucault himself declared that hiphop was not to be deconstructed,
Wait so what do we do about Muslim grime artists
i only listen to carly rae jephsen / nasheed mashups
Ah, the gay agenda rears its head
Ah but they don't come to the right conclusions about it!
I've been a TA for college classes on hip-hop, one had a project where students analyze rap lyrics and while we don't necessarily use the word we definitely taught/encouraged deconstruction. But a lesswronger wouldn't know that because they think think it's beneath them to take any non-STEM classes.


Same, but after reading the first few lines, I hop into the comments here, read some of the quoted lines, and marvel about how the OP got that far. For example, Lara Croft?!?
Typical of the motte of course, the lara was redesigned because she was considered sexist is not sourced at all (i never hear that was the reason, considering the wider context of gaming and modern media i would sooner think she was redesigned with a 'everything must be dark and gritty' mindset). I wonder if anybody asked for a source of this otherwise highly 'fighting the culture war' subject. Im just going to leave this link here https://www.themarysue.com/lara-croft-misogyny/
Agreed. It doesn't even make sense within his overall point of "bureaucratic control" unless he somehow thinks SJW bureaucrats made game designers make her more tragic (to combat the sexism, ofc).
Yeah just did a quick search and the actual more sjw aligned people were not that big a fan of the redesign, esp considering the way the devs talked about lara, in a way that took away her agency. [This the motte poster](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/enzofb/comment/fedblgp) is almost self aware btw. It is so fucking typical. (The rationalist tools end up as rethorical weapons, not as tools of self reflection)

I am admittedly far from being an expert, and think the whole enterprise is misguided anyway. But

There’s that “I don’t really know what I’m talking about but going to do it anyway” trope.

>I think a few things should be said about Foucault and deconstruction. Perhaps, but here? And now? With you?

the panopticon except only for looking at big boobies in my vidya

I think a few things should be said about Foucault …

proceeds to deliver several paragraphs of whining about SJWs in which Foucault is just a throwaway reference no more significant than the references to Alexander and Rick and Morty.

Unless our good lad here is under the impression that since Michel Foucault and Rick Sanchez are both bald, they are both the same person.

But original Lara Croft was interesting for a lot more reasons than that. … she was written as basically a thrill-seeking near-sociopath. Originally, her parents weren’t dead, they disowned her because of her disreputable tomb raiding. … But because she was somewhat scantly clothed, she was labeled sexist and so new Lara had to be completely redesigned with tragic backstory, dead parents and other cliched crap.

Yeah, it’s a shame that “wearing a skimpy outfit” was so core to her character that they had to change everything else about her too. Those dastardly sjws wanted her to wear a more normal outfit, so obviously they had to rewrite her whole backstory to accommodate that. Truly, there was no other way.

Another prime example of Social Justice Derangement Syndrome, poor lad

That's an actual term? Huh..m

comment about Foucault

spends the whole comment talking about tvtropes

Well now I’m extra confident that he’s done the reading and knows what he’s talking about.

This better be about the Foucault pendulum…

E: I can’t believe nobody looked at this sentence and not went ‘WTF’

It goes without saying that Foucault would be appalled by Title IX sex bureaucracy as busybody overseeing young people having sex goes against everything he ever believed in.

I have no idea where the Title IX (which iirc means ‘no gender based discrimination on schools’) link with young kids fucking each other comes from. Over 40 upvotes.

He hated moral busybodies with the fury of thousand blazing suns. Part of it was understandable reaction against Le Corbusier and high modernism.

Le Corbusier? Famous architect? Antisemite, racist, fascist sympathizer, Vichy collaborator, bizarrely aggressive misogynist? That Corbusier? A moral busybody?

It's frankly a bit disturbing that you think those things are inconsistent
Seems like *their* kind of moral busybody, though. Not like whomever they thought Foucault was railing against.
No, Corbusier easily fits the model of the post-war European busybody, which is one of their examples
“Moral busybody” is a stock phrase for the right, close to a synonym for “SJW.” It *really* does not apply to Corbusier. If you oppose catcalling or child labor, you’re a moral busybody. This person probably assumes that all modernist architects were communists and that all communists are “SJWs,” but knows nothing about Corbusier in particular.
I mean they put it right in there, they're talking about the fussy modernism and regulatory urban planning and so on
There’s no moral dimension to Corbusier’s work—not in the sense that he intended to improve individual people’s lives, anyway. Civilizational moral renovation in some creepy Hitlerian sense, maybe. But again, not what they’re thinking of.
Corbusier can say what he wants
I’m just hung up on the word “busybody,” basically. A busybody is a do-gooding meddler who engages with people one-on-one. Imposing rigid standardization and bureaucracy on people is the (well, *an*) opposite of busybodiness.
That seems to be more of a problem with how you prefer to use a word, rather than anything about the comment
I can see fascists sympathizer and some dude mad at the designs of the house given the sort of shit hey wanted to turn Paris into. What antisemitism or racism did he display though? Or fascist sympathizer other than his I guess modernist architecture

youre not serious

Foucault sounds like a Laveyan Satanist here.

It’s unsurprising that they know fuck all about Foucault.