r/SneerClub archives
not just Nick Land, but Nick Land on why fucking Bitcoin is cool, jesus fuck (http://sumrevija.si/en/sum10-2-nick-land-crypto-current-an-introduction-to-bitcoin-and-philosophy/)

this twitter thread they get the image from is wild


"Absolutely amazing how incoherent this thread is" thanks random twitter person.
Well it seems like Nick Land himself is writing that thread lol - it's just like I'm reading him!
At least 3/4 of those images could be posted to r/SurrealMemes.

His writing style is horrid.

But if you look deeper, his ideas are horrid too.
Good point :D
Have you ever considered stand-up? I'm very much enjoying the notes of angry George Carlin here. PS: loved the book!
I prefer lying down on the couch comedy.
have you read kant?
Meth is a hell of a co-author.

When is bitcoin going to go away?

sadly its derivatives are gonna stick around for a long time. it's real convenient for moving dirty money around. a lotta techno-scammers are still using it to grift marks as well, the speculative aspect is just a big pyramid scheme, idk how long that's gonna last... but cults can last a very long time
"The war on drugs is good!" -you
You... wanna explain that, or... ? Hey, did you ever find those non-athletic shorts? I'm dying to know.
No I ended up just wearing athletic shorts. But i think most stores should be getting summer stuff in soon
Yes. What, is your issue with the war on drugs that they demonized the wrong drugs? Lol

/r/badphilosophy had a whale of a time with it too

I waded through to §1.4. Does he end up saying anything?

Oh god, it’s barely even readable. Why do I do this to myself?

when the whole book of this is out, Sandifer and I have resigned ourselves to writing it up, as iiterally the two most qualified people in the world to do so

Huh, so he finished his writings on Bitcoin. I forgot about that I just remembered reading his prologue. Part of why I somewhat put off getting Fanged Noumena was because I knew he was till writing stuff

oh no no, he's not *finished*. This is just chapter one.