r/SneerClub archives

Isn’t that “industrial society and it’s future”?

The OP is either a really clever troll getting dumbass ancaps to agree with the unabomber, or he's just deeply, deeply stupid, and thinks he's a fucking genius
OP has essentially just copy pasted a poo-poo of liberals and is now just responding to everyone with one-sentence platitudes so I’d bet on them being a decent troll
Man, I remember being told Unabomber's manifesto was some profound work of a misunderstood genius. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to start with a garden variety reactionary rant about leftist being lame and gay. Another thing I found funny is that in the forword to the second edition he talks about the need to fight the "adversary culture". What is adversary culture? It's the concept developed by the "intellectual" conservative movement that implies that a lot of leftism isn't about following some sort of rational ideology, but the expression of pathological need of some individuals to stick it to the mainstream. I mean, people like that probably do exist, but what are your examples? Turns out the concept was developed to explain the opposition to Vietnam War, was shelved away and only seen a brief resurgence when Iraq War started...
Adversity culture people certainly do exist. It is the punkers who now support Trump because it shocks people. The johnny rottens (my other examples also are entertainment first). Nowadays we would just call these people trolls. But ypu got to have some brain worms to think all the left or right is just trolling. E: and in a sad way it is tiring to see the same old bullshit was already said by the unabomber. Psychoanalixing the left, without having any contact with any politiically active left wing people. It is fucking weird it keeps happening again and again. (I mean specifically the 'they hate the us because it is strong' bs).
>It is the punkers who now support Trump because it shocks people case in point 4chan. and a small but growing number have already moved back onto bernie or yang.
it’s why a small part of me has always wondered what would happen if all the major media outlets 180’d into supporting trump. Of course, it would be even worse than what they are currently doing, but i would be interested in seeing how fast those communities bounce off in the other direction.
If Bernie wins, we might actually see this. It will be really fucking weird. (I'm so happy I live in Europe).
Yeah. That's why I was curious about the concept. Contrarians do exist and there's a contingent of them on every leftist forum. What's funny is how fast the people who developed the concept run it into the ground by applying it in all the wrong places.
> But you got to have some brain worms to think all the left or right is just trolling. It's a primordial version of the NPC meme. You can't wrap your head around people holding views you don't agree with (or, yes, find abhorrent!), so clearly they must have a pathological psychology or are simply lacking in psychology full stop. See also: the red-pill 'hamster' meme.
The rationalization hamster is my fave part of pua lore. 'You see the rationalization hamster is what causes female sluts and left wing male cucks to make bad decisions and then rationalize them in their own mind so they aren't bad' says the guy who is spending all his time trying to pick up women in a fluffy purple pimp suit in dance clubs. The utter lack of self awareness is just great.
Rush Limbaugh with a thesaurus.

lol, I was like “this guy’s just like the Unabomber… oh wait.”

Awmost evewyone wiww agwee thawt we wive in a deepwy twoubwed society. Owne of the most widespwead manifestations of the cwaziness of ouw wowwd iws weftism, so a discussion of the psychowogy of weftism cawn sewve as an intwoduction tuwu the discussion of the pwobwems of modewn society in genewaw.

the two psychowogicaw tendencies thawt undewwie modewn weftism we caww “feewings of infewiowity” awnd “ovewsociawization.” feewings of infewiowity awe chawactewistic of modewn weftism as a whowe, whiwe ovewsociawization iws chawactewistic onwy of a cewtain segment of modewn weftism; but thiws segment iws highwy infwuentiaw.

by “feewings of infewiowity” we mean nowt onwy infewiowity feewings in the stwict sense but a whowe spectwum of wewated twaits; wow sewf-esteem, feewings of powewwessness, depwessive tendencies, defeatism, guiwt, sewf- hatwed, etc. We awgue thawt modewn weftists tend tuwu have sowme such feewings (possibwy mowe ow wess wepwessed) awnd thawt these feewings awe decisive in detewmining the diwection of modewn weftism.

whewn someone intewpwets as dewogatowy awmost anything thawt iws said abouwt him (ow abouwt gwoups with whom he identifies) we concwude thawt he has infewiowity feewings ow wow sewf-esteem. Thiws tendency iws pwonounced among minowity wights activists, whethew ow nowt they bewong tuwu the minowity gwoups whose wights they defend. They awe hypewsensitive abouwt the wowds used tuwu designate minowities awnd abouwt anything thawt iws said concewning minowities. The tewms “negwo,” “owientaw,” “handicapped” ow “chick” fow an afwican, an asian, a disabwed pewson ow a woman owiginawwy had no dewogatowy connotation. “bwoad” awnd “chick” wewe mewewy the feminine equivawents of “guy,” “dude” ow “fewwow.” the negative connotations have bewn attached tuwu these tewms by the activists themsewves. Sowme animaw wights activists have gone so faw as tuwu weject the wowd “pet” awnd insist own its wepwacement by “animaw companion.” weftish anthwopowogists gow tuwu gweat wengths tuwu avoid saying anything abouwt pwimitive peopwes thawt couwd conceivabwy be intewpweted as negative. They wawnt tuwu wepwace the wowwd “pwimitive” by “nonwitewate.” they seem awmost pawanoid abouwt anything thawt might suggest thawt any pwimitive cuwtuwe iws infewiow tuwu ouw own.

those who awe most sensitive abouwt “powiticawwy incowwect” tewminowogy awe nowt the avewage bwack ghetto- dwewwew, asian immigwant, abused woman ow disabwed pewson, but a minowity of activists, many of whom duwu nowt even bewong tuwu any “oppwessed” gwoup but come fwom pwiviweged stwata of society. Powiticaw cowwectness has its stwonghowd among univewsity pwofessows, who have secuwe empwoyment with comfowtabwe sawawies, awnd the majowity of whom awe hetewosexuaw white mawes fwom middwe- tuwu uppew-middwe-cwass famiwies.

many weftists have an intense identification with the pwobwems of gwoups thawt have an image of being weak (women), defeated (amewican indians), wepewwent (homosexuaws) ow othewwise infewiow. The weftists themsewves feew thawt these gwoups awe infewiow. They wouwd nevew admit tuwu themsewves thawt they have such feewings, but iwt iws pwecisewy because they duwu see these gwoups as infewiow thawt they identify with theiw pwobwems. (we duwu nowt mean tuwu suggest thawt women, indians, etc. Awe infewiow; we awe onwy making a point abouwt weftist psychowogy.)

feminists awe despewatewy anxious tuwu pwove thawt women awe as stwong awnd as capabwe as men. Cweawwy they awe nagged by a feaw thawt women may nowt be as stwong awnd as capabwe as men.

It was only a matter of time before we'd get an uWunabomber.
he's the bombew gotham desewves
I read this in homestar runner's voice
I wish I could understand what Homestar Runner says.
my god...
Thanks, I hate it.

You think I’m gonna read all this? Can’t I just download an app that uses AI to condense it down to a pithy quote?

Hey OP I appreciate your username.

It’s too late to delete this, and it is funny, but please don’t post this shit when you of all people are well aware that it’s NOT IN OUR FUCKING WHEELHOUSE

How many times do I have to tell you this before I just get bored and ban everyone who should know better on sight?


Not my work. :)

LOL of course you have a Rick and Morty username
Can we skip to the part where you live in a remote cabin in Montana?
Well I don’t so....
Better late than never.
'not my work' and 'but he is correct'. Could you be more boring?
Idk... you could... read it.
Reading is for rationalists, here we just pick a card randomly from a Emperor's Tarot cards. For you it said 'Ecofascist' weird, I don't think that is even a normal card, but that is psychoactive liquid-crystal wafers for ya.
Leftist here, will post a more detailed response in your thread later. ;)
Why though?
notwithstanding the post being copypasta, "hurr durr progressives made slurs bad things to say" does not ever warrant a response
I dont think a reply would be that bad idea, if it counters the general ecofasc unabomber weirdness. But a reddit post is imho the wrong place. Id say make it a long form rebuttal and try to get it published in current affairs or something. Esp as this chud is just spamming a dozen subs with the unabomber manifesto. One thing the left sucks at is adequately explaining things imho. Current affairs being a good exception.