r/SneerClub archives

This is actually a cover up. What’s really happening is that he’s taking time to recover from being bested in intellectual battle by Slavoj Zizek. This is what happens when you debate with the power of Marxism.

“Russia as a world leader in drug rehabilitation because they don’t pander to political correctness” is somewhat of a meme in right-wing tough-guy circles. I remember one troll posting gleefully about how much better Russia’s heroin rehabilitation programme is because they don’t give the addicts methadone but just chain them to beds for two weeks and, when the withdrawal kicks in and they start screaming, a big burly guy comes in and beats them with an iron bar. (Apparently the recidivism rate is very low.) Lobster Boy was probably thinking along similar lines.

> “Russia as a world leader in drug rehabilitation because they don’t pander to political correctness” is somewhat of a meme in right-wing tough-guy circles. This can kill people or cause permanent neurological damage. Fuck.
The straight withdrawal or getting beaten with an iron bar?
At least they'll deserve the suffering they inflict on themselves.
At least that's only opiates. Jorp's doing it with benzos.

Jesus Christ, what a fuckup. I can’t even enjoy this.

Yeah, never expected I’d actually feel sorry for JP. Benzo addiction is horrible enough, but jesus- the treatment method he went with could’ve killed him. Very well could still kill him, depending on how bad the damage is.
The article I read makes it seem as if he is on the mend, which is good news. According to his daughter, only Russian doctors had the "guts" to "medically detox" him, whatever that means. > She and her husband took him to Moscow last month, where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and put into an induced coma for eight days. She said his withdrawal was “horrific,” worse than anything she had ever heard about. She said Russian doctors are not influenced by pharmaceutical companies to treat the side-effects of one drug with more drugs, and that they “have the guts to medically detox someone from benzodiazepines.” Whatever is going on, I hope his medical choices are being made for medical reasons rather than weird philosophical ones.
yeah no, putting someone in a coma to treat an addiction is very dangerous and is not used in “the west” for a reason
I think that’s just because western doctors are gutless and intimidated by big pharma and the hysterical coma-phobic mobs.
All the article says about the treatment is “The nature of the therapy that Peterson has been receiving in Moscow isn't clear.” About the coma > The National Post, which regularly publishes Peterson’s opinion columns — the latest one last November — reports that the professor spent eight days in a medically induced coma in Moscow in an effort to fight off his lung infection. Which is done in the west. People are just speculating the coma was for the detox for some reason.
Western doctors tried to feed him a vegetable.
> Whatever is going on, I hope his medical choices are being made for medical reasons rather than weird philosophical ones. NARRATOR: welp
He can't handle titrating off benzo's, so he wants to be in a coma for 2 weeks soas to avoid physical discomfort. Of course no respectable dr. in the west would consider such ill-informed, dangerous treatment, but in Russia, drug addicts are treated as criminals, so, sure, we'll put you in a coma. I don't see philosophical ideas at play, except "Avoid physical discomfort at any cost".
> The article I read makes it seem as if he is on the mend, which is good news. Lol. Imagine not wanting that guy to die an unambiguously funny death.
I mean, I don’t like the guy but I don’t think that he literally deserves to die and I definitely don’t wish ill on his family.
Same. As always, good healthcare should be for everybody even people who think they found god in helping incels clean their room.
Ah. Well, that's where we differ, then.
Huh? Why would you want him to die?
... Why *wouldn't* you?
He is a bad person, he has spent years knowingly acting as a gateway to the alt right for thousands of impressionable young dorks, and the specific circumstances under which he might soon die are objectively funny as hell. It would literally make the world a better place, and isn't that what we all want?
Yeah definitely time for you to cool off here
So, what about their post is false? Why bounce on his flaccid, old-man dick?
Don’t tell me how to moderate this sub
I'm just asking what part of their post is false.
where did anyone claim that any part of that comment was "false"?
And I’m telling you not to question my mod decisions
Hope he sees this king
How is this downvoted? Do posters here not know anything about peterson? He routinely hocks nazi propaganda, he deserves worse that whatever happens to him.
So you don't think people should be punished for spreading nazi propaganda? Odd.
> The article I read makes it seem as if he is on the mend it read to me like he's basically completely fucked and probably permanently disabled, and Mikhaila is going "oh shit" and doing a quasi-Weekend at Bernie's saying everything's FINE
That’s fair. Essentially all of the information we have is directly from her with no corroboration anyway, so it is really up to you how much of her description of his condition you want to believe.
what's being described is the sort of thing that totally happens when you go off benzos cold-turkey, so that bit I'm inclined to believe - it sounds like a liar like every alt-med pusher ever, accidentally describing something accurately
Yeah it does sound plausible. I just wasn’t sure how much to trust the “western hospitals all misdiagnosed me” and “western hospitals refused to take commonsense steps to save me”. I’m sure Canadian docs screw up or have blind spots, but it’s also plausible that the family wanted a specific diagnosis and treatment for ideological reasons and they weren’t able to persuade a doctor to do so. From the few independent reporting I’ve seen it does sound as if Peterson was going through a genuinely brutal experience in his personal life (his wife’s illness) at the same time; that alone is enough to rattle when someone who was pretty stable before hand.
I can.
Real edgy
Hope he sees this
"I hope conservative daddy notices my edgy rebellion" is not any better a disposition than "teach me how to be a good person, conservative daddy."
You're very confused.
... Nope, want to try again? Maybe if you take a second try you'll be able to parse the comment you're responding to, rather than just spouting bullshit nonsense.
Why not? Evil people deserve to suffer.
There's no such thing as "evil people."
... I can't even imagine being this naive.
The whole idea of evil as a force in the world—as anything other than a description of behavior or events—is atavistic superstition. But go off about how naive *I* am, sure. E: Would love one of the downvoters (or badphil observers) to explain in what way evil is a *motive force* in the real world. Is it like the Holy Spirit, but naughty?
I mean, you're the one who apparently thinks there's no difference between good and bad. Also, what the fuck does this post even *mean*? What is this nonsense attempting to convey?
Of course there's a difference between good and bad, but that difference is subjective and socially constructed. The idea that some people are inherently "evil" and that their actions are motivated by their evilness is…I was going to say "medieval flimflam," but I guess I should get on your level and say "dumb as shit." Do you believe that Satan walks the earth, contesting with God for mortal souls? No? Then you shouldn't believe in "evil people" either.
> but that difference is subjective and socially constructed. Incorrect. I highly suggest picking up an introductory ethics textbook.
It's not incorrect, it's contested. You're both idiots.
Everything *can be* contested. That doesn't mean we need to qualify all of our fundamental beliefs by acknowledging that they're just, like, our opinion, man. But set aside the intractable problem that some people are idealists and some are materialists, some are moral objectivists and some are moral skeptics, and they're probably just never going to see eye to eye, even if they're polite to each other and don't just starting winging lazy insults around. The idea that some people are simply evil, and should be destroyed, is a powerfully corrosive one. For one thing, it's a form of dehumanization that can easily justify horrific violence, but for another, it damns the people who adopt it to perpetual befuddlement and ignorance. Why does Jordan Peterson promulgate such terrible ideas? He's evil. Why do so many people admire him and subscribe to his beliefs? They're evil. Why is it that, no matter how many evil people we destroy, evil movements like Nazism just keep coming back? Who cares!
>Everything can be contested. That doesn't mean we need to qualify all of our fundamental beliefs by acknowledging that they're just, like, our opinion, man. I didn't say they're "just, just, like, our opinion, man". I said it was contested. What that means is that there are good arguments for both sides and we don't have a clear definitive answer yet. >The idea that some people are simply evil You are attacking a straw man position that not many people actually hold. When people say someone is evil, they don't usually mean that person is inherently evil like some type of comic book supervillain. They mean that said person has *behaved* in a way they deem to be evil. >Why is it that, no matter how many evil people we destroy, evil movements like Nazism just keep coming back? You can objectively analyse why fascist movements came to power while still deeming their actions evil. This is not a very strong argument.
You’re ignoring the context completely. I’m not attacking a straw man; the guy I’m responding to thinks that Peterson is *inherently evil* and deserves to suffer for it.
Yikes. Hit me up in a few years when you've gotten to more advanced ethics classes. (And read Marx.)
Already read him, what do you have questions about? And why the fuck are you talking about Satan and nonsense like that? What delusions are you operating under?
> what do you have questions about? How can you pretend to have read Marx and studied philosophy and yet not have even the barest understanding of materialism?
A person can read a thing and understand a thing and still think that something else is true.
That's true, and yet in this particular case you're doing a very convincing impression of somebody who absolutely doesn't understand the thing.
I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/badphilosophy] [It's a crossover episode, folks!](https://www.reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/comments/f2g5r3/its_a_crossover_episode_folks/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*

Step 1: Fail to follow your own life coaching advice and develop a massive benzos addiction.

Step 2: Decide western medicine like “tapering off” is for chumps and go to Russia for medical care.

Step 3: Have shady Russian doctors put you in a medically-induced coma, because that totally helps with detox, right?

Step 4: Develop brain damage that inhibits your ability to speak, walk, and type.

Step 5: ????

Step 6: Have your equally-nutty daughter clean your room for you.

dark joke time

what has two legs, can’t talk, and crawls all over?

A lobster?

Somebody will definitely spin this as “his life has been ruined by the awful feminazis!”

when he was talking about dark feminine chaos energy, it was actually his subconscious yelling at him YOUR DAUGHTER IS TRYING TO KILL YOU

My favorite Russian detox story . . .

(This is not reported via a Medical Doctor, but I consider my source pretty good as she is a highly educated Russian professional immigrant to the American culture.)

It is a variation of the Milton Erickson / Richard Bandler instant psychotherapy cure. Three steps. Step one is hypnotize the patient. So obviously it requires a hypnosis-able subject and there is a wide variation on that. Step two is when you get the patient way down you tell him “this is what you are doing with the alcohol” (cigarettes, benzodiazepenes, whatever.) Step three is you smack the patient in the head with a hammer so hard they see stars but not hard enough to knock them out.

I think it’s fairly bad journalistic practice that this article only quotes his daughter, who sounds like a complete headcase in her own right.

You'd understand if you read the quotes in context, and also ate an all-meat diet.
I think there probably weren’t any other sources of information. They obviously couldn’t interview him or any of his doctors, nurses, etc.
1. This is a statement from his official YouTube channel. This is practically a press release, which it is standard practice to report. 2. She is not the only source the article cites for info about his treatment. It also cites The National post (and that she refused additional comment to the CBC). Additionally the article provides a lot of background info for his condition from a variety of sources. All I see is good “journalistic practice.”
while they did their best, it remains that Mikhaila is the only source of any of this information at all

The National Post, which regularly publishes Peterson’s opinion columns — the latest one last November — reports that the professor spent eight days in a medically induced coma in Moscow in an effort to fight off his lung infection.

He has suffered neurological damage, and cannot type or walk unaided, at present, the paper says.

he ded

Serious question: what does Jordan Peterson have to do with this sub?

Schadenfreude at the expense of IDW types, if you’re into that sorta thing.
What does this have to do with eg LessWrong? Be less glib with this answer
Wasn’t trying to be glib with that- basically my rationale right there.
Sneering at the misfortunes of IDW-adjacent types due entirely to their own hubris?
There’s already a subreddit called enoughidwspam, and another one for Peterson. In what way do you see Peterson as having anything to do with lesswrong or Silicon Valley?
Aside from occupying a similar intellectual niche among Very Online types in the alt-right? Not much directly, I suppose. Is that a problem?
tangential at best, but holy shit this news
I know I’ve been going mad over it IRL
it's not really on topic here otoh, it's abundantly clear that AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT LOLLOLOLOLLOL>LOLOLOLOLvdsfsdafsafsjhfdskjfdsgfaglfghewgw

Here lies a toppled gid

His fall was not a small one.

We did but build his oedestal

A narrow and a tall one.
