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r/SSC discovers that LessWrong and Slate Star Codex are required reading in Pinker's Rationality course (/r/slatestarcodex/comments/f1ogoi/steven_pinkers_harvard_course_rationality/)

I’m looking forward to the final project in which a student gets to Bayes out whether Pinker has assaulted children, determine that it’s likely, and then suggest that the world is getting better because Pinker probably hasn’t assaulted any children more recently.

The world is getting better all the time, because im assaulting less and less children as time goes on, was not rhe best follow up to The Better Angels of Our Nature.

I had a philosophy professor use Yud’s intro to Bayes in an uncertainty module. Never mentioned who the author was though. This is probably one of the less objectionable parts of Pinker’s class given he’s just going to have Michael Lewis and Richard Dawkins rant about their popsci books in a glorified networking function.

Arghh am i the only one who learned bayes from a non yud source?
Nate Silver had a great explanation of Bayes in *The Signal and the Noise*, using poker as its basis. Reading it in that context made it click for me.
I don’t have the book but I heard someone say that chapter was titled with a blatant reference to LessWrong.
the title is *Less and Less and Less Wrong*, but the footnote says it's for [Piet Hein](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Piet_Hein)
I learned from my wife, an ecologist. Her Ph.D. lab was Bayesian (and, I gather, controversial for it). I've always wanted to ask if SSC-style Bayesianism is anything like the real thing... but then I would have to explain SSC to her.
I learned from a non yud source. It was practically just a footnote on one of the slides for my advanced probability class.
What's wrong with Michael Lewis? The few books I've read by him were pretty good.
My philosophy professor name-dropped Scott in the middle of lecture. What a disappointment that was.

So who’s going to write “Steelmanning the Boundaries: Towards a Bayesian Hermeneutics of Post-structuralism”?

Wow, now you can pay to read LW! Truly innovative!

I wonder where we’d be had academics embraced the internet rather than consider it a garbage dump.

I will charitably interpret this as “My high school teacher didn’t allow me to just copy all information from Wikipedia”, because I have not met any academic who believes this. (Except some computer scientists who want to burn it all to the ground for different, and correct, reasons.)

Seriously Biggest complaint I’ve ever heard from any academic about the internet is being required to use absolutely garbage propriety software by their institution
yeah the software universities have to use is absolutely terrible like, i’ll just use this multi thousand dollar software that can’t be used anywhere but the CRT screen computer. oops, it’s bugged. good luck trying to contact them cuz the company is in a forgeign language
>What if "academics" *embraced* the garbage dump?

Holy shit he’s using that awful pablum from the conflict vs mistake thing

Jesus wept

>pablum * *n.* Trite, insipid, or simplistic writing, speech, or conceptualization. * *n.* A form of cereal for infants. * *n.* A diet that does not require chewing. Gonna keep that one in my pocket, thank you

Lesswrong? More like Morewrong

I’m pretty sure slate star codex and Scott Alexander are not anagrams, in that one of them has the letter N and one does not

Correct. The N is in the book in the logo of the blog.